Melanias_Sunglasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Best comment 😂😂 don’t know why someone would downvote it. Gotta have a sense of humor these days!

Melanias_Sunglasses 4 points ago +4 / -0

OMG I love this!! ♥️🐸. And how accurate- the slipper under the sofa 😂

Melanias_Sunglasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mid April is pretty early for graduation, no? Usually towards end of May?

Melanias_Sunglasses 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same! Can’t help but smile 🥰 and chuckle at it though! Love our prez!

Melanias_Sunglasses 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just catching up on some clips from the day and I literally just saw this on Twitter and instantly saw his face….definitely looked mad , but also seemed purposeful. But how I love it 🥰 Can’t help but smile

Melanias_Sunglasses 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just recently moved out of ATL(outskirts). I know that highway and airport route pretty well. Busy almost 24/7. Atlanta is a major major city and it’s a huge deal to shut down those roads. There’s no way they closed off the highway and Highway entrances for anything less than a presidential motorcade. That is one beautiful Presidential Motorcade.

Melanias_Sunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people get away with wearing them and look decent in them. But I just despise when Biden wears them. Looks like an idiot. Can’t pinpoint it; but just gets under my skin.
(Might I say, I know a thing or two about sunglasses 😎 lol)

Melanias_Sunglasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came to say something similar. The amount of secret service surrounding him….thats telling. And did you see Dan Scavino post of the motorcade on the way back to ATL airport?? They halted all traffic in Atlanta for it. I lived outside ATL for 5 years and that’s major stuff to halt traffic there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of it for anyone less than a President. (But we all know who the president is 😉)

Melanias_Sunglasses 4 points ago +4 / -0

My family is from Buffalo. Used to be blue collar and pretty based, at least in the parts some of my family is from. But the downtown area has become very blue and left leaning. I hate when cities are becoming taken over by such garbage.

Melanias_Sunglasses 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea I agree. I’m expecting the “they won’t happen” scenario also. But then again, they didn’t happen 4 years ago. I really can’t see them using a valid excuse to cancel them.

Melanias_Sunglasses 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do ya’ll think there will be presidential debates this year? I mean, it’s part of our American history that every election year the presidents debate. Trump would crush Bidet- literally walk all over him. The left knows this. So I wonder, how will they try and ‘rig’ the debate or make sleepy joe look good? I don’t think they can. I think they’re going to make some excuse or “event” to cancel the debates. But I also think they’ve run out of excuses. Can’t hide him in the basement again. How do you see it playing out?

Melanias_Sunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

I usually take either the Gaia brand or Whole Foods brand of capsules. Never have issues with it being hot. Occasionally I’ll burp and get a strong oregano taste 😂 but not hot. I did accidentally break a capsule once and tried the inside- it is super spicy! I’ve never gotten heartburn from it, but ironically one time I had heartburn from something else and took a oregano capsule and it eased my heartburn 🤷🏼‍♀️

Melanias_Sunglasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

I usually go to Whole Foods and get one of the brands they have there. Sometimes I get the actual Whole Foods brand, 365 or another brand called Gaia. This past time I got Nature’s Way. I’ve accidentally broken one of the capsules before and it’s spicy!

Melanias_Sunglasses 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe that most of us here at GAW agree Flynn is a good pick. We also agree that he’s been very involved in the grassroots movement like you noted. But I’m curious- do you think the normal every day person is aware of Flynn and his great work in the past couple of years? To put another way, is Flynn making appearances on Fox and other media outlets that the average person might watch? (Not saying Fox is good, I just am curious if Flynn is out there in the general public as well as grassroots efforts).

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