Terrible mistake. It will kill my only living sibling. The mRNA should never be injected into humans or animals.
Just off; no need to complete the reboot. Long time ago he seemed okay, but the blackmail must have become too much.
Watch her eyebrows; they rise with every lie, and the faster they raise, the more she is trying to accentuate her lying position.
Funny. At first I thought it was for Massachusetts, where priests were regularly moved around to avoid prosecution. It's actually like moving one's cows around to graze new fields. Perhaps the true intention is to increase pedophilia.
Let those who are Communists follow the communist rules. Don't let them speak for God. God has spoken recently and shown his approval for Trump and Trump's actions.
The pope is supposed to cover religion, not politics. Where was he when the bishops were moving around pedophile priests to avoid their prosecution? And why is the Catholic church approving abortion? Jesus loves children--ALL children. If religion and morality are the proper focus of the Catholic church, then why have they not prevented abortions and rapes worldwide?
I believe that it will inevitably come out that each new version of the vaccine does incorporate new diseases. Thus the weakest part of everyone's body will be affected eventually. I begged my younger brother to refuse the vaccine, but he said he had no choice; the VA mandated the vaccine or he would be refused oxygen he needed to live since agent orange damage from serving in VietNam. I consider his death from the vaccine as murder.
It's just the Democrat way--CHEAT!
Did they ever stop? Whenever anything truly evil shows up it is being pushed by a Democrat or Rino. That's why I don't register as either R or D. Unenrolled allows voting in either primary here.
Millions pray at least daily for Trump and Musk. Their work is for God, not just for us, and they will not fail. God is leading and they are following. Fear not!
What worries me is that the criminals are blaming Elon for something the Biden administration did one year ago. I have been getting official letters that all the social security numbers were stolen in 2024 (February?) and published. They even got my husband's info, and he died in 2016. I think the Dems do this to give old ss numbers illegally to new illegals.
Purkiss, you're perfect just as you are. Don't change! I'm more offended by the stupid opinions on MSNBC than by any swear words; just watch how high and fast the eyebrows raise and you'll know who is lying on that channel. They just can't help it. (And I only look at that channel occasionally to learn what I cannot mention to my sister; she is triggered by all things Trump or conservative, and prefers that garbage).
I totally agree. Elon Musk's IQ is way beyond genius, certainly well over 200. Most of the screaming left barely brush IQ 100. It is quite well known that people do not understand those with an IQ 30 or more points above their own. Every time Maxine Waters or AOC open their mouths I wonder why anyone ever voted for them, but the figures coming from USAID explain at least some of it.
I have seen six-month old babies whose intelligence shone from them; it's all in the eyes. My own children are at least 30 points above me, and probably more since I have aged greatly in recent years. My youngest brother took five SAT tests, including typical verbal and math and three others in specific areas. His scores were 800 in three of the five and at least 790 in the other two. His brilliance was obvious from birth; he was much like Elon Musk. Elon is a gift from God, as is Donald J. Trump.
I still feel ill when I remember. My only trip to DC was in 1963, before it became illegal to enter the government buildings under the Democrats. I was with a state senator and his wife, so there was no problem. On the same trip we went to Gettysburg, a most worthwhile trip. I remember the letters behind glass from family members who fought on different sides in that war; it was so sad.
Now my own family is split because my sister insists that I am somehow less because of my opinions. She insisted on vaccination for everyone she knows, but I escaped because of my study of birth defect genetics, which left me aware long before most. I'm allergic to so many medicines it likely would have killed me to take the vaccine. Now I see that I was right after all, as so many have died even in my own family. I had Covid five years ago, before vaccine, and was sick for about 24 hours, and I am 86. My sister has had every shot and booster and gets Covid every time, leading me to believe that it is the intention to spread many types of illness via the shot. The vaccine is updated frequently, and every time more people get new diseases they probably would never encounter or acquire normally.
I have a theory that the vaccine strips the protective genes from a person, thus rendering carrier status to dominant status. Thus a person can carry a gene for a disease (like Alzheimer's) without the gene's ever being expressed, until an mRNA vaccine destroys that state. After the genes are damaged, the recessive gene becomes dominant. That's why so many are getting heritable diseases early if they were vaccinated with mRNA, and cancer cases will continue to rise as well.
Boy, would I love to sit and talk with Senator John Kennedy. I love everything about him: his common sense, his sense of humor and down-home sayings, his ability to get to the core of his argument rapidly, and everything else.
Prominent screechers today are Chuck Schumer and Pocahontas. I don't doubt his involvement in all of this, but did not suspect Liz Warren until this week. Where does she keep all the unearned income? I realize she recently lost some important funding, but is this where she turned? She has been hysterical with fear this past week, and as I listen to her screaming, all I can do is wonder if she is off her meds, on new meds, or GUILTY of the crimes which will soon be exposed. What an embarrassment!
Thanks, but at this age I probably won't survive that long. I used to garden extensively (flowers and vegetables), but all that's left is poisoned rhubarb. I still have most of the old catalogs to point me in the right direction. One of the funniest things here is the resident woodchuck. He stood on a huge two-foot high planter of leaf lettuce to pull down a four-foot tall blooming cosmos. We watched him eat the entire flower; it was hilarious. Are cosmos related to carrots? Foliage is similar. Thanks again.
Good face for a dartboard.
Roundup is a bad memory for me. One of my neighbors, a teacher, saw in my garden what she thought was poison ivy (and may have been) so she had another neighbor spray Roundup on my rhubarb and asparagus bed, rendering it useless for future eating. I used to make rhubarb pies every year, but no more. I never see rhubarb sold in stores, so it's gone forever unless we move.
All of them are dead between the ears, just like Biden.
Congratulations Purkiss. On a side note, SA's loss was our gain--ELON!
We have Trump and Elon. Checkmate!
Important information! I wish my sister could see it and begin to question the huge sack of hate she carries against Trump for no logical reason. My children tell me that one cannot be talked out of brainwashing like that by logic, when logic had no part in its inception.
The Bible says that the rich man will have difficulty entering the Kingdom of Heaven. But I think that this anti-Trump hatred is a much larger obstacle to heavenly acceptance. Please pray for Trump and his team who are helping to actually save the children. May they all be blessed by our Savior Jesus Christ.
What is being done about the breach a year ago by the previous administration?