MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. He found out about Eisenhower's DEF camps for the Germans which killed more in after-war peace time that all of the European Theater during the war.

This link gives a very good look into the Historical facts on it and several other things relevant.

MordenGeist 0 points ago +1 / -1

“For God does not show favoritism.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I've always had an issue with this one. It's patently false with the entire Bible as reference with examples....but it is to the "Romans", so go figure.

Edit fix: "by the Romans" --> "to the Romans" Dumb mistake. knew what I was trying to say, just came out wrong.

by Quelle
MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

This video needs to be catalogued as Historical context for the new books that are going to be written for Schools.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

You have to put these things in context. It is much easier, logistically, for a single Country to do this than the entirety of the US.

Example: France, in the vid, actually fits into the state of Texas. Ergo, this would be like Texas shutting down....but that's not going to happen because of the interconnectivity of ALL states/highways. Each state is not its own country, thereby making it multitudes of difficulty higher on the "we should do this" ladder. States have Autonomy to a point, but we are all part of a greater Union of States.

It will have to involve ALL states....so basically, on an equivalency, the entirety of Europe (which fits into the size of the US with room to spare) would have to all do this at the same time.

All that said, there may yet come a point where states unite to collectively shout, "ENOUGH!"....and I welcome it.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent reference. Thanks for that 👍

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mhm, pretty much the point I was trying to make. Theres a fight between good guys and bad guys for control......not sure who's winning in this particular scenario at the moment. Just making theories/possibilities based on info at hand.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

no clear winner right now in this specific context. Very clear there's a fight for control, however.

In short, both theories make sense (the other that Trump set all this up before hand) and I'm no savant, just someone who makes observations and extrapolates possibilities based on available info...past and present.

MordenGeist 13 points ago +13 / -0

Plausible Theory: The Deepstate wants those left there to die at the hands of a terrorist attack, like the Marines the other day, to have excuse to go back in ANOTHER War to "take revenge on those Taliban terrorists".

Afghanistan was/is a massive money laundering Operation with fringe benefits: child trafficking, Opium, etc. Massive amounts of cash (trillions) were funneled thru Afghanistan then right into the elites pockets. It was meant to be a forever War.

Trump changed all that. Biden/his handlers fucked it up on purpose. Think about it: Trump laid out a plan that plan was executed in exact OPPOSITE manner once the Cabal got back in power.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

....and McCain. One dirty son of a bitch, that one. Glad he's gone.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh, I was going off memory of a skit I saw long ago. Figure I did alright.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

Heard her live as a call-in to the Andrew Wilkow show on Patriot Radio (SXM).

Now lemme tell ya somethin...ain't much on this Earth is hard enough to break me down, but listening to her while traveling across country both pissed me off and broke me at the same time. Been a while since these eyes got a little misty...

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

George Carlin: " half the people on the planet are dumb....and half of those are even dumber than that."

by BQnita
MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

LoL...that's great 🤣👍

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now THAT is what I expect of a Marine.

Any Marines out there reading this, THERE is your standard to match. Step up. BE A MARINE.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, I can understand.

It's pretty tough talking shit when your mouth is stuffed full of crow.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uhhh, you didn't read Q if that's your position. Q explicitly stated many times to be prepared, not only for "The Storm", but also for emergencies that may arise due to all the chaos.

Key search "prepare". Quite a few that relates directly to us getting our collective shit together.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good point. I'll sand the paint off the Easton Baseball bat, and have it repainted "Love and Kindness".

Me: "I love you, man" WHACK WHACK

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's #2 all the way, cuz if it aint, we're all gonna be takin it in the #2.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Having been raised on a farm myself, I can second this factoid. Some critters are mean with their first breath....just like some Humans.

MordenGeist 15 points ago +15 / -0

Clearly, you've never had to use a firearm with extreme prejudice except maybe in Call of Duty.

Those of us who have been to REAL War know what its like to take a life. You don't do that unless you have to and it's something you never...ever... forget. Right now, WTF you think would happen if 5 million+ vets (estimated living in US) decided to wage War? Have you any clue? It's gonna be a fuckin no-holds barred event when the Dogs of War are let loose. No ROE to hold us back. None of us want that, but we will not shy from it. The Oath is forever.

We're allowing what little is left of the Laws and Constitution to WORK before we have no other choice. Everyone will know if we reach that point. Opening fire in our own Country upon other countrymen, even if they are Communist assholes, is an absolute LAST resort. If they begin coming door to door like in Australia, that changes the game and [they] know it.

In short, STFU, sit down, and allow this to play out. When the time comes, we'll be handing out ass-woopins aplenty but NOT before its time.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

That last bit sums all of it up nicely. Said the same thing many times over the years.

by gamepwn
MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came to say something similar. They have no idea.

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