NotATeamPlayer 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was listening to Glenn Beck a week or so ago, and he raised this same point. He said that when the Nazi's came into power, the books that were burned the trans books and the like. I haven't dug into it, but seems very plausible.

NotATeamPlayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

NotATeamPlayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did they ever? Look what Walt Disney did to Bobby Driscoll. He made WD a fortune and when he became to old, cast aside. Died broke and homeless. Buried in Potter's Field in a paupers grave. Every man/woman is responsible for their life. However, when you're used up as child, by the powerful, I have a little more empathy.

NotATeamPlayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about that face slapping sport (don't know what it's called)? Or the UFC ( I think that's the more based one)? Are those better than stupid NBA or the rest.

NotATeamPlayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

We were literally at Trumps last rally in 2020. Grand Rapids, election night eve. We're listening to him speak, 10:30pm, drizzley, cold November 2nd, in the mud. 1000's of people and Trump says, "....and if I lose tomorrow..." Everyone was gobsmacked. It's like he knew he was going to lose and was telling us all the same. No one could believe it.

NotATeamPlayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if I would fully agree with this. I have a son, I was there, so I would definitely would know. When he went through through USMC Boot Camp, he got the nickname "Ellen". We went to the DI dinner and the DI was telling us the story of the nickname and he said that when they were doing a run he was asked, "Ellen, why are you so slow (he can run for shit)?" His response, was that he couldn't help it since he was built like a female, sir. His DI's were dying. He would balance his ammo cans on his hip bones to make the carry easier. He isn't upside triangle built like most men. But he is all man. I think they have fucked with food for so long and introduced soy into so many things that it's skewed men. JMO

NotATeamPlayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it different than an abortionist? They gleefully murder the most sacred among us. The most powerless, with joy in their heart.

NotATeamPlayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

But they already arrested him last week. That kid was a setup, imo. Let's divert attention and now pretend they care about classified docs.

NotATeamPlayer 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not about the cattle/hogs/chickens being sick. It's about how them getting the mRNA technology into human body. Nothing to keeping the food supply safe. This is why we buy from local farmers, yes I know how they raise their animals and don't go outside that supply very often.

NotATeamPlayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Revoke their liquor license, since that is issued by the state. That would kill them financially. No longer maintain the roads (Highways) going into the parks.

NotATeamPlayer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Sadly, woman are seemingly the worst. Especially the liberal, white woman. They seem to be the ones that drag their kids to the disgusting Drag Story hours. As a woman, this is what I see.

NotATeamPlayer 25 points ago +25 / -0

You think it's ignored?? It's f'ing embraced in Mental Hospital's. My husband it IT Tech at one of largest in our state. It's rampant. He was telling there was one tranny (M-->F) that was there. He was housed in the female portion. He then went on a rampage beat the ever living shit out of like 2 other female patients and 3 nurses before they could drug him down. The Psychiatrist that was working with him forced him to be moved with men. The Head of Nursing was offended and said, "You can't move HER there, that will cause HER additional mental health issues due to identity conflicts". The doctor then replied, " I said move HIM to the male unit, that's what HE is".

NotATeamPlayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Congratulations!! Blessing be upon your family.

NotATeamPlayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe in some states they will act to stop CBDC. South Dakota just veto'd a bill that was just a normal "reupping" until it was read. Of course, I'm taking Noem at face value. Now my retard state will shove that shit down our throat faster than we can imagine. I believe that there will be a split along states about accepting and banning CBDC. That will then go to our traitorous Congress, then the SC. That's what I see.

NotATeamPlayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where do you find an updated list? I searched online, but wasn't able to find a listing. TIA

NotATeamPlayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a MoM, this would level the playing field. Sadly, I don't think my Marine would want any of them fighting along side him in the first place.

NotATeamPlayer 8 points ago +8 / -0

I miss my mom every day. 1 month post-booster shot, she passed after a heart attack. Surprisingly, she never had heart issues...until the clot shots. Begged her not to get it, but she was so "virtuous". Then she could tell us how selfish we were for not getting them. The 4-6% was where she will always be.

NotATeamPlayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO, many Amazon purchases (my husband is baseline study for this comment) are impulse purchases. He has a thought of, "it would be nice to have ____", and it's at the door the next day. I haven't purchased from Amazon in years. eBay in over a year. I got to small stores and support my small town when I need to shop.

NotATeamPlayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should repeatedly ask for more info about their org, just to cost them more money. Over and over and again.

NotATeamPlayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

My Marine is fighting for safety and protection of us all. He is as "toxic" as they come. OoRahh!!

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