But updated Midevil…..You mean like gullitines That a prior administration ordered? 🤷♀️shouldn’t tax payer $ be used to ensure justice is servered in America? It’s OUR $$$ All of it! To Bad we don’t spend it on Americans & Justice, but without our consent it’s sent overseas and Does NOTHING to help AMERICANS. 🤷♀️
I’m flipping channels after the debate & Newscum is all in bye-bye Biden on msnbc, asked about replacing byden, no, everybody has a bad day😂🤣 Replacement incoming……..msnbc is “glad the debate happened early” joy Reid 😂🤣
I live in SW GA,( very rural) have seen lots of chem trails here in the last 2 yrs, but the last 2 weeks, nothing! We also have nice fluffy clouds and no “wavy” (HAARP)clouds either. Some days were like checkerboards here.
My 2 yr old beagle is so vocal, while tracking a scent, when she wants to go for a ride & can’t…wants food, very vocal, very loving, sweet, love her! Only evil removes the vocal cords and then experiments…..special place in hell for those who did/do this!
Sat right behind him, while he claimed “it wasn’t me” it was the NIH, they authorized it, all pay to play..welcome to the swamp….rules benefit them & don’t forget always have plausible deniability…”I Never discuss my “govern-ya-much” job with my spouse who runs the NIH, & funds my demented “ research” (NOT GAIN OF FUNCTION, according to Fauci’s “broad definition” ) 🤡 Thanks for the funding honey🤡
Just watched the entire thing, it’s long! Only 1 commercial break 1/2 way through,but only 4 minutes. So many names dropped, so many deep state connections, corruption, spiderweb connections through out our Govern-ya-MUCH! Great wake up for some, and vindication for others.
Thinking back to my ancestors( I did my genealogy, back to the 1640’s not ancestry.com) who were fighting small pox(with gov infected blankets) while being forced out of GA & sent to OK…….dont recall any “vaccinations” on the trail, just a lot of tears. But now we have a shot or pill for everything when all we really need is nature! Nothing cooked up in a lab! plant that seed! Nurture it, weed it, feed it, grow it, harvest it, cook it, can it, share it, bake it, create it, build it!
I’m thinking the “Answer” to our Country’s current INVASION @ The Open Border is Bumper to Bumper on the US Border, with some BBQ, bathrooms and brotherhood OF AMERICANS! If “our” Govern-ya-much can pay illegals to enter the country ILLEGALLY, house them, feed them, bail them out, give them benefits due to MONEY FROM AMERICAN CITIZENS..surely they can pay Americans to stop them?🤷♀️ No? Oh I forgot our $, not our choice, it’s theirs, and Americans pay $$ through taxes & suffer the consequences!
Found it on X (Twitter ) through the oversight committee page I follow, redirected me to utube, link found on oversight committee on X. Lots of drama! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naaFmY7mIjw&ab_channel=GOPOversight
Can they isolate the virus? Prove the “jump” or Are they just modeling ($$$) the “Bird Flu” like they did the Rona #’s like UW did when Rona hit, that was parroted by fauxi & birx praising their #’s with tons of federal $$$? Definitely not BS, we all know our Govern-ya-MUCH would Never lie to us! 😂🤣
Anybody watching the melt down on msnbc,cnn…..priceless😂🤣also anybody looking at heights of people on stage? Great speech! Loved all the Gold accents & ballon’s along side the Red White & Blue….