De-banking (like the Canadian truckers' experience) has been and is continuing to be used in the United States to stifle competition.
I really appreciated how he took it upon himself to post all those articles pertinent to our cause. That was a lot of work and he never let up. If you are lurking, Dog, thank you!
What we need at this point are antidotes. I hope there are some.
The families who pick the next popes. And the creatures that they conjure in their seances.
Obama is just a puppet too.
Meyers liquid soap products are made in Racine.
I suspect that USSS can print it all right out again.
Yep - I love Kefir. Makes my tummy happy.
Months before the pandemic, I checked the snakes' websites to see what they were up to. Council on Foreign Relations' headline was "The Next Coming Pandemic". Club of Rome's was "China will Catch a Cold". (Or maybe it was the opposite). Needless to say, when Covidiocy hit, I knew they were attempting to shaft all of humanity.
I'll bet the Trump team sees it all. Any more traitors out there?
I think we got at least two people willing to testify.
I've eaten it. I thought it was green beans in cream-of-something soup, with onion rings on top and baked. Right?
Good question. I figure Trump must still be CIC, at least, but how would the lefties even consider that?
All those rotund people.
Crimes against humanity. Seize their assets, like all the property they have been snapping up.
Oh I see, you want to pay it all off with profits from the increased value of your metal.
Whew. Good for your wife.
If you feel like you might come down with a virus, take zinc and Quercetin. Every time I've done it, the symptoms went away.
Most of our health issues are lifestyle - generated, and we can heal ourselves with discipline.
I would never take any flu shots either.
Newsom doesn't need to be hanged. He's hanging himself.
We thank you too President Pardo.
Long vaccine.
Aren't there supposed to be laws against monopolies? Why are we letting one corporation or one person like Bill Gates buy everything up and control it?
12 step programs are remarkably effective and have brought back many people. I'm glad we have them.