This is good stuff. Sometimes operating in the enemy battlespace and using their terms can be useful as a model to understand what is happening. Use of the enemy terms and operating in their battlespace does not make us "sympathizers" as is wrongly interpreted. We must breakdown what the enemy is doing in order to counter. This is just logical.
Yes, educate. We must defuse the "Nazi pivot" now. I believe that is our mission beyond Q besides disclosing all the hidden tech and health info in a usable way.
Globalist plans appear to be Weimar-Nazi pivot capped by Project BlueBEAM.
Battle 1: Communist infiltration and takeover - CONCLUDING
Battle 2: Nazi sleepers that infiltrated prior to Commies attempting "Nazi pivot" with nationalist figurehead- JUST STARTING
Battle 3?: Rogue Technocracy actors, possibly in alliance with alien entity (AI replaces God psyop).
Merriam-Webster definition #2:
linchpin. n. 2: one that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit; Ex: the linchpin in the defense's case
The unit or system falls apart without the linchpin, but there is another part. And that is the Federal Reserve. That is why DOGE is going after the Treasury Payment System. Recall that Federal Reserve was merged into the Treasury on 27MAR2020, but the media (censored web search, etc.) is doing everything in their power to hide this VERY IMPORTANT fact. [Corrected from 03MAR]
At least 10% are not real, imo. We should get actual numbers next week. “Fake people” getting auto deposit paycheck or paper check delivered to a box will be unable to take the buyout package (theoretically) or show up in person on Feb 6th. Automatic termination.
We just fixed the glitch.
-Trump admin
Chinese prostitutes?
fyi...Defense contractors CEOs being required to personally certify “no DEI” on new rider for ALL contracts per EO. DoD is effectively modifying all defense contracts and terminating or transferring to competition if CEOs do not comply. HR getting locked down while CEO nuts in vice. CEOs get booted (by Board) along with woke HR if contracts lost.
Boss move.
I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it further.
-Trump’s 2 sentence EO seizing Blackrock’s Ukraine assets
Tulsi vote Tuesday.
It is worse than most realize. Senators of a state must receive all pay and benefits from the state they represent. Emoluments from non state or foreign sources are grounds for treason under all state constitutions. Federal gov’t is a foreign entity to the sovereign state. Problem: a US Treasury-owned Municipal Service Corp (MSC) has been placed ON TOP of each sovereign state in violation of Article IV, Section 4. “Corporate form of gov’t” in states is Constitutionally PROHIBITED, explicitly. Sovereignty has been usurped.
Same issue with all “Representatives”.
Maybe they can if their "identity" is licensed. I suspect that there is at least on Hollywood actor (not Carey) that has been dead for at least 8 years, but keeps appearing in contemporary movies via masks, CGI, and greenscreen. Theoretically, a "likeness" of a person can be used via AI generation, etc. to appear in movies forever with the owner of the likeness (rather than the dead person) profiting.
He's gonna get typecast as ice-cream loving "creepy grandpa" in all his roles.
Correct. "Ring model" represents the "normie layers" using current definitions and current systems which are not really correct. Another layer down, one could argue it is a straight line, but going from the top to the bottom with Individual rights at the top and Collective privileges at the bottom with Fascism and Communism the same non natural law "privilege" end point.
Correct. Right/Left is fake to begin with, but that is a second level down. Collective rights = privileges, not rights. Nationalist figurehead controlled by a Corporate Oligopoly can appear to be "right wing", but it is really also socialist. Globalist Communist "One World Gov't" turns out to look nearly identical to the "Extreme Right" when they both want to murder you and your family if you do not comply.
Correct. The "right wing" label has intentionally been obfuscated to confuse everyone. It really is "Individual rights" (natural rights from God) vs "Collective rights" (privileges provided by either a Corporation or the Gov't). Take away rights and replace with privileges. This is the whole purpose of the left/right fake paradigm.
Correct. This is "normie layer" model to explain what we are currently being told with current definitions (even if they are really wrong). You have to go one layer deeper to understand that Socialism via Corporation and Socialism via Gov't are really the same thing as you are saying. This seems to be too complex for most people to understand.
Important part of "Government is a necessary evil" is NOT "necessary", it is "evil" for the very reasons you cite.
I don't know details, but keep in mind that SCOTUS ruled on 6-28-24 with Chevron Doctrine strikedown that nearly 95% of the Executive Branch "rules and regulations" that are not LAWS are null and void, from their inception. This may apply to depts/organizations stood up by the Executive Branch without a Congressionally approved LAW as well per Executive authority deference. [on 6-27-24 all non Article III courts and bodies also ruled unconstitutional. Deep State got legally dismembered last summer, Trump is just enforcing it now.]
On 7-1-24 they ruled that Executive branch employess have zero immunity for "unofficial acts". Pretty sure laundering money and defying EOs and direct Presidential orders are "unofficial acts".
EO13818 may apply all the way down to the CITY CORP level. It is suspected that CITY CORPs owned by COUNTY CORPs, owned by STATE CORPs (Municipal Service Corps ON TOP of sovereign states, setup by DC-based American Bar Assoc. Corp), all owned by US Treasury, Executive Branch:
Can we drop a giant vat of Ivermectin on USAID?
-RFK Jr.
If US CORP still exists and sovereign states have not terminated the contract with the STATE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CORP owned by the Treasury Dept, then this ALSO applies to all STATE CORP GOV'T and their subsidiaries the COUNTY CORPS. So all Country CORP Treasurers laundering money using unconstitutional property taxes and title theft are subject to having their personal assets seized under EO13818. Also, 7-1-2024 SCOTUS immunity ruling definitively stripped all Article II, Executive branch employees of immunity for "unofficial acts", and title theft and extortion are clearly NOT "official acts" for Executive branch CORPORATE officers known as COUNTY CORP TREASURER.
Nearly all counties were turned into corporations by 1966, and nearly all cities by 1999. They are all owned by the US CORP Treasury which may have been merged into the Republic Treasury Dept. already.
Key text pertinent to current AND FORMER gov't officials:
(B) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:
(1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or
All notices, extensions, and letters to Congress related to EO13818 may be found here. There appear to be 13 instances found in the search.
20DEC2017 - Original signed by Donald J. Trump PDF:
18DEC2018 - Extension signed by Donald J. Trump
18DEC2019 - Extension signed by Donald J. Trump
16DEC2020 - Extension signed by Donald J. Trump
16DEC2021 - Extension signed by J.R. Biden Jr.
12DEC2022 - Extension signed by J.R. Biden Jr.
18DEC2023 - Extension signed by J.R. Biden Jr.
11DEC2024 - Extension signed by J.R. Biden Jr.
Looks like restraint to avoid poor optics. No need to surround the building with troops when you can just turn off badges and reset passwords.
Let’s just unplug this right here:
...but he's also a corrupt dictator...
It is quite odd for a “corrupt dictator” to purge globalist criminals and foreign agents from its own government. Anytime Western media says “corrupt dictator” read “law-based Executive enforcing national sovereignty over globalist organized crime”. The presence of foreign agents in a sovereign gov’t allows it to be controlled by foreign entities and then makes it easy to loot that sovereign nation of its wealth, impoverishing its citizens permanently.
Xi, Modi, MBS (Saudi), and others also did their own “Anti-Corruption purge”. Ours is underway now and likely will be complete by July 7, 2025.
~2011; “Putin’s Self-Destruction: Russia’s New Anti-Corruption Campaign Will Sink the Regime”:
CIA nutsack removed 18NOV2020 with removal of control of Special Forces and with cutting of 100% of “anti-terror” funding on 05JAN2021:
It is suspected that control of J6 operation switched to FBI after the J5 funding cut (my speculation).