So are we sure everything has been fixed since 2020? I’m just not seeing it, stories all over of machines down, flipping etc. still don’t see the normies awake yet. Have a strange feeling we will have to suffer more. Hope I’m wrong.
I noticed tonight that when next to FLOTUS he looks like he is towering over her. She is 5 11” last I checked. Could be the camera angle.
Perhaps because Vance said he was a never Trumper.
Probably dope card or range distances of the area.
What about the bird flu?
100% rigged. They just want him to have the title of convicted felon.
At what point does the goal post stop being pushed. Trust the plan…This has to be the way… Cmon, is it after what? After 45 is in jail? Just keep it waiting is getting exhausting/demoralizing. Sorry for the rant, just need some hopium.
Not sure if there is a connection with the three mentions of bombs.
Wish that were the case but for the last 4 years they’ve blamed everything on him. They won’t stop. Their hatred of him has no bounds.
Confusion sets in. 10 day blackout or some are saying this is day 6.
Joined 8 hours ago.
Would any of these be relevant?
Look between P and R. Eyes wide open.
Triggered much?
Maybe I’m missing something but obviously non believers have been really active as of late. If we can reference drops then so can they. My question is what keeps them from getting a step or ahead? I honestly just don’t know.
April Showers? Any thoughts?
6 hours! How about cliff notes lol.
Just checked, same for me.
Had the same thought. I hear a lot of people saying it’s for the inauguration...but I thought it was to be a digital acceptance from pedo Joe. My thought is what if it’s in preparation for when they try and impeach him and they expect the Trump supporters to come and protest/riot. Just doesn’t make sense to me to have all the generators of that size they to be in preparation for protest. Feel like I’m debunking myself. My other thought was if Trump is in the no comms then they can invoke the 25th basically saying he’s disappeared and then that will cause riots. Honestly I don’t know, just bouncing ideas around.
May be a stupid question but how does one arrest the pope? Would that be a UN thing or how does that even work?