by Quelle
NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or any company with people in TX

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

The test is poo, and the vax is poo, and they know this so they can demand either and also grant them no worth at a moment's notice depending on which fits their agenda (or both, or neither, as doublespeak demands).

All of it underpinned by force or the threat of force in order to compel blind unthinking compliance. No.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

So ... is a big hike in estate taxes / lowering of max untaxable amount in the current Dem budget nightmare?

Voila, it's cost-free, because we're killing all the grandparents and taking the money they would've left to you.

NotInFormation 4 points ago +4 / -0

We had Articles of Confederation.

The argument was made (c.f. Federalist Papers) that with protections a federal government would be OK.

I have come to understand that those that hate us take these texts in hand to discern how to ruin us. (E.g. Federalist 29; therefore, they've conduced a standing army, seek to disarm the people, and are isolating this army from the people by purges so as to make it willing to be hostile to them)

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes and no. Projecting power overseas = fucked. When in our lifetimes has that been used for the betterment of humanity, much less in the actual interest of the United States citizenry?

Projecting power inside = doublefucked. When the orders come to come get us deplorables, logistical and operational readiness is nil.

NotInFormation 9 points ago +9 / -0

More than enough (especially the experienced, essential E-5+ people!). However the false king wants to give them all DDs which coincidentally would bar them from owning arms.

NotInFormation 10 points ago +10 / -0

These guys say such nice and powerful statements now that they've been tossed out of power by fraud and can effect nothing.

NotInFormation 6 points ago +6 / -0

For Aussies (assuming you can escape the shackles) mix with Vegemite.

by BQnita
NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Newb. At least 1886 (corporations are persons) if not sooner.

by BQnita
NotInFormation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't forget the fedora!

... and the fact that the car, the home, the stove and appliances, and the education were actually made in America.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just actually read what I copypastaed... this means people could render useless the NICS as a database of firearms owners by executing checks en masse but not actually buying the firearms. (Not saying you shouldn't buy, just DDOS their database with chaff).

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0


(b) Firearms transaction record. Licensees shall retain each Form 4473 and Form 4473(LV) for a period of not less than 20 years after the date of sale or disposition. Where a licensee has initiated a NICS check for a proposed firearms transaction, but the sale, delivery, or transfer of the firearm is not made, the licensee shall record any transaction number on the Form 4473, and retain the Form 4473 for a period of not less than 5 years after the date of the NICS inquiry. Forms 4473 shall be retained in the licensee's records as provided in § 478.124(b): Provided, That Forms 4473 with respect to which a sale, delivery or transfer did not take place shall be separately retained in alphabetical (by name of transferee) or chronological (by date of transferee's certification) order.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what I told the wife. All the combined PRC, UN blue hats, wokists in the U.S. military, BLM, NFAC, and whatever other crap are just a gun buyback program waiting to happen.

I say "buyback" because we the taxpayers bought most of those weapons for those fuckers, so if they bring them back to us it's only repo.

NotInFormation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right - Trump is just a (not the) tip of the spear.

Better they don't, though. Better for us.

NotInFormation 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's just a few Aussies. It's just some isolated Frenchmen eating. Eating! It's just a Canadian pastor. It's just Californians. It's only truckers getting ready to Tyler Durden the deep state. It's only everyone.

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was actually surprised. Thanks for that, HJT!

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