Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dig away. You can't go wrong as long as no fear or judgment enters the fray. You can always quickly determine if you're going down the wrong path when these two elements enter the mix. Good luck!

Morpheus11 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great. Glad you're on the board and best of luck to you getting back on board the peace/love/bliss/joy train! :)

Morpheus11 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must practice WATCHING the thoughts - that aren't "yours" anyway.

Step one: You must first come to the realization of the following; The thoughts aren't yours because you can't stop them with your own willful volition. Until you see and accept this, no progress can be made. If you can't summon or dismiss thoughts with your will, then something else must be going on, correct?

It's not that you're weak or lack control or power to stop the thoughts. Something else is going on. Something few talk about.

Step two: Once you've accepted this runaway train you've accepted all your life as "my own monkey-mind", but now see differently, you can then begin to watch/witness the thoughts. This, rather than "engaging" with them. You learn to see how they come and go like clouds in the sky. There's no need to TRY AND STOP them. You can't. This will only generate even more thoughts.

When you begin to witness the monkey-mind thought-stream, but take no interest in engaging with them, they slowly but surely begin to lessen and eventually dissipate. They need your interest and engagement to continue proliferating.

There are two simple ways to do all of the above. Learning to tune into your heart-space is the easiest. All that's involved is shifting your attention back to your heart (the present moment) every time you find you're lost in the monkey-mind thoughtstream. It takes discipline and vigilance. Nothing more. You have to declare and intend to do it. Key in this process is to not berate and judge yourself when you get lost in the thoughts. Flip the script on this tendency. Instead, give yourself a pat on the back and a gold star every time you recognize you were lost in the monkey-mind as you shift back into the heart-space. This may be the most important part of the whole practice. Never belittle yourself. You've got 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 years worth of habit placing your attention on the monkey-mind thought-stream. You're not going to break said habit in a few days, weeks or months most likely. You have to develop and embody this new habit. That's all. Results come fastest when you don't criticize yourself for getting lost in thought.

The other way to go about this is more of the eastern esoteric teaching which is simply To become aware that you are aware and to then just sit and watch in this space. It's really quite simple, but your monkey-mind will try to make it complicated because it wants to "figure this out" and be the "doer" of the new practice. But there's really nothing for it to do, and this is why it fights back so hard.

So all you do really is place this thing you call "me" into your "screen of awareness", where previously you were aware of say your phone/computer, desk, chair, wall, etc. as well as other people in the room with you. As you're aware of all of this "stuff", you place your body into this scene as well. In effect, you've been brainwashed into treating the body called "me" as the "subject" and then everything else as "objects" that are "out there". Instead, include the body called me as one of the "objects out there" as well. Then, you will see that there are all these other bodies - family, friends, strangers, etc. - that are AWARE OUT THERE, as well as "me" in the mix. You will just see that there's somebody here called "me" that is aware.

There's nothing else to it. You simply sit in the space that in addition to being aware of other people that are "aware" around you, you drop your own self into this movie scene as well, and recognize that this body known as "me" is also aware "out there".

This is a process that animals can't do. In psychology they say humans are set apart from the animal kingdom because they have this thing they call "self awareness". This is what they're effectively talking about.

So the practice is to watch this me/self/body from a different vantage point. The "witnessing" vantage point. Said vantage point offers no commentary, no judgment, no criticism, it's just "aware". This is how you'll know whether you're aware from this vantage point, versus the ego monkey-mind which is always offering commentary, judgment, analysis, etc. of everything it sees "out there".

I prefer the former practice, but some prefer the latter. They both ultimately produce the same results however. It's a movement out of the ego monkey-mind, which only exists in the past or future, into the greater mind (heart) which only exists in the present moment. The former lives in the space of judgment and fear, the latter in the space of kindness, compassion, understanding, love, gratitude, etc. The former energy drains your power, the latter energy builds your power.

It's all really quite simple, but it's never "easy" after a lifetime of bad habits. All that's required is your conviction to make the shift and maintaining your discipline and vigilance.

Never try to "get rid of your thoughts". This is a fools errand. You can't do it. Nobody can. So first become convinced of this for yourself, experientially, and then choose the practice that you prefer and stick with it. Don't get discouraged. The shift is subtle and gradual. Some days are better than others. Some days you can't get away from the chatterbox monkey-mind no matter what you do. Don't despair. Stick with it, through thick and thin, and you will be greatly rewarded!!

Good luck!

Morpheus11 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Influenza A or B" also does not exist as these are also alleged boogeyman-viruses. None of them are real!

"The flu" and all the myriad symptoms that go with this very nebulous dis-ease distinction can be related to any number of healing/restoration phases people go through, as well as the healing phase of a scare/worry/concern conflict in life. The symptoms tell the story as to what the conflict really was. But when we feel exhausted, no energy, shifting between hot and cold, hallmarks of "the flu", we are in the process of healing/restoring some temporarily altered tissue that was adjusted to assist us with resolving an unexpected, temporarily unsolvable life situation that troubles us.

Morpheus11 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes indeed. You share a much higher level of consciousness perspective. Very hard for the masses to accept this as a possibility.

But if it were true, well now, that would change everything, wouldn't it?

If somebody has to be the "bad guy" in order for this realm to operate as it does, a place where the majority choose to eat the fruit from the tree of "knowledge of good and evil", aka JUDGMENT, then the "bad guys" must appear on the screen and play their parts. Right?

Love is the only way out. And the requirement isn't for "everybody else" to first be "loving" towards us. It's the reverse. It starts with each one of us and we're responsible for fixing ourselves. Thus, to "judge" is the polar opposite of "loving thy neighbor as thyself".

The results of the masses choosing judgment over the Greatest Commandment are plainly obvious for all to see.

But how many would agree with me about this? More here on GA than most anywhere else online. But our numbers are still minuscule in comparison to the dominant majority which shapes the larger collective reality.

Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure is, if hermetics floats your boat. I've studied much in this tradition, as well as many dozen others. They're all saying the same thing at the esoteric level. But most are still trapped in the cabal-sponsored mainstream exoteric interpretations.

Morpheus11 8 points ago +8 / -0

Curious if TGWB is the same as The Brotherhood of the White Temple.

I've never heard of that organization. Could be.

So, if I'm understanding this correctly they are to maintain this balance of negative and positive?

Yes, that's how this realm we call "earth" is designed to operate. It's a "temporary false reality". We are here because we keep holding onto judgment. We are each individually choosing to eat the fruit from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", which is choosing JUDGMENT - that's what "knowledge of good and evil" is.. The story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor for the human condition and the "free will" we were granted. It's always our individual choice.

Which without the negative their wouldn't be growth in the positive?

I'm not sure what you mean by "growth". Opposites require one another to exist. If there was no "up", then "down" wouldn't make any sense. If there was no "black", then "white" would make no sense. If there was no "dark", then "light" would make no sense, etc. Right? So if there was no "bad/evil", then it wouldn't make any sense to describe something as "good". Everything would just "be" as it is. We would naturally presume that everything would be "good" in comparison to what we're familiar with now. But in such a reality, there would be no distinctions possible. You would say "this is good", but it would make no sense because there would be nothing to compare it to.

As you can rightly suss this out, when you describe something as "good", you are invoking JUDGMENT, which means you're choosing to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As such, there must be its OPPOSITE available for you to be aware of.

So as long as humans continue to choose to eat the fruit, there must be the appearance of opposites available to them.

Also, how does one "discharge karma"?

Accepting all that comes your way, what you would consider the "good" and the "bad", without adding an energetic charge to said events, such as anger/fear/worry/frustration/annoyance/etc. In short, "allowing everything to be as it is" in your life.

This is described in scripture as "Becoming a witness for God" or simply "witnessing". In other spiritual and metaphysical traditions they would describe this as "neutral observation" or "being present" or "residing within the heart space", etc. There are many ways to convey this concept.

The word "repent", or "metanoia" in Greek, correctly translates to; "Having a radical change of mind". Where the word "Mind" goes well beyond what we've been presently brainwashed into believing today. Today, the mind is virtually synonymous with the brain, which is a massively incorrect interpretation, as the "brain" is really nothing more than a "receiver" of thought. In ancient times, the mind encompassed both the heart and mind in balance and coherence. A state of being very few humans today are operating within. We've all been heavily brainwashed to maintain our attention on the monkey-mind thought-stream 24x7x365.

What "repentance" really meant in ancient times was to shift out of the mind and back to the heart. Or, said another way, from the non-existent "past/future" back into the present now moment. The heart operates in the "here and now", the brain/thoughts are lost in illusory events of the past and future. And this is why you'll find many metaphysical teachers whose primary teaching platform is to continue to bring oneself back into the "present moment", where "all your power truly lies".

The word "sin" meant in ancient times "to miss the mark". Where "the mark" was literally to "be present". Thus, by one "missing the mark", one slips into the ramblings of the monkey-mind, which lead to an incorrect assessment of reality, which then leads one into sloth, pride, envy, lust, gluttony, wrath, greed - the "seven deadly sins". "Forgive him father, for he knows not what he does".

So if you want to discharge your karma, you stop reacting to life's events and situations from the deluded mind and accept what comes your way, the good, the bad and the ugly if need be, reconciling all energy that you've issued out in the past. All of it is a result of what you at one point "sent out", which must return back to its issuer.

Taking this one step further, should you choose to consider what I'm saying, if you wish to not generate future karmic payback, become aware of the "negative energy" you put out going forward - hatred, anger, fear, vengeance, jealousy, etc.

The simple path forward is shifting your awareness from the monkey-mind thought-stream, to the heart-space. Simple, but not easy for most of us. As the monkey-mind will diligently fight for your most valuable attention for a considerable time. It takes discipline and vigilance. The majority are still not up to the task.

Returning your awareness to the heart-space is precisely what "witnessing" or "being present" actually is. Effectively "letting go and letting God".

Sounds scary to most. Like you'll "lose control". That's the monkey-mind telling you so. It will indeed "lose control". But that's a massive "net gain" for you. As the ego/monkey-mind was designed to be your assistant in this realm, not "the boss", which it is now for the vast majority. It's not about "getting rid of the ego", as many wrongly think many metaphysical traditions are teaching. It's about allowing the larger, wiser, greater part of you to regain control of your life.

And the only real way to pull this all off is indeed this shift in attention back to the heart. All efforts of the ego-mind to logically and rationally think its way to a detailed and elaborate plan to pull this off are in vain.

Nobody can convince you that this is true. And even if you choose to BELIEVE what I'm saying, at best, you'll just add this to your "belief filing cabinet" of concepts housed by the ego mind. Nothing will change for you if this is the case. The shift of attention must be incorporated into your life. Nothing less will do.

As I said, simple but not easy.

Your results will speak for themselves. Eventually, you will come to know "that peace that passeth all understanding". For such a state is beyond and outside the "understanding" ego mind, aka "the matrix".

What I'm sharing here with you today is, quite literally, the ONE AND ONLY RED PILL. There's only one. And this is it.

You can disbelieve, believe or put what I share into practice. Nothing will change for you if you choose the first two options - which are nothing more than conceptual abstractions in the ego mind.

EVERYTHING will change for you should you choose the latter.

Thanks for your questions!

Morpheus11 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good on you for being aware of TGWB! You're quite correct. The TGWB has exponentially more power than lower earth organizations made up primarily of asleep humans, and as I'm aware, they have been gradually wielding more of it these past 10 years.

If you're familiar with these types of esoteric topics, you'll also likely know that the earth realm is a place for "karmic discharge" if you will. That's why you, me and everybody else is "here".

And "karma" is quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the world. Quite simply, it means "what goes around, comes around". Or, "what you put out, you get back". Or, "As you sow, so shall you reap", etc. The hardest part of the equation is for most to realize that this is true not only in deed and action, but also in THOUGHT. As "thoughts are indeed things". Few accept this as being true. But TGWB and all associated "woo-woo entities", as well as any mystic, saint, sage, master, yogi, swami, Rinpoche, guru, etc. will also tell you the same. They all agree across the board.

And Jesus said the same as well: "Judge not thy brother, lest ye judge thyself".

If you're able to take that in and ponder what I'm saying, then it stands to reason that we NEED some "bad guys" to enable karmic discharge. Things couldn't work any other way.

As such, while hard for the vast majority to reckon with, the "bad guys" are, in a sense, performing a needed service, enabling each of us to discharge karma.

If only more considered and contemplated these ideas, let alone accepted it, the world would be a very different place in the twinkling of an eye. But instead, we're immersed in a sea of judgment and fear "thought-forms". And the results are plainly evident.

Morpheus11 11 points ago +11 / -0

"The people" have always had all the power. Nobody can take anybody else's power away. But you can give your power away if you so choose. And unfortunately, that's what the vast majority of people have unwittingly chosen to do. by believing an untold number of lies.

Even here on GA, the majority still believe they need a "good leader", which is obviously a form of giving one's power away. It's been baked into the human condition for many millennia now.

And nobody can "give the power back to the people" as it's not their's to "give" in the first place. The only thing that can happen is the people need to learn to stop giving their power away. One by one, individually. If 10% of the people choose to do this, they're individual lives will reflect such a reality. But if 90% still think they "need a leader", than the country will have to have one to support their beliefs.

I can't count the number of people I've had this conversation with that insist we "need a leader". I carefully inform them that somebody needs to be in charge of running the Constitutionally enumerated 19 duties the corporation known as the "Federal government" is tasked with. But beyond the smooth and timely operation of these tasks, we-the-people have no other "business" with the president, congress, judiciary, etc. Because it's their ONE AND ONLY job to ensure these 19 duties are operating in accordance with the wishes of the people.

So the only reason we need a "president" of the federal government corporation is to dutifully perform these activities. And if they get out of line, we-the-people are charged with reigning them in and ensuring they get back on track. That's it!

But the brainwashing is far too deep for this line of logic and reasoning to make sense to all but a small handful. And as such, well into the foreseeable future, the majority is going to keep GIVING ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF THEIR POWER AWAY to their preferred political candidate, just as the ruling cabal requires to accumulate and maintain the power the brainwashed masses are unwittingly giving away to them.

The only political candidate that I would find even remotely interesting would be one that promised to dissolve ALL the unnecessary, unconstitutional 3/4/5-letter agencies and bureaus; effectively the "administrative state" or "deep state" along with all lobbyists and "influence peddlers" while they're at it.

But you and I both know that political candidate wouldn't stand a chance as every long-standing institution in this country would be vehemently opposed to such a candidate, as their money/power/control would be at risk if such a thing were to happen.

So there's only one option. We-The-People must individually take our power back, one by one. We-The-People must take ownership and responsibility for all that has gone wrong in this country and around the world.

Until the "blame game" ends, we're going to see more of the same. Because ultimately, all the blame falls on us for allowing what has happened to happen. No one man or group of men can do or say anything if the populace remains unaware and asleep to their own individual contribution to the situation we find ourselves in.

I realize this is not a popular opinion here on GA, where the underlying hope is that Trump & Q will ride in on their white horses and set everything right. The best they can do is tell the world the whole truth, throwing the responsibility back on we-the-people to fix ourselves, one by one. If not enough people choose to fix themselves and the garbage they harbor deep within, we'll continue to see more of the same as a collective.

Thanks for entertaining my unpopular rant!

Morpheus11 4 points ago +8 / -4

Anna Von Reitz made a most interesting comment a few years ago as she was attempting to create a "People's Bank" outside the existing framework. She ultimately failed to do so however. She was in contact with high ranking military generals during this process. She said she finally got a 4 Star General on the phone after months of delays and obstacles and asked him point blank, "What is your prime directive as a 4 star general?"...and he responded "To maintain a 50/50 balance of good and bad in the world"...in this realm of DUALITY!!!

Quite a shocker, eh?

I'm of the opinion that this is what all the "secret societies" are charged with maintaining as well. Without them, things would not be as they are. Without "bad", there can be no "good". Everything would just "be as it is" without its opposite.

So in short, these secret societies manage both ends of the spectrum to keep the balance. There's no one secret society doing "all bad", while another does "all good".

It was only the very early "Q" that said the most interesting things. There are several levels of power above what was dropped as you correctly point out. Q's job was to attract the majority of "conspiracy theorists" into the fold. And the majority aren't clued into anything above and beyond the standard fare out there. So it was an appeal to the majority, nothing more.

Beyond minor details of hot political current events, Q didn't add any new intel to the deeper levels of "conspiracy theory" already well established. That's not to say the the Q team isn't aware or doesn't know all about these deeper levels. They just never said anything about them. It would have been too far outside the "believability" scale for the majority.

I'm of the opinion that the "early Q poster" was replaced in Feb/March 2018 though. Everything about the drops changed; the language, style, depth and degree of information being shared. A shift from "conspiratorial" to "political" in order to appeal to the widest audience possible.

Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Said candidate wouldn't be able or allowed to enter the mix, but it's a nice thought.

Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the mention DagnyDocket.

Danny is actually a good friend of mine and I helped him get this book launched. I'm happy you chose to look into GNM/GHk and hope it helps you and your family/friends now and into the future.

I've studied most all of the health modalities at one time or another and this is the only one that has ever made sense, end to end. You're quite right about forgiveness as well as "for-getting" past transgressions as being key to releasing dis-ease. Ultimately, forgiving ourselves is perhaps the greatest difficulty of all. Fear and judgment are the killers of humanity in all their forms. Replacing these with love, compassion, kindness, understanding and forgiveness is the way out of the quagmire.

Unfortunately, we're still deeply entrenched in "victim consciousness" and few are yet ready to take ownership and responsibility for their unwitting and unwanted creations. But the good news, many are starting to wake up. It's a difficult realization to come to, but well worth it for those who are awake and aware enough to contemplate it.

by BQnita
Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well there goes that idea..doh!

by BQnita
Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you running a VPN? I am. I think that may be it.

by BQnita
Morpheus11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm, I am running a VPN. I think you've nailed it. Thanks!

by BQnita
Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, it's not just me then. Thanks!

by BQnita
Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm using a two-week old brand new laptop. Could be something with Brave browser at this point. Nothing else makes sense.

by BQnita
Morpheus11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Macbook Pro - brand new one in fact. It's not a hardware thing. The DNS doesn't resolve in any browser.

by BQnita
Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anybody have any suggestions as to why files.catbox.moe" doesn't work for me any longer? I used to have no problems until maybe a year ago when these were hit or miss for me. In the past 6 months, these videos never play for me any longer. I didn't make any changes to my browser either. When I externally visit: http://files.catbox.moe/ I get "This site can't be reached".

Any guidance welcomed.

Morpheus11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed! Most Tether "value" is tied to the price of BTC/ETH, etc. which they buy up after they print their car wash tokens. I'd guess over 50% of their "holdings" in fact. Another 20-40% are in Evergrande bonds. They have 10% or less in actual cash.

The flash redemption of Tether last year in December from ~83 to ~65 billion was probably 80% of what was owned outside of their organization. This is when all crypto crashed by 50% as well as the owners of Tether had to sell their BTC/ETH/etc. to pay off the ~20 billion in redemptions. Today, I'd guess less than 10% of all outstanding Tether is privately owned by anybody other than the fraudsters running the scam today. You can see the recent pullback of almost EXACTLY 1 billion redeemed Tether this month. Some insiders got the Evergrande tip no doubt.

Morpheus11 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're right over the target! I found a guy on Twitter named "Bitfinexed" in May 2017, right around the time crypto started to really explode. He had a ton of inside dope on the owners and operators at Bitfinex (the largest crypto exchange at the time) and Tether and had the whole scheme pretty well worked out. The only thing missing was how connected these operations were to the deep state.

We shall see whether they can kick the can down the road for much longer, or whether this spells the end....finally!

Good digz OP!

Morpheus11 9 points ago +9 / -0

Their inevitable demise has been obvious for nearly 3, maybe 4 years now., Remarkable how these government-protected-corporations can collude and keep avoiding the inevitable for years on end with seemingly innumerable manipulative refi schemes available only to those who are in bed with the controllers.

Let the games begin!

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