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Fear the man who has nothing to lose.
why leaving a battlefield?
any1 know when they took jab?
well well well
its even worse than before, coallition than win is very similar to US Democrats
globalist cunts have control now, overall this is lose.
u mean he steal everything.
suicided soon
this audit feels like a trap, something missing for whole picture.
back to the roots
win win?
not accurate Czech dont using and in this map is dark green.
Ivermectin do nothing vs vaccine, Ivermectine is good vs S2 protein destroying red cells during covid. Vaccine protein is S1 that stay in your organs around 15 months.
oh no! Anyway
until i see them i dont believe.
well there must be order even when ppl starting dying thanks to vaccine.
theres non.
isnt this new cartoon look like old one?
anyne found this report on their site?
market colapse
i think its about McAfee deadmanswitch
DS starting provocation, they have 1 way out of this and that global war. Same stuff that happened before WW2.
loading please stand by
im not fan of China, but chance of leak from lab was extremly low, so some1 release virus intentionaly and who profit most from global pandemic?
i dont need god to know whats right and whats wrong, theres reason why people have empathy.
Fear the man who has nothing to lose.