Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

We can either take everyone’s money and start from zero, or make everyone rich and start 5g war

That sounds like a false choice to me.

We could instead confiscate $trillions from the psychopaths who have been wrecking Western Civilization and running a stealth-genocide in order to gain dictatorship over the entire planet, and then distribute those $trillions to the people in a way that would, to some extent, mitigate the losses and damage they have suffered at the hands of the Cabal.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0


ALSO true of pretty much EVERY movement begun in the Western World. Conservatives -> NEO-cons, humane treatment for prisoners -> "let them all out on the streets", removing needless and unfair restrictions on women's right to work at male-dominated professions -> Women on the front lines in battle zones, she-males in women's sports, etc.

Every humane and positive movement in America or Europe (and most other places) gets targeted for corruption and take-over by the Cabal.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0


Also, Dr. Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch both provide useful information (data, analysis, scientific details, deep dives into various aspects, etc) on the topic of COVID "vaccines" (and other vaccines as well) and the many problems associated with them.

These two aren't the only worthy commentators on the subject, but I can only read so much in a given week and these two are particularly relevant to my interests.

Best wishes for your friend's daughter and her child. Also, to echo K8ybella's comment, may those who inflicted the bioweapons on mankind burn in hell.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

what direction will China, Russia & others take after they work together to defeat the Cabal (NWO)

That's the big question, isn't it?

As for the verses you quote: I have no idea what to make of them, other than that the last is pretty chilling.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think what matters is getting kids focused on learning and understanding the value of learning

Yes, that and general rules of civil behavior (ideally learned by example more than anything) go a long way to putting a child on the path to a productive and positive adult life.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fortunately, you don't need "mastery of writing or math" to go on the government dole, to riot, to burn down neighborhoods in Portland, to participate in flash-mob shoplifting, to become homeless and addicted to opiates, or for any of the other typical career paths that so many youth are following these days. /s

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course it's not just TESTICLES but every organ and system in the body getting these turbo cancers.

Then there are all the OTHER ways the "vaccines" kill and disable people.

We are heading for a time of sorrow and difficulty worse than seen in the two previous world wars.

I was going to link to:

"Turbo Cancer" Comes For The Vaccinated

Why are aggressive cancers up 20% among young people around the world? -- EMERALD ROBINSON, MAR 14

but Substack is once again "experiencing technical problems." I strongly suspect a concerted Cabal effort to block or shut down Substack, which has become one of the most prolific and popular platforms for intelligent commentary and data analysis on topics the Cabal would like you to please, PLEASE not listen to.

Heres the full, absurdly long link to Emerald's column from my subscriber email for when Substack is back up (I'd normally replace it with the much shorter direct link, but can't access Substack to do that now).

Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

Good question, and yes: it's another thing that suggests every big Cabal operation is planned long in advance.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus had his OWN definition of discipleship, and it's simple and very clear:

13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 

13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

LOVE encompasses it all: protection of children (and not just of children), planning and preparing for the future, honest dealings in business and in one's personal life, fidelity in marriage, putting one's fellow humans above material goods and gain . . . you name it.

LOVE is the one-word, all-inclusive concept that defines the real-world, here-and-now aspects of Christianity, imo, and I highly recommend it as a goal to strive for and as a course of action.

There are also what I think of as supernatural elements to Christianity, and perhaps due to my own quirks, I've never been able to embrace those elements.

When I was young, I had a chip on my shoulder about this. My views have changed as I have become aware how differently people experience and conceptualize what they see and hear and feel.

Is God an old man with a long white beard living, somehow, up in the sky? That's how adults seemed to view Him when I was in Sunday School and church as a child, and it . . . just didn't work for me. Many of those same adults were neurotic and often unpleasant -- to children and to other adults . . . because, of course, BELIEF in a religion or any other system does not erase emotional damage. Emotional HEALTH and the resulting healthy BEHAVIOR is what I am interested in. It's what I want for myself, what I want for others, and what I want to see in the world.

And THAT is and has always been more important to me than a particular religion or other conceptual framework.

For that matter, I believe that a healthy WORLD in the here-and-now was at the least a big part of what Jesus wanted as well, and what he willingly gave his life to help bring into being. Listen to what He says in Luke 17:21 and see if you can't feel the compassion and the longing for a loving, healthy world -- IN THIS WORLD -- for the children and men and women of his time, and of those who would come after:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

This thread needs a book (or several) to cover more than superficially, so I'll leave it at that, but add one thing:

My sense is that most the those on this board are doing their best -- and often better than I -- to feel and to show love to their fellow human beings, whether they came up in a Christian household, or Hindu or Jain or any other tradition, including "atheist." That's all I care about, and I think it's all we can reasonably ask of anyone.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Taiwan, like Israel, Ukraine, the United States, and plenty of other nations, contains many decent people and honest businesses but is corrupted to a very serious level, with government and major institutions largely run by the compromised and the psychopathic.

I think China plans to invade Taiwan and eliminate or incarcerate a great many people who oppose the CCP and incorporate Taiwan into their bankrupt and dystopian tyranny, alongside mainland China, Hong Kong, Tibet, and every other scrap of land they can get their hands on.

Both of those opinions seem very well supported to me.

GA canon seems to be that China will root out the Cabal from Taiwan when it invades, liberating the people there and bringing them genuine freedom.

We are expecting much the same with Russia and Ukraine, and Putin's words and actions recently have suggested he may indeed be part of a White Hat plan.

Xi may be working with Trump and other world leaders also, but I have more difficulty believing that.

We'll see.

Narg 2 points ago +3 / -1

Typical creepy-looking mid-grade AI artwork.

I wonder what Trump is trying to tell us here, because my initial positive impression soon gave way to something much darker as I scanned the bizarre, uncanny-valley look of some of the officers in the image.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Imagine if the US military ARRESTED Klaus and the rest of the clowns who have been wrecking Western Civilization and destroying millions of lives, and brought them up before a Tribunal.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

I welcome any religion that highlights and encourages the need to "love thy neighbor" (in whatever words), that includes strong words condemning "offenses to children" (in whatever words), and which does NOT include passages or traditions involving hatred and violence towards "non-believers" of that religion.

Several major religions, and plenty of lesser-known religions, meet that set of criteria.

Islam, as currently constituted, does not.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wow. It's an interesting universe we live in, whatever the source of that voice.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Intelligent, thoughtful post with an important topic. Well presented also.

I've had my doubts about both people, especially Halper-Hayes, but don't feel certain about either one way or another. Cautious though, yes; moreso after reading your post. I appreciate your putting this info together, and your sensible commentary.

And yes, sowing division in the ranks is one of the bigger red flags for someone in the movement.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Excellent, high-effort comment. Would make a good post, too.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

For all the concern about what Musk's deepest motives might be, he's probably doing even more for the Great Awakening than we are here on this board.

He bought Twitter and turned it into a red-pill machine and a (semi)-haven for free speech, in a time of near-universal censorship and tyranny. Who, other than Trump, has done more to wake up the pubic and spread Truth?

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