Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kate and kids are at undisclosed bunker, waiting for release of hidden history and binary star system incoming behind Sun.

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mae Brussels did really good reporting on this. Her old broadcasts can still be found on the tube.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Berries, blackberry, strawberry, raspberries, all good producers and easily stored by almost any method. Cherry tree is nice. I tried artichoke last year but they didn’t come back… half of our garden is things that come back yearly, makes it easy. Sweet potatoes are always good if you are south of the mason dixon line. Herbs, fill your garden border with herbs! Attracts all the beneficial insects and it’s so nice to not have to buy them in the store.

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

After reading all the comments, well, I’m seeing a lot about her behavior, I’m also seeing you tried the gray rock method. The phone situation is puzzling, it could be she has already consulted with an atty and if so advice was given to her to basically keep you out of her things, this includes financially. I suspect she is probably also recording your conversations. As a woman who has been married 12 years I can say that marriage is never an easy thing, it takes commitment, it takes patience, it takes kindness. And that mind sound easy but it’s not. Nothing is easy in marriage, especially when you are constantly struggling in this world. I believe your wife is missing something. Have you ever sincerely looked at your behavior, your lack of wants from her? Somewhere there is something missing, it could be emotional, spiritual, physical. Or a combination of all 3. You don’t go 10 years with someone and then just say “well, I don’t love you anymore”. Are there days I don’t love my husband? Sure, you bet! We have had months of not getting along, but in the end, we still drop our egos and admit we have been completely disrespectful and disregarded our needs as a WHOLE body. The root to finding out if you are BOTH willing to make this work is sitting down and having an honest conversation. Ask her, where am I failing you? Where am I failing US? Your wife needs to understand this doesn’t have to be a brick wall, you have successfully torn down what you built, together, doesn’t matter if you believe it’s all her, you play as much a part as her. You need to find out the root. If she gets angry don’t react with anger back, tell her you love her and you need clarification and if she doesn’t want to talk and open up then you tell her you will wait until she is ready. Never go straight to divorce talk, it immediately sets a barrier. Switch your talk to, I want to work through this, I believe in us, I want to help US. Women hold a lot of emotions inside, we have tremendous responsibility, just cause she doesn’t work for mean she doesn’t have stress out the wazoo. Fight and make up, fight and make up. Do it without ego, realize she is half of YOUR body. Fight like hell to get her back before you take advice to leave her. Editing not to fix my typos but to suggest you seek counseling, at least for yourself. It can be very helpful, especially when you have NO ONE to vent and consult with. You need an outlet, a way to have someone gauge your emotions. I proudly go to counseling, it helps ME be a better mom, wife, and most importantly validates my feelings. You need some validating but also some guidance on how to deal with the transference. Which everyone has, it’s when your emotions are transferred from yourself onto others, often you will not realize it. Woman are empathy naturally, whatever emotions you carry your wife is naturally picking up and while your frustrations, anger, and sadness might not even be directed at her, she herself will feel it and believe they are meant for her, if she has any bit of narc in her this can make her go through the discard stages. Research it, find a therapist, do it for yourself. Despite the outcomes keep working on YOU.

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Men have more ace2 receptors, which is what the cleave on the spike protein fits in. So yes, men are more targeted in a sense… men generally don’t detox as fast as women, that’s a factor as well. It should be noted that the “vax spike” was found in women’s ovaries and breast tissue for up to 2 years after first injection. Studies are still ongoing but they significantly affected many women’s reproductive system, even us unjabbed who were shedded on had significant issues.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then they cover the skies, so in essence you never got to take that picture you waited desperately for… with hoping also comes a realization of defeat. You have to plan for both scenarios

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

WOKE is going to WAKE… slowly and in a strange manner… but they still don’t understand the two and three side psyop… they will get there.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it’s time to buy some printing presses… Ya know when we finally go dark, anons are gonna need a lot of ink.

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a recording actually several recordings from a guy that was in the whole scene there, the recording was of him talking to an agent in LA, an investigator. Someone actually posted it on GA. Does anyone recall these phone call recordings?

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, he has moved the goal post several times, saying some vax is necessary, others are damaging, some are vetted, some are not. It’s talking out of both sides of his mouth. If you were trying to control the vax narrative how do you do it? How do you gatekeep? Same with geo engineering, same with everything. Gatekeepers.

Needmorecovfefe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting this is coming out now, many anons caught this in the first term, especially the merging of the fed into the treasury. A reported check to pay out the debt was issued and we still don’t know if it was cashed. The fed interest is paid back in gold and silver or at least that is what has been written in the USDA act that gives the fed any power over the debt dollars… this is such a huge rabbit hole that even the best of the best are still trying to figure out what exactly was done.

Needmorecovfefe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Or she is talking about a very specific President who just happened to be seen in front of the building another President was supposedly shot from with a magic bullet???

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are four figures in the Book of Revelation who represent the evils that will occur at the end of the world. The names of the four horsemen in order are: Conquest The first horseman rides a white horse, represents conquest, and is accompanied by a bow and crown. Some scholars interpret this horseman as Christ or the Antichrist. War The second horseman rides a red horse, represents war and bloodshed, and is given a great sword. Famine The third horseman rides a black horse, represents famine, and carries a balance scale. Death The fourth horseman rides a pale green horse, represents death, and is accompanied by Hades, the netherworld

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I question this as well but you have drugs easily given to them, viagra, cialis, add some scopaline… drugs are powerful, sometimes too powerful, end up with a black eye…

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a friend who just attended a funeral of a woman who died from cjd. Also this

Two hunters may have become the first Americans to die from a "zombie deer" disease, according to a recent study published in the journal Neurology, the Daily Mail reported.

Chronic wasting disease (CWD), a nearly 100 percent fatal ailment known to affect deer, elk, and other cervids, has long raised concerns about its potential transmission to humans. The study suggests that two individuals who died in 2022 after consuming contaminated venison may have succumbed to the disease. https://www.newsmax.com/us/hunters-first-us/2024/04/18/id/1161567/

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Um. Doesn’t the NSA basically already own the internet? I mean they have every back door right? Please explain this to me like a DOS kid that I am.

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know if it’s an emp but I keep dreaming of VERY dark places, like no electricity anywhere, chaos, lots of people in utter hell, rampant fighting among people for drugs and water. It’s been almost nightly since the eclipse. In the dream I’m constantly looking for family members to “rescue” from this hell.

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