I encourage everyone to read the full article.so much for “The UN” to be an equal player(we knew that) but who knew Rwanda supplied most of “the UN” troops? So the UN isn’t into diversity Just control? One would think there would be group of highly skilled diverse people supplying the UN with “soldiers” No? Just Rwanda? How much $ goes to the UN? How much to the “UN” Soldiers? 🤷♀️
Agree! With the A$$whole perspective! But in all truth (which SHOCKINGLY) he’s telling ….apparently we (our Govern-ya-much) have (with out our knowledge, or lack of disclosure) allowed it or they wouldn’t be allowed to land… who was in charge?
Everyone should watch the RSBN Live from when The President touched down in CA meeting No nuts (Newscum) on the tarmac until the end (Great air shots of M1) Priceless! It’s long, all live, including the “press conference” ( it’s awesome) guessing MSM is cherry picking their narrative off of this live feed. But I don’t watch msm
Fearing for my Neices’ squirrel Garth tonight, hoping The state of Oregon doesn’t come after him, he’s pretty spoiled also,They found him on the ground(fell out of a tree) entire family nursed Garth, from feedings, proving housing/building his habitat, taking care of his health…(maybe he’s safe) but “they” (the govern-ya-much) did let let his “natural habitat” burn on labor day 2020……save an owl (kill a States economy) kills squirrel?
‘He lost the opening move” ? So “she” ( the current VP of the US) won 2 quarters, because she could memorize shit? And “he” was surprised by her aggressiveness because she hauled butt to him to meet him for the 1st time? She was probably very excited to meet a real President, unlike creepy, sleepy, crooked Joe…… If only she was this aggressive on the Border, crime, fair elections…..thinking she looked like the loser tonight🤷♀️
Born & raised in OR, after the white spotted owl fiasco, which took our family logging business, We left in 2000, moved to tx, ms, id, or, tx, ga, la, ok, wa, back to ga! I watched my hometown burn Labor Day weekend from wa state….my family & friends fighting fires…..terrible what has become of The Great Pacific NW.
So do the dead ones ..Getting a drivers license in WA state in Jan 2020 was a joke, dmv’s closed, make an appointment online and gather your documents and wait for 9 months( because Of Covid, all federal, state, county, city down) only to be rescheduled until after voting, but Idiot Inslee declared himself the winner within 30 minutes….if only DMV worked as well as mail in voting..Oregon is worse!
Only counting Actual American citizens votes….right? Or our “new neighbors” (20 million & counting) who get foodstamps, ( more than Americans) lodging (more than Americans) and get issued a “drivers license” without speaking the language (all funded by us) but they get registered to vote in certain blue states.,…But to prove you’re an American to vote you have to have a BC, marriage license, SSN, Gov issued ID…in the current state you live……….mail in voting is the worst scam!
$$$, polls cost $, knowing where to “poll”? priceless. I believe polls when 10% of America is polled. 5000 people polled in a country of 336,765,424 population? Not buying it, I live in a 3500 pop town, polls of 5000 doesn’t mean much….
Plant that seed, grow it, nurture it, weed it, feed it, grow it, harvest it, cook it ,sew it, can it, share it, make it, bake it, build it, create it, above all Share the knowledge with your Children, Grandchildren and Communities….it takes a village…not a “govern-ya-much”! Get planting, building, creating, teaching our future!