NoUKcigarettes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Such bullshit. I hope somebody does the right thing. Preferably having lead run into them at a high rate of speed. Trump 2024.

NoUKcigarettes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, and the side by side pics are the TOTALLY dead kids. (pictures given to the press and the other is them at the Superbowl)

NoUKcigarettes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Up to, I believe, around the 51 second mark, it shows family of the "dead" kids. Then it says "anyone else?" Everyone after that, supposedly died at Sandy Hook. Google their names. They died at Sandy Hook but they're at the Superbowl three months after the TOTALLY real school shooting. They used younger pictures for the press. There's no denying, especially Josephine Gay and Olivia Engel.

NoUKcigarettes 2 points ago +3 / -1

Here's some of the "dead" kids singing at the Superbowl, three months after the TOTALLY real school shooting. https://youtu.be/pMftSyXFgSU?si=hd9HuuAFQpjfvdMd

NoUKcigarettes 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ahhhh. Sandy Hook and Parkland Florida come to mind. Sandy Hook, drill that day. Parkland Florida, drill that day. Christ Church, drill that day. Any more that I'm not thinking of? I'm sure there's lots of false flag Democrat shootings.

NoUKcigarettes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bullshit. He should have when he had the chance. Declassify all that, and Sandy Hook. Parkland Florida, too. I'm sure there's lots more.

NoUKcigarettes 6 points ago +6 / -0

Definitely staged. What police officer would ever let kids or anyone walk by supposed pipe bombs? A bought and paid for scumbag that should be in prison, that's who. Nancy went from staged hammer attacks to a fake insurrection. God I'd love to see some public hangings.

NoUKcigarettes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck that guy. If he had anything on anyone, he should post it. He's just being a faggot for attention. He has nothing.

NoUKcigarettes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think I remember the kid that supposedly shot up Comet Ping Pong Pizza (staged, no doubt), his father was working for the center of missing and exploited children. It was on the same block or really close to Comet.

NoUKcigarettes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got Sandy Hook vibes when watching the news. Can someone explain to me how the police said one of the places was a Walmart distribution center and Walmart denied it happening? I'm probably just missing some context.

P. S. Nobody died at Sandy Hook. But you knew that already.

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