PAULMovement 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe they should take floride out of the water and put Ivermectin in.

PAULMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

It needs a link to the source. Pro- Vaxxers will just claim that anyone can make an infographic like this on photoshop. They aren't diligent enough to verify the numbers themselves and they would just use Google anyway, which hides true data.

PAULMovement 3 points ago +4 / -1

Damn, I was going to come make this exact comment but you beat me to it. I think we are all sick of the "next week" crap. Although the one "advantage" is that it may be causing the Deep State to react unwisely. Still, I wish something BIG and GOOD would happen.

PAULMovement 3 points ago +3 / -0

He should have created more revolutionaries to protect him.

PAULMovement 2 points ago +2 / -0

Google will ridicule you for searching out "horse paste", but will turn around and tell you men can get pregnant.

PAULMovement 20 points ago +20 / -0

So we can talk about kid fucking all day long, but don't talk about the dangers of the injections of Ivermectin. Got it.

PAULMovement 43 points ago +43 / -0

Every time EVERYTIME someone speaks up, they get treated like this and some fuckwad with a badge comes along to usher them off. Let's just say I'm not on board with the whole "Back the Blue" thing. When shit goes down, they will be serving to protect the establishment, not the people who actually pay their salaries. We see it over, and over, and over. They are not our friends. I'm not calling for violence against them or anything like that, I'm just saying don't count on them to have to have your back or help if we somehow end up in kinetic conflict. In fact, be ready for them to stab you in the back, throw you in jail and leave you there. All as punishment for standing up for the country our forefathers handed down to us. All as consequence of standing up to tyrannical, genocidal maniacs who are exempt from all laws.

PAULMovement 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree, except I can tell you with 100% certainty that his thoughts aren't his own, they are CNN's.

PAULMovement 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only thing that made it out safely were the jihadis. Our weapons didn't make it and most importantly, those Marines didn't make it. If the situation were the same, but it had been Trump's doing, imagine the media fallout.

PAULMovement 9 points ago +9 / -0

My Dad supports him. My Dad and I aren't getting along right now. I told him I'm upset with him because he seems to be just fine with his son living on in a world designed to enslave that son (me). He just thinks it's all conspiracy theory, it's all in my head. Donald Trump is evil. Joe Biden is America's darling etc. I won't say I hate my Dad, but there are no words for how upset I am with him. He seems to be just fine with his son living a world without free speech, free expression, body autonomy and informed choice, the right to own a gun, a world where the dollar is worth nothing, where quarterly vaccines are the norm and new "natural" viruses are just a part of life. Oh, and a world where I have to check my white privilege too. Then he says, "you're not white, you're half latino." I said, "look at my skin (I'm day-glow white), what color do you think Black Lives Matter sees when they look at me? Do you think they go around asking people's genetic makeup before beating the fuck out of them?" Then he tells me my attitude sucks. Gee, I'm sorry (not really) but I've been watching our country get demolished for the last 8 months and I find it very upsetting. Now we just handed an arsenal to the enemy, imported a bunch of jihadis, and left Marines to die at the hands of a suicide bomber. The worst part is that you fully support the people doing it." Anyway. Sorry for airing my problems here, but I just can't believe my idiot father is that stupid. And you have to be just plain fucking stupid to still be on board with Bijen.

PAULMovement 23 points ago +23 / -0

So she was trying to grieve to him, he interupts her to talk about himself, and then gives up, turns away and gives her "the hand." Good to know he acts the same way in person as he does on stage. What a shitbag. But we already knew that. This shit isn't funny anymore. Gaffes are one thing. Brain-farts and short-circuits are one thing. But now our heroes are dying for no good reason and he just gives "the hand." Our collective blood boils and our collective sadness swells for this woman and all parents who have lost their kids at the hands of Deep State fuckery throughout history.

PAULMovement 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're gonna spin it as: " she wouldn't have died if everyone else on earth and their cats were fully vaccinated."

PAULMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pot activists annoy me more than pretty much everything except leftists. They will do anything to fight for pot, but won't do anything to fight for anything else.

PAULMovement 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have no problem evacuating 10000 Afghanis, but can't handle a few hundred Americans? It's not that they can't, it's that they don't want to.

PAULMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand that we are at war, and I understand lives will be lost. I just wonder how many more need to be lost before the Q crew does whatever secret shit it is that they are allegedly going to do.

PAULMovement 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our government has been a uniparty for a long time. Just because Trump became president as a republican does not mean that republicans are the good guys.

PAULMovement 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's all great and all, but it needs to happen before we don't have anything left to save. Nothing can stop the food shortage that is coming, because all of the crops are being destroyed. Nothing can stop the effects of the vaccine people took, thinking they were doing the right thing. Nothing can stop the FDA from slapping rushed and possibly false approvals on these clot shots at which point, nothing can stop the endless mandates (no jab, no job, no social security, no grocery store, no driver's license.) Nothing can stop the collapse of the dollar, because the swamp is writing checks it can't cash. So if the Military is going to right the ship, great! I'm all for it, but waiting for whatever they are waiting for is only causing damage at this point. Right now, it seems like the only thing that can't be stopped is the Deep State and the Globalists. Not dooming, just calling it how I see it. I still have hope that something good is going to happen, but like I said, with each passing day, more (seemingly) irreversible damage is being done, and all we are getting from our people are Tweets, statements, and delays on things like audits and their subsequent results.

by Robyna7
PAULMovement 3 points ago +3 / -0

Find out how many other people feel like you but are afraid to say or anything or do anything about it. Form a soft union. If one goes, you all go.

PAULMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

"What you can’t provide is what is happening behind the scenes ..." And neither can you. Which means there is a chance that nothing is happening, other than the Deep State just doing whatever they want with impunity. I'm all for there being a plan, but meanwhile our citizens and troops are dying, people are being forced to take a jab or lose their incomes, farmers are being forced to destroy their crops, the infrastructure bill is a done deal, trillion dollar spending package after trillion dollar spending package, so how much worse is it supposed to get? How much more permanent damage needs to be done? Fair question: how bad will it have to get for you to feel that maybe we are in more trouble than you currently think? Do not mistake my critical thinking for dooming. These are legit questions that millions of people are asking right now.

PAULMovement 10 points ago +10 / -0

What a chaotic storm! I hope everyone is fully vaccinated. /s

PAULMovement 4 points ago +15 / -11

Funny, because the injuries from the shots, the assault on our freedom and the destruction of our food supply sure seems real. Why? Because it is. What you are seeing is actually happening. The military is not coming to save us. The military won't even act to save itself, as we have seen recently. What makes you think they are coming to our rescue if they won't even rescue their own? Face it. There are no white hats. We need to act accordingly and stop kidding ourselves.

PAULMovement 13 points ago +13 / -0

Isn't "losing track" of votes the same thing as "disenfranchisement?"

PAULMovement 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is no scientific way to measure what "percentage" at which someone is "protected." This is pure quackery.

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