I had a dream last night Trump was assasinated. It had been some time and was common knowledge, we were all sitting around talking about how great he was, and it hit me, like "oh shit, hes really gone." Was pretty sureal.
Despite all that, this is laughable. The tech Iran wishes it had lololol.
Can we fast forward to a star treak society where everyone is expected to be intelligent, with a generally well rounded knowledge of all forms of science, because we hold humanity to a higher standard.
Instead of this barbarian keep the bar low and know your place commie utopian lie?
Its a Republic not a gosh damn Democracy. I hate that grift so much lolol.
We must invade Iraq to perserve... Democracy.
Republicans are a threat to our Democracy.
We must vax the masses in the name of Democracy!
Every damn time.
As a cynical doomer at heart, (lol) I agree with this.
Trumps stance is a rational. He can't stop the propaganda, he cant reverse the brainwashing. He can't alienate half the country. He shouldn't become a becon for them to attack us and our stance against the vax.
The best thing to do is to remain neutral, promote unity, provide a middle ground, and push things along quickly, allowing the truth to expose itself, as it always does eventually.
The faster it happens. The quicker people will wake up.
I wouldn't say forcing Japan to attack us is a conspiracy. We were practically doing it openly. I think we knew we were going to war with Germany and we wanted the Japanese to be buisy at their home front.
(It doesn't line up that way, we didnt know we were going to war with Germany. Not publicly. I think we did on a classified level.)
We might of had our asses handed to us if Japan and Germany were more united.
Japan was also commiting war crimes on the enterty of Asia at the time. I would have embargoed them too. (And I love Japan)
I would say choosing to attack Germany over Russia may have been a bad move. That whole ww2 scenario, to me, is where the conspiracies lie. (Not a nazi sympathizer, I just agree with Patton.)
However, I think the reasoning even for that was because Japan was terrifying. We could handle Russia in the aftermath more than a Fascist Europe partnered with Imperial Japan & a concored Asia.
Instead we got contents freed from 1000s of years of imperalism. Fighting over the choice to become communist or democratic. Easier for us to mold that way.
Before Veitnam, I think we still had a good core.
They definitely killed JFK so we could invade Veitnam tho. Things certainly went downhill after WW2.
Man. I was always awake. Idk. My family calls me an old soul.
Iv always enjoyed news, politics, and conspiracies. Even as a young kid. However, I distinctly remember knowing that the televison is all lies. Sorta weird, just knew it. Like a voice in my head. Probably god lol.
Knowing everything they were saying was bs, or ment to manipulate, has yet to ever steer me wrong. Iv been right about so many things. Even debating wwith my conservitive, yet Bush loving (till recently) parents. (Dont worry, I hated Obama and the clintons too)
Id simply believe the opposite of the news, and low and behold, I was always right! Lol. Tho it may have taken my parents awhile to realize it.
Its insaine how much an organization can be wrong, consistantly. Yet still hold some credibility, or significance in the mind of the masses.
Was my friends property. Also found a Carl Sagan book he let me keep. Pretty cool.