When they become the 52nd state they will have 2A.
They're bombing Russia, Ukraine and Syria so far, correct?
They can plug in a roach and control it in one minute https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/cockroaches-turned-into-cyborgs-in-seconds
Around 20% got the '24 - '25 Covid19 shot. https://www.cdc.gov/covidvaxview/weekly-dashboard/index.html
Please stay away from them - they shed.
Democrats have been most deeply infiltrated. A policy of inclusion invites infiltration. We need to be vigilant.
"Men wrapping gifts" is the first sexist joke I've laughed at since I can remember. Men frying eggs is right below it.
The killer's eyebrows were different from this guy's.
On January 20.
It's still there and it's weird.
I thought USA Inc was already bankrupt.
In any case, isn't Trump going to move most of the federal government elsewhere?
I suspected the operation on Wilshire Blvd in LA involved removing a nuke.
don shot - missing t and o. Or was Don shot?
That was carried over into contract law - the requirement for informed consent. But if we are informed by way of a Family Guy cartoon, I don't believe that qualifies as actual informed consent.
Good to hear. Also Dr. Malone says the mRNA technology is extremely expensive and there is no way they made billions of those shots. Probably it's a crap shoot how toxic they are.
What are they doing that Japan and Italy are doing?
Great contribution Purkiss. You did my research for me, thanks.
Right now the vast majority of funds intended for emergency disaster relief have gone into the pockets of myself my my treasonous cronies.
Well, he plans on drilling oil, for one thing.
Train somewhere else or tell us about it, muffers.
When he said that is when I thought I could trust him. Although I voted for him.
Why couldn't the gubmint tell us, if that's what they are? (I looked at the webpage, BTW. Look like fun if you are a thrill seeker.)
Don't forget they just tried to depopulate us with "vaccines". If they are "ours", that's no comfort.
The C_A website, Deagle,com, used to say that United States would have half of its current population by 2025.
Do you think they retrieved a nuke from Wilshire Blvd in that operation with helicopters back around 2017? It wasn't any drill, it was way too risky for a drill.