Exactly. Then they believed the results 🤣
If it can be proven that they are being paid to disrupt, free speech becomes domestic terrorism and should be dealt with as such. You can go down for it or you can tell us who paid you for a little bit of leniency .
You had to know that there was a nefarious motive when they advertised the shit out of these kits as gits for you family and friends. No thanks
The definition of insanity
Well... Bye
I'm willing to bet they sniffed Barrons undies more than Melanias
I never look at the comments, we need to get off the thing you were supposed to watch me on. Then I'll have an excuse for sucking.
And shaving cream. Might as well throw some t.p. too.
To be fair, Kid arock did blow a case to smithereens with a machine gun. The big difference? He owned that case of Bud Light. Kinzinger is an absolute moron if he can't grasp the idea of private property.
It's kind of crazy that everything on the deck of that boat doesn't get torched when a booster lands on it
Is Kid Rock going to be at that table. I know he set it up. Maybe he will act as a moderator???
Has anyone seen if this is per individual or will a married filing joint be 300k?
I think Z is running out of chances to personally survive this war.
Nobody cared Chuck. Go home already (GITMO being home of course)
Remove the door to his room for starters, change your wifi password, and dispense some tough love. If you pay for his phone, cut that off too. Oh... and lock the pantry and the fridge. I pray for all of you.
Your reading skills rival that of Johnny #5
Elon is in the process of building a rescue snow cat
Remember banning fireworks on the 4th of July a few years ago? Imagine the BBQ LA would experience.
My thoughts are FUCK THAT COMMIE
Oh... and don't forget a chronic case of TDS.