PaNix 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tell me how u live here 30 years, become a councilmember, and dont get as much as a green card for your spouse

PaNix 3 points ago +3 / -0

This reads like they are trying very hard for an i told ya that doesnt exist. Although i did snort at pres eisenhowers deportation op name. Cheeky dude.

PaNix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next vpns will be illegal across the pond

PaNix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay so my coffee thought was this: its very sad but necessary.... bear with me a bit, im curious what you think. We were told/it was implied that the plan was in place for a long time before things actually started happening and it was more than likely before 9/11. My running theory is as soon as pres kennedy was x our military realised we had a major problem. Likely even before, because of some of jacks quotes. But after that day MI knew they had to act. Fast forward to 2001 and MI knew about 9/11 in the wings but didnt have the constitutional/legislative authority to do anything abt it - not quite - a huge tragedy, but one, God bless their souls, that probably ended up saving the world? Especially if you take from this q post that 9/11 is what gave MI the equal footing it needed to go toe to toe with the intel agencies post 9/11 legislation? Then real planning began. Anyway they bided their time until the last possible second and then decided to strike, on equal footing when they knew they would win. Thats my morning thought after reading this drop.

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you gloss over the truth enough then history says eventually the textbooks will change my friend

PaNix 2 points ago +4 / -2

Well, lets not change history. Russia did invade and start the wider conflict, but only after swatting at gnats for a long time. Eventually you have to take out the nest. Between the nazis on their border paired with the corruption, and the biolabs doing god knows what, and NATO making unforseen plans on their doorstep.... oh also ukraine attavking donbass over and over.... after many warnings they (russia) were indeed the ones that hit "start." We have to tell it like it is. Russia is responsible for going hot and defending their sovereignty; pushing back a massive threat from their border and holding a buffer over donbass.i would say rightly so. But dont change history please. We are fighting to stop that, hopefully forever. The truth is enough.

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plz notice i didnt say truly harmful. I said harmful, truly fake. Quite a difference. The 1st amendment says i can say anything harmful i want. I even was a cav scout in the army defending that. but if a news organization is putting out truly fake news with a licence to tell us the truth, and we count on that, i would say its quite different... fake news massively helped create this whole mess in the first place wouldnt you agree?

PaNix 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didnt listen to or read Bout the round table. If there is no punishment for posting, but there is a gov team under oversight to remove harmful truly fake stuff, qpuld you still think that was a bad idea?

PaNix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything ive learned tends to make me think that the election was stolen in germany. They gave it to the middle right to try to appease but they are people like mitch mcconell. I wonder if it will be exposed

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Believe it or not i had an amazing conversation with gpt a few days ago. Its completely willing to research and even humor my insights and provide thoughts and feedback. I wanted to post it but i didnt know how. It was a pretty long convo and i wasnt sure about character limits

PaNix 4 points ago +4 / -0

I expect them all to be overturned as they make their way up to the SC. So do they and everyone else. They are stalling as much as possible. But the can can only be kicked down the road so far.

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