Ain't no dam croat know shit about fuck. Fake news. Obv hope he's right but this like my sister's uncle's goldfishes boyfriend heard type level of shit.
I suggest that wherever you are where that happened ya fuckin move.
Idk wtf y'all live but besides restaurants being closed for two months. You could leave your house and go wherever the F you wanted round these parts.
I never had to stop going to work for a single day. There was no lockdown in the US as far as I'm concerned. Also New York and Cali are part of China. So in "America* there wasn't.
Bruh joni ain't no RINO she's a MF combat vet.
That's the fakest shit I've ever seen. You actually believe that vid??
Wow CNN actually roasting that b**** and they ain't just doing it to look good they really doing it
Elon should buy KIEV and rename it MUSKOW π
I will never forgive these fuck asses for making my fuckin kid with asthma wear a wet warm mask in his face 8 hours a day in the summer. KAD!
Prolly a hat of some color making a last stand on the roof. Let's hope black.
Cause it was prolly piloted by a tranny POC with a liberal arts degree
All hotties no fatties. That's what happens when there's not a fuckin Macdougall and a Starbucks on every fuckin corner.
They're just tryna Katrina desantis like they did with W
Thank you for your service. And I don't dis value your opinion whatsoever. But as an admirer of George Washington I have no love for red coats.
Bros I'm from Iowa and trust when I say this MF really just talking bout corn.
Those pussys don't even have guns. Britain cant even do tyranny right. There's a reason we chucked their shitty tea in the harbor.
I don't think he's implying banging her I believe he means when they met. Not to stick up for him he's a dam pedo but I think this is out of context.
Guy at work just got this. Paralyzed all the way down. Dad got it in Feb too. Everyone is SOOOOOO baffled. Guess what tho. Both Colbert viewers. My dad is almost better but I gar-an-tee he goes and gets the fifth shot. ππππ
How do you "loudly" send a bus. GTFO with that quietly bullshit. Just as bad as baffled.
I also saw that as well. If there was still real news they'd be all over this.
Well to be fair there are no people on Twitter so..... π
Anyone got the vid without this dumb hoe squawking???
Sounds like you need to try harder you sound like a purple hair cricket eater.