NobodyLikesSplatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn’t trying to be a dick, I appreciate the links in general. A lot going on in FL. I just really can’t stand wfla, most every local news site is garbage, really. They’re like cnn’s blind, inbred, retarded cousins.

NobodyLikesSplatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://www.tampafp.com/ is a more conservative site.

Please don’t give wfla clicks. They suck, they’re anti Trump, leftie garbage. There are very few news agencies you can trust down here, actually.

NobodyLikesSplatter 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is true. When I ask someone specifically what they don’t like about Pres Trump, they say they “just don’t like him.” “Why?” Crickets. It’s brainwashing, I think.

That’s my grandma, too. She’s 90 but more with it than a lot of 30 years olds. Diehard Dem. She says she will always vote Dem no matter what. You try to point out how she’s struggling to buy food now and my parents have to send Hello Fresh 3x a week and she can’t afford to travel much anymore like she did and rent and utilities are rising and gas is super high and all her friends can’t afford to eat out like they used to in groups and crime is up. She can’t go to NyC anymore like she did since that’s where she’s from..and the masks, jabs and lockdowns and general tyranny but she won’t change her mind and all her friends are the same. It’s maddening. Its infuriating. It’s brainwashing.

NobodyLikesSplatter 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also curious and concerned, actually.

NobodyLikesSplatter 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’d rather them awaken. They can influence more people alive than dead. Also, I’m all about peace and love at this point in my life. Helping others.

NobodyLikesSplatter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rip, prayers for him. Thanks for posting this. I have posted quite a bit about this at GAW with little traction, Idk why. But it’s an epidemic. They used to say 22 a day but it is higher than that.

Let me tell you something, and I know this from personal experience- the mil loves to pump as many as possible with SSRIs and they know it can cause young adults to have suicidal ideation. But while active duty, if you are depressed-which many are, you’re out on them and it’s really hard to get off of them. Then you get out and the VA continues the nightmare and they bully you to stay on them. It took me a year to wean off of them and am so glad I did but it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Anyway, I think that is part of the problem but morale has been very low under Obama, it picked up over the Trump admin but then crashed and burned after the Afghanistan withdrawal (abortion.) It’s really, really bad and now they shove all this woke and jab agenda down everyone’s throats, war with Russia. I don’t know what to say about it anymore but I’ll continue to support my friends and local vets until I die.

NobodyLikesSplatter 9 points ago +9 / -0

To me, it’s dooming. Presenting info that causes someone else to doom.

NobodyLikesSplatter 8 points ago +8 / -0


This keeps happening recently. Someone follows me and I click on their name and it’s a random male holding or next to a kid! What the hell? It seems extremely suspect. Does this happen to you??? I keep seeing it now. I went through all my followers and weeded out all the obvious bots and weird stuff like this by blocking but I’m starting to report them as well.

Look at your followers closely! This makes me sick.

NobodyLikesSplatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like my neck of the woods. Nice! I will put similar on my car.

NobodyLikesSplatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t belong to that group but here is another thing I meant to comment on yesterday but got busy. I’ve been going through my “followers” on TS and noticed recently some followers are of a male pictured with a younger female, presumably a daughter. Creepy AF. They followed me originally and I usually scrutinize anyone before following and haven’t added them. Usually, I’ll get a bunch of new followers almost immediately after liking something. It’s so predictable now.

Anyway, I started looking closely at followers and noticed a bunch of bot-like types with say, 13 followers/following hundreds and started deleting them by blocking but that’s when I really started looking at their pics. It struck me as trafficking-level sinister. Block, block and more blocking. Has anyone else noticed? I would have a good look at your followers and simply block them, which removes them from your list. Report as necessary imposters, of course.

Also, Sean Hannity fakes keep coming back. Over and over. Wtf I can’t stand him. I won’t even add the real one.

NobodyLikesSplatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

No other way to say it. I have a hard time looking at him in pics and videos. He truly is evil. I bet if Holy water was splashed on him, he’d sizzle.

Also, he’s a self-absorbed, disingenuous, flaming, POS prick. He was there for the photo opp. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about this Marine.

NobodyLikesSplatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, he could be deceased already. They might be waiting to use it as a distraction.

NobodyLikesSplatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

No idea.. but generally, for Hospice service, they expect your life expectancy is 6 months or less.

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