MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think when they're faced with that kind of choice, to either go out of business or accept the work bullshit, most business owners are going to choose to remain open. If the city goes around trying to shut down all the businesses, then they've put us in a situation where we only have two choices; comply and die for sure, or simply say no and live.

MrDroorFrash 28 points ago +28 / -0

Those covid positive alien invaders can't even fill the fucking blue collar jobs. Sure they can do some heavy labor if you watch them like a fucking hawk to make sure they don't fuck up, but it takes just as much labor to supervise them as it does to simply do the job yourself. Most of them aren't coming here for that and will just steal someones identity and use that to get on welfare and refuse to work. Look how well the replacement labor force worked out in Europe (it didn't.) Those people they're importing are useless mouths.

MrDroorFrash 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are currently rounding up trump supporters and taking them to prisons where they are being held without charges indefinitely. They are a very credible threat who can do serious damage.

MrDroorFrash 3 points ago +3 / -0

We deliver the food to their grocery store shelves. We fix their cars. We build their homes. We watch their kids when they go out to party at restaurants and nightclubs where we cook and serve them their food. We are everywhere, and we are invisible to them. If we organized and said NO MORE, we could completely eradicate every single last one of their bloodlines in a single night.

MrDroorFrash 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes... but don't assume they're on your side until they start taking deep state assets out.

MrDroorFrash 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fuck it make the deal sweeter. Offer witness protection to anybody who takes the deal and rats. Make them disappear off to some island in the bahamas and give them a little tiki bar to funnel some money through to cover their cost of living. You don't break up the mafia by killing your informants. Always surround the enemy on only 3 sides, give them a path to retreat, but hide some cavalry behind a hill to mop up. If you do that, they will rout and you can slaughter them when they break ranks and run. If you surround them completely, they'll fight to the last man.

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Somebody do something with that scene from Harry Potter. The one where the mail comes through the fireplace.

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't help but think that this shit is going to keep escalating and these teams are going to eventually raid somebody who sleeps in his spartan, empty apartment, wearing ear plugs, level 4 plates, and a semi-auto .50 cal next to his single sized mattress, praying to God every night before bed for the opportunity to use it all before he dies.

MrDroorFrash 1 point ago +1 / -0

"And the Lord said, 'Lo, ye shall tell your employer to get fuk'd', and they shall fire ye, and ye shall come back with a mighty sword and slash the place up, and the gun grabbers will cry out against knife violence and ban all blades longer than half an inch/'"

MrDroorFrash 4 points ago +4 / -0

From what little I know about Brazil, I'm pretty sure that they are way less hesitant than us to use the police and military for political violence. Whoever gets control of the police there essentially owns the country.

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't believe this catamite is allowed to desecrate the halls of that building.

MrDroorFrash 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only people who pay for it are the citizens. They get to commit the crimes, and we get to be the whipping boy.

MrDroorFrash 9 points ago +9 / -0

Defunding the police means defunding the local police and replacing them with Nancy Pelosi's private army of capital police who can literally rape you in the squad car and then claim qualified immunity to shield them from any consequences.

MrDroorFrash 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I was attending the event, it would have been bad. I don't think I would have been able to stop myself from going to my truck, getting my ar 10, and killing every single one of those pieces of shit.

MrDroorFrash 3 points ago +5 / -2

I just want to be left the fuck alone. How fucking hard is it for you little faggots to just mind your own fucking business?

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

There aren't any cops that defend the constitution dude. The police and the military are the biggest threat you face if you want to change society and stop the bleeding.

MrDroorFrash 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's what you do, OP. Have your best friend punch you in the face and choke you to leave bruises on your neck. Call the cops, say your wife hit you after a bad fight because you refused the clot shot. Show the bruises. They take her ass away and you get an automatic no contact order against her. She can't come back to your house. Then you file for divorce before she gets out of jail. If she comes out and calls you, record it and call the cops to tell them that she violated the no contact. You gotta strike first. She's using the vax as an excuse to get you out because she's probably already cheating on you and she wants her boyfriend to move in. Drop that bitch.

MrDroorFrash 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes he is. If he is convicted, or if he is denied bond and forced to stay in jail until his arraignment, then that leaves us one vote away from being able to hold Maricopa county board of supervisors in contempt. We just have to get one of the rhinos out of the way or another Democrat.

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