MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0


Upside down cross spelling "Minds Control".

Can't decide if this is a grammatical atrocity or a subtle signaling of who she's representing.

...or both.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because "Contempt of Congress" is a meaningless charge when you're part of the club.

MordenGeist 14 points ago +14 / -0

True and quite the contrary. He was a true Republican, doing a Hell of a lot of good for the country. Nixon was also trying to undo parts of the deepstate like JFK and they crucified him for it. Quite an interesting History read.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

This right here. Good History reminder for those that don't know, pede. Have an updoot!

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Meme's on point. It's just like this. Flawless. Well done!

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

This right here is the critical thing I tell everyone. It doesn't make a damned difference what background they come from, it's the character and actions that speak the loudest. Always watch what they do, never what they say.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do you think they used a cruise missile as opposed to using planes at the WTC and what do you think happened to the flight in question?

Cruise missile hit the Pentagon, not the WTC's. If you want me to explain how I know this, I can give a concise thesis. The WTC's were controlled Demo. Many vids may still exist of close-ups of molten metal pouring from specific locations around the buildings in proximity of impacts, NOT the impact zones. Molten metal, away from the impact zone means high-grade Thermite cutting steel beams and, in fact, aftermath photos shows exactly that: Main steel support beams cut perfectly diagonal, all the same way. Cleanup crews on the ground testified cordite smells (explosives) and thermite still burning underground.

If it interests you at all, this is indeed a rabbit hole in which to plunge. A lot of the info is getting harder and harder to find though, so be prepared for that.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeh didn't mean to drop all that as a brag, just a "heads up" so to speak of what lines of experience I'm speaking from: it is indeed extensive.

As far as the burning fuel, look into the many independent Engineering papers submitted on that particular study: Universally agreed that the fuel + burning interior wood/paper/plastic still would not have been hot enough to melt or weaken the building that high up to create the "pancake" effect [they] pushed to the masses.

Also, look into independent papers submitted by demolition experts from around the world that gave testimony that the way the building fell into its own footprint was a 100% tell-tale sign of a controlled demo. They give one glaring and obvious side reason to consider: IF the building would have failed under all the "auspices" of the Feds, it would not have free-fallen straight down. Rather those large top sections would have failed independently of the undamaged lower and crumbled or slid off the weaker side. This would have smashed down onto other buildings creating a massive destruction perimeter. This did not happen and is the basis of why Demo experts pour meticulously over building constructions to find out how to bring it down safely.

Research, Fren, as the info is still out there. Be prepared to have a lot of the brainwashing the MSM/Feds put out sandblasted away.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

This pede knows WTF is going on. That's one Hell of a compilation of Red Pills to swallow. Anyone refuting any of this really has a severe cognitive dissonance going on.

There is only one answer.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

President Trump is still sending “Ambassador” Ric Grenell to broker peace deals?

Well...I mean isn't that what Presidents are supposed to do? 😉

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Synchronicity, Fren. It's becoming more and more common as days pass.

As far as the Pentagon, that was a cruise missile, not a plane. Speaking as former Air Force Aircraft Mishap Investigator (one of many hats I wore) and up close inspection of buildings hit by cruise missiles in Iraq. Same exact signature and is the reason all the external cameras were confiscated by the FBI (which some have since leaked).

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Addendum: THIS is what happens to an aircraft hitting concrete....which is what a lot of the interior structure of the WTC buildings were made of. Remember, both entire WTC building exoskeleton structure was steel made specifically to shrug aircraft hits.

Total aircraft destruction <--

MordenGeist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well I never said it was THE largest...

when that WAS one of the largest aircraft was around.

One of, I said, not THE 🧐

MordenGeist 2 points ago +3 / -1

but you talk about it like it's a paper airplane.

In context of a high-speed aluminum construction, thin skinned, flying craft striking or getting struck by anything of weight, it might as well be paper.

I respect your former flying status, but consider: I've been one of the guys on the ground fixing everything pilots did to the aircraft and I do it all: Engines, hydro, sheet metal repair, electronic repair, literally everything from nose to tail.

My full (brief) resume includes: been everything from Aircraft Mishap Investigator, Jet Engine Mishap Investigator, Wing Flight Safety Officer, to Quality Assurance, to Chief of Maintenance, to the guy turning the wrenches/inspecting/performing scheduled maintenance. The odd ones are that I was also on the PACAF Space Shuttle recovery team, weapons courier in the AOR, and Convoy gunner. There's more but serve as tie-ins to what I've already listed; i.e. different but the same wheelhouses, so to speak.

These days, I'm happy just working on aircraft for the DoD with that full skillset under my belt. Point is, I am keenly aware of what even a sparrow hitting a radome can do at speed. I've seen holes punched in C130 leading edges by Pelicans off the Louisiana coastline that crushed the piccolo tubes, snapped reinforcing structures, and nearly severed flight control....by a pelican.

There is no person alive that will convince me, based on my extensive knowledge of aircraft design and metallurgy, that a steel reinforced building meant to take a hit from a modern airliner was near cut in half by one. Just no.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Somebody tell me I overloaded on the tinfoil and this could never ever happen.

Why would I discourage such a very real possibility that exists? Why would any pede, calling themselves a pede, do so? Logically speaking, it's a sound Hypothesis based on what we've observed already.

Remember: All those prior "Conspiracy Theories" on the Vax have turned out to be 100% true and factual. Every. Single. One.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh damn, that reply burned so hot I felt it!! ROFL!!

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I pray it does not break him down physically.

I've seen Men made of steel get broken by it and just end it. Some days, it's all I can do to stay on top of it, but the thing that brings me back every time is my Grand daughters. I dont want them growing up with their paw-paw going out like that.

It affects different people in different ways and I hold no animosity toward anyone who struggles with it....or have lost the battle.

Kids gonna have nightmares the rest of his life because of that night and his being able to cope is going to rely completely on his own willpower and those close to him to encourage healing instead of ridicule or meaningless anecdotes. Hope for him and his family that he makes it out ok.

...and BTW, thank you for understanding. People talking shit about it tends to piss me off immediately for all the reasons I've stated already.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

When someone allows a government to scare them into giving up their Freedom for a little Security, they end up losing both and deserve less.

When a person cowers for fear of persecution on an issue he or she knows is wrong, it gives acceptance in the eyes of those in power pushing the issue.

This is what has been wrong with the World as we know it. Not enough people standing up and shouting enough...

...until now.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad but true. See it all the time when normally Logic-based people go absolutely off the rails when something challenges what they think they know instead of considering possibilities and working thru it as Logic would demand. Just crazy.

MordenGeist 11 points ago +12 / -1

Yes, but also consider:

The Empire State building was built in a time when that WAS one of the largest aircraft was around. It was built to withstand the hit, and it did.

Fast forward to the twin towers where much bigger airliners existed and was built for that.

I've worked on aircraft for 36 years now and there is zero chance an airliner could have sliced thru like they would have you brianwashed to believe. Aircraft practically disintigrate when anything hits them at speed or vice versa.

Example: A bird strike can be catastrophic, punching holes into the aircraft skin and components underneath. They're gonna have me believe that same aircraft skin can cut thru reinforced girded steel structure, let alone concrete!? Laughable.

As OP stated, it was a controlled demo.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your comments tell me you know absolute shit about PTSD, what causes it, what triggers it, OR the daily crap those who REALLY have it have to go thru to keep their mind in check.

Done talking to some Dunning-Krueger keyboard commando...GTFOH poser.

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