Oxymoronica1 5 points ago +5 / -0

One thing I still don't get, why did Pompeo post the Red countdown leading up to inauguration? Just playing along with the joke to make Q followers look like idiots, maybe?

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I 100% believe you are correct. I felt something different than I've ever felt when I had covid, and wound up with a pericardial effusion. Also unvaxxed. The disease is real and does actually cause damage.

Edited to add: I did NOT use the swab that came with the test. I used a standard q tip. It was positive, but I already knew what it would say. As you mentioned, it felt different than any other disease I've ever had.

Oxymoronica1 4 points ago +4 / -0

I really doubt this. If part of the application for the delivery system was to mass vaccinate shrimp, it's likely they are indeed using an aerosolized form. Unless you think they're individually shoving liquid into shrimp noses?

Plus I don't think they give a shit about violating the Geneva convention, so pardon me if I don't feel comforted by the fact that they "could" be prosecuted.

Oxymoronica1 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're doing the right thing with the eggs. My son had a peanut allergy when he was a baby. The allergist told us to avoid peanuts for the rest of his life. I drove hours and hours away for a consult with a specialist who agreed to prescribe a "just in case" epi pen and develop a schedule for slow exposure. I spent many, many evenings sitting in the parking lot at the children's hospital feeding my kid peanut butter, so we were nearby just in case he had a particularly bad reaction. Gradually, it got better.

Today, this kid exists on PB&Js and hasn't had a trace of a reaction in years. Gradual exposure changed his life. I shudder to think if I had listened to the first allergist and lived in fear of peanut products for the rest of his life.

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is. The original quote probably had a lowercase i there, and the brackets show that there has been a change to the direct quote. This is nothing.

Oxymoronica1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Other way around. The military (in theory, working for the US) is the occupying power, as they are currently occupying territory under Biden's "foreign" control (China/Ukraine).

I read several relevant sections of the manual and I thought it was plausible last month, but now it just seems like a stretch.

Oxymoronica1 0 points ago +1 / -1

No I don't lol. I just measured my head and shoulders because I find this whole premise ridiculous and hilarious.

People can be built differently without being trannies.

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +3 / -1

As a broad shouldered woman, I'd like to offer my opinion that this post is fully ridiculous.

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, I'm sure someone has done a breakdown of this before, but clearly JK Rowling used these names for major characters in the Harry Potter books.

As someone who loved those books as a kid, I'd like to know whether that name usage was intentional and perhaps allegorical, or whether she just picked an obscure reference and fictionalized it. A lot of references to alchemy, eternal life corrupting the soul by drinking the blood of the innocent (unicorns in the books, children in real life), and other huge themes that normies wouldn't pick up on. I didn't pick up on it, reading it as a kid.

It's easy to feel like the author, as a nobody who was suddenly catapulted to fame and fortune by using material like this, could be one of those "sold her soul" types. I hope not, that would suck.

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Oxymoronica1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anymore videos like this that are good starting points for normies? I'm a normie with a free Friday night and lots of popcorn.

I'm in the mood to go down the rabbit hole. Looking glass, aliens, whatever you want to throw at me lol.

Oxymoronica1 3 points ago +3 / -0

They made sense in real time, too. I saw a post likening these to horoscopes and that seems apt. But it's still a neat effect.

Oxymoronica1 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's the source on Trump declaring bankruptcy and signing the declaration version 2?

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went down that rabbit hole too and read the law of war manual sections that seemed relevant.

My interpretation was that DC would only be considered "belligerantly occupied" by our troops if Biden, Harris et al were proven to be foreign assets. I know there is hard proof (the statistal analyses, the forensic analyses done on Dominion machines, and the (DNI?) report that dropped on the 7th, the public report about which alluded that there was indeed Chinese election interference. Couple that with Biden's ties to Ukraine and Bobulinski's testimony, my question is...

Does that evidence constitute enough proof to make Biden et al a foreign force? If so, the American NG troops are occupying enemy territory, and can seize control, as per the law of war manual.

Wish I had more legal knowledge about what does and does not technically count, here.

IF I'm on the right track here (big if), drops 4821 and 4822 suddenly make a whole lot more sense.

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did anyone watch the DC Street cams this morning to see the motorcades entering and leaving?

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

It didn't happen to Hillary, it happened to Saudi Arabia. Right info, but he used the wrong names and location as misdirection. Can't exactly go online and post "hey there's gonna be a huge military op in SA lol" so he gave enough clues for us to figure it out. It really did happen exactly as Q predicted, you just have to look there and not here.

Oxymoronica1 17 points ago +18 / -1

Absolutely it is. WaPo already ran the story about Q supporters sneaking in to the inauguration as National Guard. Joe knows the plan is for Kamala to take office and to frame Q and Trump for his death.

Oxymoronica1 55 points ago +56 / -1


That WaPo story framing Q supporters for "sneaking in" to the inauguration dressed as National Guard. Total bullshit frame job for when someone takes a shot at Joe and Kamala takes his place.

Oxymoronica1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is the 8am tweet a pic of Washington crossing the Delaware???

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