Would be epic.
Shouldn't it be "vaccinated?"
You sound indoctrinated.
At some point even alleged "smart people" like him will realize the vaccine is doing exactly what it was designed and intended to do.
He's not there yet.
LOL nothing about this is shocking.
That's the problem.
Crop pickers should be paid more than politicians. At least they contribute something positive to society.
I want to believe.
Why worship anything? Seems so primitive.
Why did he have to?
Trump doesn't sound panicked. That's all that really gives me a little peace at the moment.
We can't possibly understand it all... Nor can we as so much happens we aren't even aware of.
Sometimes the only fix is faith that there is one you don't currently comprehend.
But Biden doesn't have control of the military....
Wow, he should have been on Mueller's "investigative" team. Sounds like he knows all the bad stuff everyone else missed!
Here's another link. Translate to English.
Who blew it up? Did Russia do it? Did the US? If the US, why?
Read this. Translate to English.
Seen this? Translate to English.
Whoa! That's awful! I have 1200 acres in Haywood near McAlester that I bow hunt. It's freaking dry and the leaves are already turning on some of the trees there. I didn't know it was so dry.
You couldn't write a more appropriate movie script for, "My Dumbass President."
Still trying to decode the "full screen" button on the lower right...
Hmmmm, what could it mean???? Hmmmmmm
I knew that long before the pandemic. And I'm no all-knowing doctor with a God complex either.
But why even report it? Why even make the test public thereby lowering the faith in the product you're trying to pimp? It just doesn't make any sense.
Someone should respond to this tweet with..
"I love you man, one of the best satire accounts out there! Making me laugh every day! MAGA!!!"
Stock up on preps and HODL for MOASS!!!
And that thread over on GLP that's talking about the start of all kinds of disruptions starting this weekend.
Shit is about to get real. Make sure your quivers are full of arrows!!!
And everyone is baffled!!!