Nolagirl99 2 points ago +3 / -1

Every faxed person should be on supplements. This is the best bang for your buck I’ve found, it encompasses most of what they need and is made in the US.

NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine 1000mg Vitamin D3 K2 Zinc Quercetin 1000mg Sarracenia Purpurea 1000mg with Elderberry Holy Basil Bee Propolis Bromelain L-Lysine Made in USA - 60 Count https://a.co/d/4o2ebKu

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do a side by side with his hair. There’s a piece sticking out on the his left. They aren’t all recorded same day but you can see the ones that were.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found that interesting too. I did a side by side with his hair and it’s definitely pre recorded

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mg of ivermectin. From what I understand, it kills 99% of parasites.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a picture and I’m not sure how to include it. I’ll type it out. 111-130 lb 12 mg 131-150 13.5mg 151-170 15mg 171-190 16mg 191-210 18mg 211-230 20mg 231-250 22mg 251-270 24mg

About .09mg/lb. First day you take the full dose. Skip a day. Take half dose. Skip a day. Take half dose.

I take 12/skip a day/6/skip a day/6

Then once a month take full dose. There’s different protocols for different things but I personally like this one. If someone has never done a parasite cleanse, the die off effect can be brutal and you don’t want to overload your liver and kidneys. Drink lots of lemon water and eat super healthy during the week. If you can steam or sauna, even better. Make sure you read up on what the die off effects are so you’re not caught off guard.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d run the full panel again. Running it under a more holistic type of doctor will look for things outside of current pharma med like parasite and metals. After all of the reading I’ve done, I’m convinced mental health has been inflicted on the younger generation. My children included. I took matters into my own hands and can’t even explain the results. As a side note, we did a cleanse and then monthly treatment. It wasn’t the same for the people I know. One felt it by the end of the week, another after the second monthly dose. They have stages, like lice and IVM only kills adults so others hatch. Have the MRI and then do another after treatment. Keep us posted and good luck!

Nolagirl99 10 points ago +10 / -0

Disclaimer… not a doctor but I have read ALOT about some of this info. I can say, I personally have seen several people with mental health issues do a 180 by taking IVM.


Upon reading different things about parasites, I came across an article about a parasite called t. Gondi. It can cross the blood brain barrier. I’ll try to dig for the article but there’s info out there.


“The parasite is able to enter the central nervous system and affect dopamine metabolism. Increased dopamine levels in infected cells primarily cause changes in the components of the limbic system. This has led to the proposed effects of increased impulsivity and aggression in people with active T. gondii infections. One of the most interesting effects of T. gondii in humans is its proposed contribution to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia alone is not well understood as to what causes the illness. There are studies that have hypothesized an increased level of T. gondii antibodies is correlated with increased risk for development of schizophrenia. This hypothesis is intriguing and requires further investigation.”

Do a deep dig down this route. I know a couple of people who said WTH after I shared some of the info and we talked and did an IVM parasite cleanse. I can’t explain the difference bc it’s a have to see to believe. She said she’s never felt that way and only way to describe it is relief. Read the studies, especially dated pre covid.

Here’s a few: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3035534/



Take into account how eating rare pork is now standard where as years ago, it was always cooked through.

As for the autism… I think most of us believe vaccines have something to do with it. Look into metal detox. I highly recommend TRS. It’s expensive but one bottle lasts about 3 months. There’s a ton of stories out there and it’s big on childhood autism forums.




Before putting your son on anything, I would get a full panel of blood work done. Try to find a holistic doctor who is versed in parasites and heavy metals. They will run a full panel blood and stool sample to see what’s going on.

There’s also ALOT of info on low laser treatment. My chiropractor (who I call my wizard) has had some amazing results from what some would perceive a cooky treatment. Read about the masses formed on the brain by t Ghondi, some believe those are the masses showing up on the MRI.

Don’t loose hope! There are alternative treatments out there. Now is the time to fight this head on. Praying for you and your son!

Nolagirl99 4 points ago +4 / -0

Funny how that didn’t change my mind at all. Without anons, communism would be rolling in with only a small percent knowing what was happening. The movement is what woke up the world. The fact that he mentions Schwab only reinforces the importance of what anons have accomplished. People are getting involved. Grassroots people have been elected. Information was always part of the plan. Carry on anons

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is something we ALL need to be more focused on. The clean water act instituted by Obama took the states rights away and put it into federal hands.


Trump gave the power back to the states.


Biden moves to restore clean water safeguards repealed by Trump.


1/3/23 - Biden admin redefines WOTUS (waters of the US)


The definition of what constitutes WOTUS, effects farmers, ranchers, fisherman, small businesses, and just about every natural resource, energy business (oil and gas, coal, etc).


There’s currently a case before SCOTUS. Sackett v EPA


Add the clean water act into what we all know is going on with oil and gas and farming, we’re being set up for some major hard times ahead.

Nolagirl99 9 points ago +9 / -0

Did I miss something on why the USMC/USAF is busier than ever?

Nolagirl99 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m starting to think these are pre recorded? I know the tie is different in two but the hair is throwing me off. He records each one in the same spot. Todays coinciding with Biden announcement of visiting the border.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a great one stop shop of vitamins. Made in US and has the majority of the ingredients recommended.

NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine 1000mg Vitamin D3 K2 Zinc Quercetin 1000mg Sarracenia Purpurea 1000mg with Elderberry Holy Basil Bee Propolis Bromelain L-Lysine Made in USA - 60 Count https://a.co/d/9iCjLKK

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do a yearly cleanse and about every 4-6 weeks do a monthly. It’s helped me tremendously

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

As the parasites die, they release toxins into the blood stream, which is then filtered through the kidneys and liver to process. Most common are headaches, nausea, body aches, crusty eyes when you wake up, here’s a decent article but I’ve had some weird things happen during monthly regiment that I associate with die off. You have to remember there are stages or life cycles. So while you may kill an adult, there may still be eggs.


Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

The governor has been pretty neutral. I believe Landry will be running next and will win. He’s been one of America’s behind the scenes heroes. He had led the charge on the vaccine mandates from military to public schools trying to force and even got involved when parents tried to sue but used the wrong attack. The charter and public school systems in NOLA are out of control with the kids. They’re literally still testing and paying kids $25 everytime they take a covid test. The mayor has been at the forefront and she has completely destroyed the city. There’s a black city council, mayor, chief of police yet they target the black community in the guise of helping. Like mandating vaccinations for kids in public and charter schools. The mandate was lifted the day the mayor was to show up in court. People are leaving in droves, the police department is skeletal bc they saw the writing on the wall, they brought in some lady from LA as police oversight during covid and she now holds a top position. Remember, Mardi Gras was the superspreader event and the mayor was on a plane the day after Biden took office. I hope she is one of the first to be held accountable.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your welcome! I hope it helps and please keep us posted. I just send initial articles but there’s a deep dig on each one

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s a lot hidden in the guise of environmental protection of the waterways. One of the main effects is on the oil and gas industry in Louisiana. I’ve said over and over to watch what the AG’s are doing bc they are the ones with the real power. Like the civil war, it’s a way for the federal government to take away states rights. AG Landry of Louisiana has been battling this from the beginning.




It’s about deducting oil and gas production

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually like the die off symptoms! Kek It let’s me know how badly I was infected and I’ve had weird ones that make my tin foil crown shine!

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reading through the comments. Not a doctor but I’ve seen miracles from IVM. Since he was career military, I would assume he was exposed to a variety of things most weren’t. Probably deployed overseas. The body is an amazing thing and can seriously heal itself, if it’s given a fighting chance. First thing I would do is a parasite cleanse with IVM. Send me his weight, I’ll send the dosage/protocol. Especially while doing the cleanse, lots of lemon water and healthy diet. (Parasite die off). Lentil soup with kale may help with some immediate relief. I also red light everyday but it really helps when you have any ailment. In a few weeks, once his body has processed the cleanse, I would look into metal detox. Being military, God only knows what he’s been vaccinated for and exposed to. This stuff is expensive but I swear by it (TRS). One bottle lasts about 3 months so it works out to $30 a month. I’ll provide a few links. I also take this vitamin everyday, it’s a one stop shop.

Plenty of parasite studies but here’s a few articles:




Important to know about parasite die off during cleanse. I like the symptoms bc it tells me how bad I’m infected. It’s lessened everytime but sometimes I have different weird things that usually go back to die off symptoms.



Healthy foods: lentils should help immediately but a diet of protein and veggies is what I would go hard on the next few weeks.


Red light therapy: used a long time ago but has been recently emerging. I swear by it. I have an expensive light but you can start with a small portable one. The higher the NM the better.


InfraGlow NIR & Red Light Therapy Lamp - Infrared Red Light Therapy Bulb with 18 LEDs & Clip-On Lamp - at-Home Red Light Therapy for Body, Chronic Pain Relief, Skin Wellness, & Recovery Accelaration https://a.co/d/5udfVVo

THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT (especially bc military):


There are cheaper versions but I would recommend HIGHLY recommend this one. I’d be really interested in seeing his progress after six weeks of this everyday.

Multi vitamin I take everyday that basically encompasses a one stop shop for everything recommended on this site. It’s way cheaper and easier than trying to buy multiple vitamins. The only thing extra I do is a tumeric but he should add a probiotic.

NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHL5W5ST?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

I hope some of this helps. I tired to keep it to a minimum cost. Sorry if it’s information overload and than him for his service!

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