Careful with that. I know the Australians think fanny pack is something different than you intended.
English dictionary definition of fanny. n. pl. fan·nies 1. Slang The buttocks. 2. Chiefly British Vulgar Slang The female genitals. American Heritage® Dictionary
Your comment made me read what I wrote again. Now I'm wondering why "data is" always sounds more correct to me even though I think it really should be "data are".
Maybe "Menstrual irregularities" are why they have started putting feminine care products in the restrooms for men?
Additional data is required to make a statement indicating IVM was what made the difference (from a systems perspective health measures have many additional inputs). If one could find another nearby country that had a similar looking curve before IVM was introduced and then deviated from the one above after the new treatment was introduced solely in Slovakia, it would be a much better indicator of causality.
Spiral is weird and time-consuming. Most natural way is more like a zig-zag pattern.
Just to be fair -- it is possible that the numbers actually exist on the chair.
I think putting him in a hermetically-sealed cell would do wonders.
LIes, Lies, Lies and more Lies!
Dear Dallas Morning News,
I have a couple of cousins who think Biden is doing a good job. Anything that can be done to help them see reality?
Thanks, Their Concerned Cousin
I think he is saying he has placed a very large order with Acme Brick...
No more updoots. I think my comment looks really important with that 17 next to it.
Around Brandon I'd go with a full hazmat suit...
Shouldn't this be tagged a ShitPost?
Lower demand will help ease the suffering, but what do we do while we are waiting those two or three years?
The pile of cash from Pfizer was so large that it will take forever to photocopy each bank note... and comply with the statute about copying bank notes.
Destroying the environment because the combustion is hampered by the reduced air flow (or is that model electric?). Wonder if it causes the windshield to fog up like a mask does for my glasses?
Could be their diversity initiative doesn't allow them to hire too many good scientists and they have to hire the ones that can't do math, don't understand biology, don't know how to read a graph, etc, to make things "fair".
Nearly time for them to pull their heads out of the dark region between their buttocks...
Don't forget the earth is a smashed sphere. The radius isn't a constant, but depends on where you are (and probably where the earth is in relation to other large bodies).
What is the deal with using the vax on rare animals and humans but avoiding the animals normally used for testing (mice, rats, perhaps monkeys)?
I want to know if they vaxxed the animals before they got covid.
Like the way they named a big festival "Woodstock"?
When I first read about the event, "Tavistock" jumped into my head but I didn't make the connection. I guess my sub-conscious saw it though.
Why does this idiot think anybody cares what he says?
Kids drink more milk than adults. Could this be connected to the low incidence rate of Covid in kids?