MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Who could this race be"

Just an Enigmatic and Wistful Stock of people? I dunno >.>

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bitch in the second vid gives me the creeps. She always reminded me of the Canadians in South Park; like her lower skull is detached by a line. Look at her and tell me it aint so...ugh!

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. A modern Cruise missile is synonymous with a drone being flown by a computer, GPS, and visual markers to ensure it's path is obstruction-free. Much more agile and precise than a human can do. So, yes, they can dip and bob in a microsecond to hit a target...albeit mostly in a forward momentum flight path.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is correct, it was junk debris they trucked in and scattered. The original vids and pictures show no plane parts, much less engines, anywhere in sight.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

We, The US, have shipping containers hiding missiles/launch systems that can be moved into your neighborhood and you'd never know what it was.

Currently, these systems are positioned all over the US and moved regularly.

Now you know.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Further exemplifies my point: a sudden explosion, no plane parts, no persistent black roiling smoke synonymous with burning JP8 fuel.

Have I seen that vid? Yes. It is part of the proofs I offered long ago after my own investigation on the matter when I was still in the military. My efforts were for naught: all of it was shut down.

As for where it came from? Easily a number of places. We, The US, have shipping containers hiding missiles/launch systems that can be moved into your neighborhood and you'd never know what it was.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

From Merriam-Webster:

airplane noun air·​plane ˈer-ˌplān : a powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings from which it derives most of its lift

Cruise Missiles are defined as aircraft.

Q would not answer to directly implicate such an atrocity. Q WOULD answer in a general manner that could be taken however a predetermined group conscious bias has already been accepted. Many drops are proof of this. Additionally, it was said more than once, that drops were not necessarily meant for us and had additional meanings. Q also said some drops were disinformation. That can go two ways.

I'm telling you what I know from years of experience investigating such things, not as some basement dwelling wanna-be who read a wiki page wanting internet clout.

I'll say it again: It was a cruise missile.

MordenGeist 110 points ago +111 / -1

People say what they know. "Scud" missile. No.

It WAS, however, a cruise missile. My background has many things and many hats I wore while serving in the Military. One of these hats was an Aircraft Mishap Investigator. What significance is that? Glad you asked and I'll be as brief as possible to get the point across.

As an Investigator, you are trained in all sorts of "tells" so you can identify what went wrong by looking at a heap of metal confetti and a smoking hole. This ranges in everything of flight characteristics of all types of aircraft, to what systems it carries/uses. In this particular context, there is absolutely NO commercial pilot good enough to fly 4-5 feet off the ground over varied terrain, through telephone poles and streetlights, to hit the exact spot where auditing was taking place by internal investigations in the disappearance of 3.2 trillion dollars (remember rumsfeld on live TV talking about it?).

Added to that, I served almost 7 yrs in Special Ops during the 90's and have seen up close what a cruise missile does, as well its aftermath. "Up close" being relative to not being part of the blast for any pedants out there.

  • Fact: There is ZERO chance any aircraft built, or the parts that make it up, can punch thru 5 layers of spaced reinforced concrete plus internal beams and walls of someplace like the Pentagon. It would absolutely disintegrate within the first "ring", mostly upon smashing the first outer wall.

  • Fact: A cruise missile can punch thru 5 layers/walls; that IS what it is made to do.

The hole size of the Pentagon does NOT match up with the airframe size, nor does it have ANY of the traits associated with an aircraft hitting the site...but a cruise missile does.


  • There was a hole for a "fuselage" which is the lightest and most destructible part of any aircraft, but there were NOT any holes punched for the engines which are the heaviest and most dense metal content?

  • If you view the photos of the up close aftermath, it shows floors of the building sheared away from the blast. Ok, by why are there wooden desks, chairs, pictures on walls still, and unburnt papers on those floors? Aren't aircraft full of fuel that would have incinerated all of that? Would a quick flash-blast of an explosive warhead leave some things untouched as they were shielded from the blast by a lower floor?

  • Why wasn't the grass burnt to the dirt by spilled jet fuel? Why wasn't the asphalt burnt the same? Why were walls not charred black by burning JP8 fuel?

Hint: these questions are called rhetorical.

I said it the day it happened and I've been saying it ever since: That was not a plane that hit the Pentagon, it was a cruise missile.

by wrmevlp
MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was thinking about moving back to Oklahoma. My old stomping grounds/where I was raised.

Maybe it's time to move back....

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Updoot for one of the best sci-fi shows of all time reference.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Robert Sepehr, one of the only ancient historians I listen to, can be found on YT. HIGHLY recommend. His vids are excellent and delve into all things the cabal try to hide, including this topic of bloodlines.

He's filled in many blanks from my own research and now consider him to be a top authority.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for seeming, possibly, obteuse but I'm having trouble understanding. Do you mean the Starlink satellites or the military satellites....or some other satellite?

There's vids aplenty of all three launch types, so not sure which you're referring as having to trust.

Just search YT for satellite launch and a whole buttload pop up.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, some have piezo thrusters, some have chemical, etc. What I meant by "micro thrusters". Nothing even close to flying circles, AFAIK. Easy search bro, check it out.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

An FBI faggot making shit up to manipulate dipshits unable to analyze.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost correct. Satellites, depending on type, do have micro thrusters for positioning corrections; examples are military and some latest communication satellites.

So, not all do, but some do😀👍

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

All it takes is one to stand up to stiffen the spines of others.

This holds true in all cultures and situations.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

1 hour? Having spent 8yrs in AFSOC working alongside operators of all branches, I can firmly attest that 1 minute is enough. No exaggerations.

...unless they just wanna drag out the fun to a full hour that is. 😉

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ohhh, very good indeed. I'm totally ripping this.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been trying to get people to understand this very basic thing for so long it's mind numbing.

Fact: Pharma never gives out anything "free" unless it makes them MORE money on the back-end either by life long health problems given or outright death. Yes, they still benefit from killing you, albeit not the preferred method. The preferred method is keeping you in pain so you keep seeking their poison....which causes more problems and pain.

"Free" stuff:

  • Flu Shots
  • COVID (flu) shots

Get the grift?

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh, Posobitch again?

This MFer reminds me so much of that Larping FBI faggot that tried to make people believe (some successfully) he was Q: Austin Steinbart.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone once said, "It had to be this way"...

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've often said this dude looks like a bad end product of an untalented student in a class for clay sculpting. Ugh. What a lump of shit.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Weelllll, yes and no. I get what you're saying but there's a grey area.

Lemme give a little background: 24yrs Retired MSgt. When I retired, they immediately snatched me up as a contractor. Been doing that now since 2012...so about 10-1/2 years. Thats roughly 34-1/2 years of working directly for the military in many capacities.

First, yes: It is true you must generally follow orders, but there is a caveat built into the system rarely used and even less known: the right to refuse an unlawful order as built into the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). It takes balls to do it...big ones...but I've done it many times while active, and three times while contractor.

Second, No: As mentioned above with the UCMJ, you CAN refuse an order or course of action that is contrary to readiness, deployability, harmful to self or the equipment, etc. This is perfectly lawful under the UCMJ. But, as I said, you have to know WTF you're talking about or you can get a big red-white-and blue cock shoved up your ass for it.

2 quick examples where I refused on topics most should be familiar with:

  1. When I was active: Back in the 90's we were "required" to take Anthrax shots and boosters. After doing research, I found out it was just another experiment because there are MANY variations of Anthrax and the shot only supposedly protects against ONE, not many, and the type Vaxxed against had a very low Area of Operations (AO) probability. They used the same fear hype as COVID to get people to do it. Down side is, it gives life lasting health issues. I refused this, went thru Hell over it, but they still deployed me, still promoted me, etc. I won the battle.

  2. Recent times as a contractor: I refused the COVID Vax, and wearing a mask, for same reasons as above. My company, and military threatened to terminate my employment and I said go for it: You dipshits will lose a highly trained special operations trained asset and a few million dollars on top of it for wrongful termination, discrimination, mental and physical abuse, etc. Said I have zero issues becoming a millionaire over your stupidity. They backed off, never wore a mask nor got the clot shot. 4 others I work with saw this and refused the same way. Everyone else (whom I thought had more brains than they do, did it all. Fuck them.) I stillwork there not because I have to, but because I enjoy what I do. Keeps me busy.

So, yes, generally speaking you have to follow orders UNLESS that caveat pops up....then you can tell them to go fuck themselves and be 100% legal in doing so.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took it as a general heads up; not everyone can connect dots, even when there's just a straight line. A PSA, if you will, to let people know.

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