A dumb person playing a slightly retarded girl acting stupid. Dumbception?
...slow, but NOT retarded...autistic, but NOT retarded...dumb, but clearly NOT retarded...never go FULL RETARD.
-Some meme
Author: Jessica Moore
Published: 12:35 PM CST November 8, 2024
Updated: 8:27 PM CST November 11, 2024
“At 100 years old, Jimmy Carter is the oldest nominee for 2025 Grammy Awards”: https://www.kens5.com/article/news/politics/jimmy-carter/jimmy-carter-grammy-nomination/85-5b783415-5022-40ee-8013-decd27cf69a6
Nov 9, 2012
Two years ago [2010], former President Jimmy Carter announced to the world that he was battling cancer. He told an assembled press that he had melanoma and that it had spread to his brain. But less than a year later, a smiling former president was even more upbeat and excited as he announced that after a full round of treatment that the cancer had been beaten back.
Hilarious...you hopped on that one.
Ghosts in the (election) machine?
Possible seizure of asset from globalist crime-ridden Denmark official owner, but possibly was really controlled by London bankers or Vatican who are the real “world crime lords” being taken down.
Replacement 50th state once Hawaii is given its independence again? US Territories are used as Deep State crime hubs so they either need to be truly independent and sovereign or made sovereign states outside of control of DC, imo. Including Puerto Rico. All Federal Territories controlled directly from DC as vassal states and fiefdoms.
Greenland as a US state would be incredible. Alaska of the east and transit hub Canada-to-Europe for energy pipelines.
Rofl...fucking savage AND accurate
Great point. Tension appears to be building right now. We might get a surprise with redo of election prior to Jan5 with paper ballots under military supervision. Court precedents already set for 1. Redo as remedy to hosed up election, 2. Paper ballot as remedy to machine fraud. 3rd precedent still pending - military supervision due to foreign interference (i.e. violation of EO13848). But this is clearly happening. I am seeing it first hand.
Funny and brilliant. Memesmith used white shirts as reference to Diddy’s “White Parties”. Big Mike not quite big enough, but excellent work on display here.
Correct. He will not say “zionist”. Off limits. However strings may have been cut or are being cut. InfoWars was created as front operation by Mossad to herd “conspiracy theorists” and suppress and debunk all things “zionists”. It was intentional “steal the market” operation from Bill Cooper who was murdered by Mossad agents posing as law enforcement.
Rofl...this is why it is funny. Reportedly, his mustache is his prized possession with lots of obvious TLC. He probably has his own name for it that is not “Mustacchio”. That is my very uncreative moniker.
Yeah. It is a bit tongue in cheek because I have a follow-up meme with Putin wearing Bolton’s “defected” mustache to be deployed shortly. Waiting for Vlad P to pop back into news to deploy.
Defecting mustache memes...yes, this is where we are now in clownworld.
“Threat of disclosure” is actually a psyop as well. And apparently a damn effective one in getting people in line. If whitehats now hold all blackmail info as suspected, then they are wise to tactically deploy it ONLY as needed to complete the overall strategic mission. Until the overall mission phase is complete “crimes disclosure” is likely to be very limited. 04JUL2026 is a good marker for end of this phase.
Nov. 14, 2024, 8:14 a.m. ET; "John Bolton calls Matt Gaetz as AG ‘the worst nomination for a cabinet position in American history’ ": https://nypost.com/2024/11/14/us-news/john-bolton-calls-matt-gaetzs-ag-nomination-worst-in-american-history/
Well, it must be the worst nomination for a cabinet position in American history.
Gaetz is not only totally incompetent for this job, he doesn’t have the character. He is a person of moral turpitude, and notwithstanding how difficult it may be politically, this is a nomination the Republican Party should oppose.
John Bolton, a key adviser to President-elect Donald Trump during his first term in office, told NBC’s “Meet the Press NOW” Wednesday.
END of military (Joint Chiefs) and intelligence agency usurpation of C-I-C. Eisenhower complained about it to Congress in 1958 letter.
Eisenhower & Team’s 66 year and 6 month plan to Save America: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQSgzHq/the-66-year-and-6-month-plan-to-/c/
66 years and 6 months 04JAN1960 to 04JUL2026: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=04&m1=1&y1=1960&d2=4&m2=7&y2=2026
Possibly. McKinley VP got murdered right before McKinley himself asassinated. Teddy installed as McK VP. This is how he became POTUS. A bit suspect, but cabal plan possibly co-opted.
We have been waiting 64+ years already...nearly there now.
66 years and 6 months 04JAN1960 to 04JUL2026: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=04&m1=1&y1=1960&d2=4&m2=7&y2=2026
Eisenhower & Team’s 66 year and 6 month plan to Save America: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQSgzHq/the-66-year-and-6-month-plan-to-/c/
66 years and 6 months 04JAN1960 to 04JUL2026: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=04&m1=1&y1=1960&d2=4&m2=7&y2=2026
Eisenhower & Team’s 66 year and 6 month plan to Save America: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQSgzHq/the-66-year-and-6-month-plan-to-/c/
AP News finally called it. Chart update timestamp (website timezone not clear): “Updated Nov 14, 2024, 2:15 PM”; appears to have happened sometime in last few hours 11 PM to 2 AM EST. https://apnews.com/projects/election-results-2024/?office=H
Very nice! And turn Teddy Roosevelt into Reagan or Kennedy. True Patriots only allowed.
Angry members of Unemployed Workers of America (UWA) Union go on strike. /s
You are welcome. It appears that tied House delegations (4 Rep, 4 Dems for example) could go either way so they are excluded from “Repub controlled” count of 30.
Very likely before Trump inauguration, imo. Not sure of details, but JC appears to be last remaining “legacy” part of a Democrat Continuity of Gov’t (COG) scheme as former C-I-C. Possibly related to the Dems “Shadow Gov’t” they are currently setting up in House.
“C-I-Cs hold COG power until public death? (GHW Bush forcibly removed from COG theory)”: https://greatawakening.win/p/16b64KeljM/is-there-a-continuity-of-governm/
It appears to be an attempt to ‘Out Devolve’ Devolution using JC as notional figurehead. Once JC is publicly dead they may have to pivot. Obama, Bush, Clinton likely have sealed indictments for treason and are ineligible to be in COG chain of command, it appears. All other former C-I-Cs and VPs are either deceased or ineligible, except Trump.