Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think its interesting that people are so excited about winning their school board. They didnt go far enough. Momma bear ate her meat and went to sleep.

All elected officials have a surety bond just do the same thing these people did with the school board but on your city council, state reps and so forth. You can even print out the papers on your couch. Hell read about it and post this info in every post you see. Make it so people will see it in the msgs of every post they read. To the point they either ignore it or decide to do it. All you have to do is then go and speak your voice tell them do this or ill call in your bond and serve them (think of it like toilet papering an assholes house, or leaving a burning bag of shit on their porch) Get some of your friends and they will be x3 (or more depending on how many people do this in your city or state) the fines if they dont comply. Grab your balls and do something about it.

www.bondsforthewin.com (use this site it is your tool, elected officials will act dumb about surety bonds)

This is the video that got this started. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3KdwaSIOFpE

How to get the Surety Bonds:

  1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.

  2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.

  3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.

  4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.

  5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.

  6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.

  7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.

  8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.

Ninpomike 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think its interesting that people are so excited about winning their school board. They didnt go far enough. Momma bear ate her meat and went to sleep.

All elected officials have a surety bond just do the same thing these people did with the school board but on your city council, state reps and so forth. You can even print out the papers on your couch. Hell read about it and post this info in every post you see. Make it so people will see it in the msgs of every post they read. To the point they either ignore it or decide to do it. All you have to do is then go and speak your voice tell them do this or ill call in your bond and serve them (think of it like toilet papering an assholes house, or leaving a burning bag of shit on their porch) Get some of your friends and they will be x3 (or more depending on how many people do this in your city or state) the fines if they dont comply. Grab your balls and do something about it.

www.bondsforthewin.com (use this site it is your tool, elected officials will act dumb about surety bonds)

This is the video that got this started. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3KdwaSIOFpE

How to get the Surety Bonds:

  1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.

  2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.

  3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.

  4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.

  5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.

  6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.

  7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.

  8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.

Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think its interesting that people are so excited about winning their school board. They didnt go far enough. Momma bear ate her meat and went to sleep. This post just motivated me to take my own advice. Thanks. Hell use my words if you want.

All elected officials have a surety bond just do the same thing these people did with the school board but on your city council, state reps and so forth. You can even print out the papers on your couch. Hell read about it and post this info in every post you see. Make it so people will see it in the msgs of every post they read. To the point they either ignore it or decide to do it. All you have to do is then go and speak your voice tell them do this or ill call in your bond and serve them (think of it like toilet papering an assholes house, or leaving a burning bag of shit on their porch) Get some of your friends and they will be x3 (or more depending on how many people do this in your city or state) the fines if they dont comply. Grab your balls and do something about it.

www.bondsforthewin.com (use this site it is your tool, elected officials will act dumb about surety bonds)

This is the video that got this started. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3KdwaSIOFpE

How to get the Surety Bonds:

  1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.

  2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.

  3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.

  4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.

  5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.

  6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.

  7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.

  8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.

Ninpomike 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think its interesting that people are so excited about winning their school board. They didnt go far enough. Momma bear ate her meat and went to sleep.

All elected officials have a surety bond just do the same thing these people did with the school board but on your city council, state reps and so forth. You can even print out the papers on your couch. Hell read about it and post this info in every post you see. Make it so people will see it in the msgs of every post they read. To the point they either ignore it or decide to do it. All you have to do is then go and speak your voice tell them do this or ill call in your bond and serve them (think of it like toilet papering an assholes house, or leaving a burning bag of shit on their porch) Get some of your friends and they will be x3 (or more depending on how many people do this in your city or state) the fines if they dont comply. Grab your balls and do something about it.

www.bondsforthewin.com (use this site it is your tool, elected officials will act dumb about surety bonds)

This is the video that got this started. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3KdwaSIOFpE

How to get the Surety Bonds:

  1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.

  2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.

  3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.

  4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.

  5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.

  6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.

  7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.

  8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.

Ninpomike 3 points ago +3 / -0

The instructions clearly state to date your ballot and when mailing it post date it so it can be counted on the 8th. Ive even heard people not have their ballots counted in previous elections becus the signature didnt match the one on record. Where do they get the signature you ask? From the DMV. Not sure about your state but CA and VA have your signature on your drivers license. Well that sounds racist.

Ninpomike 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dont think its talking about nations but beings. This also takes place after the rapture. Has the rapture happened?

Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has anyone brought up the thought that the Q and trump to attack the deep state and remove the evil cabal is just the first step for the following group MAGA or yada yada to implement the real NWO. I honestly dont think we can rely on any of the current institutions.

Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im no doctor but i would say parasites are the leading cause.

Ninpomike 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or the Nerf Herder wanted PP to convince nancy to do her magic insider trading for hemp so Nerf Header could make money. PP said no and then it was hammer time.

Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sort of odd that the AZ lady had someone storm her office, and now this. Maybe planned, or maybe politicians are being attacked by criminals as part of the proportion of crime waves.

Ninpomike 5 points ago +5 / -0

If he even took the jab how is he going to react when it turns out they killed people and will continue to. Think thats the big wait and see moment for everyone and whether or not it is true that they shed and even the purebloods have been affected by either the graphene or a spike protein shedding.

Ninpomike 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dont think we can believe anything until the paint drys. Only thing I can do is say no to those who are of service to self and be of service to others since there are people who are obviously being of service to self, and the spirit seems to be okay with both due to free will. Both tell you before the service is applied. Except service to others makes sure they can go forward with the service. Service to self just do it whether you want it or not as long as they told you the spirit is okay with it.

Ninpomike 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe start posting in another community that can still be seen in new to by pass the community mods you are in. Ive been banded from donald for posting pictures of animals that look like him but can still post else where. Comsumeproduct might be a good one. They talk a lot about jews.

Ninpomike 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its so secular jews can have a label to connect to. If they didnt bring up the holocast or claim antisemitism they would be human like all the other atheists. Orthodox jews dont give two shits about holocast or antisemitism. Antisemitism is over played. If it was genocide then yea, but they use it every time they hear someone say Jew. Ye says Jew and people go crazy. Also secular jews dont want to work. They make money off the holocaust and antisemitism. If it is so bad go live in Israel. Wait they wont becus in Israel they would have to have a real job since there is no antisemitism in Israel only news of other countries being antisemetic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KgXpI6LeblM

Ninpomike 2 points ago +4 / -2

(Shrug) ive been told by a friend in his 60’s that you only truly know 1% of your reality. 99% is unknown, and in this clown world anything seems possible.

Ninpomike 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this as easy as printing a picture on clothing?

Ninpomike -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or maybe higher level spiritual beings protect us, and we are to stupid to know the difference. After all the one spirit is manifested in higher spiritual beings.

Ninpomike 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why does it have to be gold or digital money? We can just get rid of money. “There are three gems upon this earth, food, water, and pleasing words -fools consider pieces of rocks as gems.” ~ Chanakya

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