My J&J v added 24 year old daughter was here yesterday. Severe stomach pains from eating.
Tomorrow the other daughter's soon to be ex gets his second jab. He's totally Biden. Snickered when l spoke of side effects.
I tried with both of them ...
Cambria County here. One of the most corrupt in the state. Registered Independent. Voted straight Republican but checked each box. Put my ballot in the machine and the screen stayed black. The ballot dropped into a box. Brand new system, I didn't realize it should say something. My town always goes Democrat. Maybe it really hasn't been.
My 65 year old brother, the smartest in our family, just got his second shot. It's been maybe a couple weeks. He now falls asleep at work. Can't stand awake. His commute each way is almost 2 hours. I told him. I tried. He knew the danger. He knew the percentages.
His one dream in life was to retire and move home one day. I pray he makes it. Before this he was healthy.
Brad Barton said on his show the other day that Trump has the antidote to the shot. I pray he's right.
I pray for all those you love who didn't listen.
What if it is because it doesn't kill enough or it is different than the others so they need to get rid of it? What if Pfizer and Miderna were the chosen ones but they had to let J &J in to not make a scene?
Okay so I am hoping and praying that is the case because its the one my daughter got. But still it would make sense.
My co-workers are happily discussing getting the shot. I warned them. I WILK no longer respond to their posts. One is pregnant. I will attempt a private conversation with her. Just one then done. I will wait for the side effects to appear.
This makes me cry and be furious at the same time.
Those that did this should be out in jail and given the jab once a week until they die.