if our enemies are put on the government's payroll - they won't be able to plead the fifth amendment ...
a retired New Jersey cop that is upset about his vote being stolen so the prosecutors want him arrested for being upset about it .
Unfortunately; Judge will only unseal "evidence" to smear Trump because they know that they will never get to prosecute .
... then doesn't that mean (8-8-8) found him NOT guilty ??
OK fine - Just give me back all of the money that I was forced to invest in 'Social Security" and I'll be on my way ... ( Bitch !)
wait . wait . wait ... Are they saying that Michelle is a male escort ??
Time Traveler confirmed ...
If my vote counts (and it usually doesn't ...) Byron Donalds . And I'm hoping Trump also grows a beard ...
... the Oaks can’t help their feelings if they like the way they’re made And they wonder why the Maples can’t be happy in their shade? - Neil Peart
What's up with that foot .??
FUN FACT : if you don't believe in "man made climate change" - he believes that you should be put in jail ...
Earth Quakes on Demand ... Psychopaths !!
"sticky" this to infinity and beyond !!
They are not Nazi even though they are "self proclaimed" Nazi ... So, how much of my US tax money did it take to change the minds of the Anti-Defamers .??
... but, Mrs. President went to Paris to do some $45000. worth of Christmas shopping with my US tax money so things can't be all that bad ...
I know that I shouldn't be agreeing with this guy ... But more and more I find myself agreeing with this guy !!
Mrs. Ukraine bought a $4,500,000. Bugatti sports car ... Must be nice .