Optimistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

["Putin was said" ..."to have sacked his top generals"]

[...and is "raging" at the FSB after failed intelligence and poor strategy saw his troops handed a series of embarrassing defeats in the opening days of the war in Ukraine.]

Really! ...and who said so?

["Oleksiy Danilov, head of Ukraine's security council"]

What a joke! 😂

MSM will love to put that in print! If some Ukrainian "said" it then that will be more than enough for the "fact checkers"

It was not the Russian Federation which ..."suffered a series of embarrassing defeats in the opening days of the war".

This regime propagandist will probably be doing his (Iraq war) "Chemical Ali" act, right up until Russian tanks are driving down the main street of Kiev!

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's interesting! A foundation for European nations to justify distancing themselves from US hegemony? ...and Dollar collapse?

Would the UN do something counter to the global Cabal?

Ukrainian neo-Nazis are apparently doomed anyway! Are they the "goat" that will be used to recognize the legitimacy of Russia's "incursion" into Ukraine? ...now that the bio-weapons labs are reported.

Must keep that Russian gas and oil flowing! ...as America encounters bankruptcy.

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0


I forgot to add (earlier) that the "white knight" is impaling the winged serpent.

Does Trump have a partial role in all this? Indications that he does are (in balance) now (apparently) fading. His recent assertions that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine had he (himself) been in power, because he would have bombed Moscow ...were (to my mind) crude and arrogant. His latest emphatic assertions that Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine was "a crime against humanity!", is pure NWO propaganda. It is also factually inaccurate. Further remarks were made which were not reconcilable with Trump being a "white hat". Many will find a way to "explain away" Trump's remarks, but realistically (now) ...that's "flogging a dead horse! Trump is not going to be the "Saviour" or "Messiah" of America. The "Q" team/group on the other hand...

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do not experience things in terms of believing (or dis-believing) ...but through direct experience and an observation of the (reported) experiences of others. Forming conclusions (often tentative).

In response to your question, I would say that I am certain that there are "white hats" within "the system".

As to whether these "white hats" are capable of defeating the "Khazarian Mafia", (with the assistance of those awakening), I am most "Optimistic"!

The "Q drops" appear to show a level of wisdom beyond that of political figures and so I do not equate those figures with "Q".

Given the "Liberal Left" and neo-Marxist negative reactions to the phenomenon of "Q" and the "Q drops", it is not surprising that Constitutional Conservatives positively associate themselves with "Q" enthusiasts.

Sometimes, "white hats" may appear in the most unexpected ways. For example, view the symbolism of the "Russian Coat of Arms"


This shows a "white knight" on a "white horse" (a symbol of good and the light) trampling upon a "winged serpent" (i.e. "snake" or dragon).

MSM (globally) is pushing some of extreme propaganda in relation to the "Russian Federation" and President Putin. Look at those supporting the Zelenski regime. Funnelling hundreds of millions to Ukrainian Nationalists and allocating billions to Ukraine. The West can expect this "extremism" to continue. Observe that it is Putin which made an anti-WEF (anti-NWO) speech at the WEF in 2021. What other world leader has done that? Putin banned the Rothschild crime family (bankers) from Russia and declared the NWO to be "Satanic"! What other world leader has gone that far?

In summary, since the military incursion into Ukraine (i.e. ancient Khazaria), I am more optimistic than ever!

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

All you have done ...whoever you actually are, is oppose my assertion and replace it with the "official narrative". Using that as your foundation to assert that my account ("analysis" as you term it) is supposedly invalid.

I write at length and you dismiss it (as if with a wave of your hand) with a couple of lines.

You totally disregard that I read the "Do No Evil" motto DIRECTLY from Googles own original online documentation! I raised this with others at that point!

It is MSM reporting a different version of things (for many years now) which prompted my post.

Did you really do nothing more than "Google" it? 😭

Perhaps someone who was old enough to be using the Internet LONG BEFORE GOOGLE may have observed what I saw.

Using the Internet while engineering online communication software since the mid nineties gave me extensive exposure to technical documentation. No less so when Google came into existence!

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhap's all three are part of a divided global Cabal?

Trump ...wanting a Capitalist (Constitution) based Cabal. Protecting the wealthy from a Marxist zealots NWO.

Ivanka rebelling against her father (childhood experiences?) and siding with the Marxist based Cabal. Marrying accordingly to hit back at "daddy"?

Both NWO factions supporting the depopulation agenda?

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Klaus Schwab is about to get some Polonium 210 in his tea? 😂

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice all the "charities" springing up too!

Emotionally inpacted by propaganda videos from the Ukraine? ...portraying events that never actually happened? Just send a large donation to Khazarian Charity for Children. We'll ensure that all those donations will swiftly go to complete strangers in a foreign jurisdiction. Helping children and all cute furry animals!

Optimistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recall reading Google's motto (at its beginning) as:


At the time, I endeavoured to communicate to friends that this appeared to have dark connotations as "NO" is the phonetic of "KNOW". Human consciousness (at a deeper level) never missing such things. The subconscious can be accessed directly in this way, bypassing opposition by the conscious mind. Google"s motto or "affirmation" becomes:


Anyone with a subtle sensitivity to the energies of conciousness inhabiting words would find such a "motto" darkly disturbing.

In the intervening years, Google's "Motto" started being reported as "Don't Do Evil", which is NOT what I originally observed. It was this very "motto" which started me wondering about the real motives and agenda of Google, long before this company's darker face manifested. Now it is clear to most that Google is an instrument of "Evil", serving the agenda of the Khazarian NWO.

Having been involved with engineering software since the early 1990"s, I have studied the technical writings of many Microsoft staff ...and in recent years, Google's. It is clear that although those at the top are compromised, this does NOT apply to those at lower (hierarchical) levels. CLEARLY "evil" humans are dependent upon the imagination and creativity of the multitude to have any popular products at all. Financial rewards to staff being the yoke which harnesses the power. Gates (for example) is by comparison, an immensely wealthy parasite. Experience has revealed that he never understood much of the technologies at Microsoft. What he understood was who genuinely did! This now seems applicable to a multitude of corporations and administrations. The people at the top (despite MSM spin) are a parasitical class. They are FRAUDS ! Whether by inherited fortunes or sucking-up to Klaus Schwab types, they are not "Self Made". They are made by a criminal fraternity!

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read that Biden had difficulty pronouncing the name of China's President. Referring to him as "X eye". He was told to imagine China's President was a woman ...and refer to him as "she".

Given his substantial cognitive decline since then, it is doubtful that Biden understands what a President actually is anymore. Repeatedly referring to KaMALa Harris as "President".

Now is the time to inform him that he and Harris are pretend "Presidents" ...and that they are only there for the Nations amusement!

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The world is navigated using lines of Latitude and Longitude WEST or EAST of the Greenwich meridian of Longitude. The former British Empire founded the system ...to help it "conquer" the world (i.e. "the good old days"). 😁

America (the American Empire) as the world's superpower in the West (i.e. Western Hemisphere) is generally the focus of references to "Western Civilization". For a long while, the land to escape to if you were to the East of Stalin's wall.

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

A contraction of Western Hemisphere. The West including Western Europe. America was (re)discovered by ships sailing West from the Greenwich meridian. The current conflict is between the interests of the Anglo-Saxon culture and the Eastern Slavic.

Optimistic 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's interesting!

Sore Ass actually asserting such a thing actually implies that (in addition to Putin) ...Xi is acting counter to the NWO types too!

"My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend".

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. Sooner or later, trying to "explain things away" is going to fail. The Trump belief system may well be doomed!

It may well be that the Q team required Trump to sign Executive Orders ...but this does not mean that Trump "right in there" along with them. Simply making "Q" movements with his hand, may be directed or just "playing to the crowed. It was a long while ago that Trump said "Watch The Waters" and nothing of any real significance occurred. Was he pretending to know what was going to happen ...after reading some "Q Drops"?

Keep in mind that testimony in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial revealed (reportedly) that Trump had been on the "Lolita Express" SEVEN TIMES! Was Trump confronted by "White Hats" and offered a way to pay penance by playing a role?

Originally, we were told that the military (white hats) could have imposed Law & Order on the US, but that such an action would have led to loss of life, because the masses wouldn't understand why ...and would rebel. The reality NOW is that Trump's (EUA) "vaccine(s)" will (it certainly seems) kill a large percentage of the US population! ...and disable tens of millions of others! Millions that were hesitant, but under familial and employer pressure, yielded when Trump told them that the "Vaccine" was "Safe" and "Effective"! Trying to explain this away with the "Red October" missile analogy is "explaining things away"! Trump (didn't) COULD have reminded everyone that the "vaccines" were "EUA" ONLY ...and NOT "Approved"! He could have pointed out that the "vaccine" producers were only interested in the hundreds of Billions that they could make. That Vitamin D, zinc and Ivermectin were "in their way"! He could have pointed out that the "Covid 19" propaganda was a global psyop based upon fraudulent PCR "Cases"! Trump COULD have fired Faucci, but he didn't. He actually (publicly) stated that Faucci was a "NICE GUY"!!! ...until Faucci started bad-mouthing Trump on network News. Long before that point Faucci was accused of killing millions with "AZT" and regarded as "a psychopathic monster" by those that had worked with him. Are we supposed to "believe" that Trump, via the DNI was absolutely clueless! That no detailed profiles on all those around him existed! That Trump was a simple victim (for FOUR YEARS!) of his Cabal Administration ...while (simultaneously) a "genius" playing "5D Chess"!

The TRUTH ...The REALITY ...is that Trump has LIED and DECIEVED the American people! He has acted to benefit the giant corporations during his four years. His electioneering stand on "vaccines" ceased the moment Pfizer donated One Million dollars to his Campaign!

Who were those "Javelin" Tank-Busting missiles intended to be used against in Western Ukraine!? ...and used by who!? It must have been obvious that those missiles were intended to be used against Russian tanks! ...and/or the Donbass Region!

I suspect that Trump is a Capitalist Cabal member (33rd Degree Mason?) who realizes what will happen to him and ALL his wealth, if a neo-Marxist CCP Cabal took over the globe. That former Pfizer CEO (with his millions) too. No doubt a multitude of Khazarian blackmailed VIP's felt similarly. What better way to secure incriminating evidence than to use Special Forces to raid all known sites for recordings and images? Was such evidence secured and used in-turn to blackmail the rest of the world's leaders?

At this point, the ONLY one which appears to be taking PHYSICAL ACTION against Khazarian control is "Putin"!

Supposed action in the US is unsubstantiated. There is no evidence of executions at Gitmo and no evidence that seismic activity is DUMB destruction! Most of us non-vaccinated risk dying of old age before "Durham" ever arrests anyone!!!

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I forgot to add that the ae letters are combined as a dipthong and therefore (presumably) intended to be pronounced as "eye" (Latin) or recently "ee".

Is Sider-eye-el a Latin-ritual word?

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Exa Dark Sideræl Musk"

The name is supposedly inspired inspired by supercomputing (i.e. ExaFLOPS) "dark matter", Lord of the Rings (Elf Galadriel), and "deep space time".

What a name to impose on a child! ...who will no doubt grow up asking herself "Why" ("Y").

"Exa" coincidentally, is an anagram of "Axe". In many uses ...a weapon of battle ...a weapon of death.

Associating your child with "dark matter" isn't exactly auspicious either. Quite aside from the theoretical idea (invention) of astronomers, "dark matter" is commonly associated with the substance of "dark entities"!

Despite the claim that "Siderael" is derived from "Galadriel" ...the word actually appears to be a combination of "sidereal" (i.e. astronomical motion and time) and the word "Israel". The letters "e" and "a" being transposed.

All very bizarre! ...and not helped by the mother looking like someone from the "Adams Family"!

Could anyone look at a name like that and expect someone with a "Sunny disposition"! 😆😭

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just when Schwab's WEF believed that it had corrupted the world's major religious organizations from within ...they realize they missed a (reportedly) secret ANTI-Khazarian society within the Russian Orthodox Church.

Is this secret society connected with the symbolism of the Russian Coat of Arms? ...depicting a White Knight (with angelic wings?) on a White Horse, crushing a winged dragon or serpent (i.e. reptilian) underfoot!


Russia now "cutting off the head of the snake" ...that (symbolically) began with "Snake Island"!

Optimistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guess Schwab's WEF didn't like Putin's Anti-WEF speech in 2021 ...and what he's done since!

HA! HA! HA! 😂🤣😂

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep! "Stand Ready" for those Gates insects being released! ...Especially as Russia has just declared that the Ukraine labs were working on using parasites as bioweapon vectors.

Optimistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read tonight an assertion that Putin was part of a secret group within the Russian Orthodox Church. This may well be true ...as photographic evidence (in the past) showed a close connection with (ROC) Priests, growing up. Then we have his Anti-WEF speech at the WEF in 2021.

Optimistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

From Authority trusting and (for many) elitist virtue signalling ...to Authority-betrayed terminal (for many) AIDS patient! That's quite an inversion!

Only a day or so to learn whether this CDC ultimatum is genuine.

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