No they don’t…. And no he doesn’t.
Not going against the video advice….but the 3 people that I know who followed Floridasharkman’s protocol did NOT adjust their diet. Would it have helped, absolutely, but it can’t be necessary. They are all clear now.
The QR code begs to be made into stickers. 🤔
Similar map found on Reddit…
I was thinking extending Michigan down to Kentucky…. Gets rid of Ohio.
For how long? Many of these folks have a limited future if they participated in any way with the 2020 election fraud.
From yesterday….link to shirts in my comment.
10,000,000 is the number apparently.
I recall hearing No Deals somewhere. 🤔 Now where was it…..
Came here to say this.
Not found This resource could not be found
Tell me to Enjoy the Show….Without telling me to Enjoy the Show. Yeah, like this.
The peanut allergy is because a pediatrician convinced the medical community to have parents not give children peanuts until after age 3…. Boom peanut allergies are a thing now. Also do the Amish vaccinate ate the same rate we do?
Darkness is not a thing per say but rather an absence. It can only be created by removing light. Much like cold….only created by removing heat.
The body switches to ketones during traumatic injury…it’s sad that the i.v. nutrition given to these patients is so carb heavy. The focus should be fat and protein.
Pure profit for the doctor performing the procedure. Ugly, whether physically or internally, prevents pregnancy. So where’s the need exactly?
Don’t forget the tiny desk.
They should’ve gone outside to cry…Duh.
He recently that on the way the becoming great again there will be some not so great things that are needed….things never seen in this country. Paraphrasing of course. But this sounds like trials and executions/imprisonment etc. to me.
It was clearly a sting. However, despite posts like this and the whole purpose of Q hinting us through the Plan, how is it that folks still think like the following ? Example: AOC is going to run in ‘28 Oh No! It’s abundantly clear that thousands have committed treason etc and the lawful remedy is death or life in prison. My point is things cannot be both ways and some should ponder this fact. So any headline that considers a future with these evil people still near power of any type, outside of an electric chair, makes no sense. I was going to make a separate post so if this is inappropriate please move or delete.
Acting like he was vax’d apparently.
Black Friday is a week long …. Why are they fighting? No need.
Or binge dropped acid even…..😉