PaNix 3 points ago +3 / -0

By a "lawyer" not allowed to practice law in CA. He should turn right around and have her arrested and then sue the kardashians for this.

PaNix 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wish more people can see this. This is 3xactly why our current leaders are so intent on doing anything they can to win the election, and if they fail, burn the country down with everyone in it. Otherwise they will be exposed and arrested, the C and F dismantled for crimes against humanity, children, chem and bio weapons, sex and organ trafficking, money laundering, election crimes and treason to name a few off the top. They act like we dont see it, or worse, and what i think- they know we know and simply dont care anymore, h3nce the do anything part. They are trying to goad us into a reaction at this point. Which lets me end with the most important part of the Q plan. Sit back and enjoy, patriots are in control. They wpuld never have been exposed at this level if they coulsnt have been dealt with. America was practically begged to not do anything rash.

PaNix 8 points ago +8 / -0

She probably sold the genetic information of people to big pharma to deisgn bioweapons. Thats my guess

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does it mean though. Whats the practical application when it comes to elections. I need an autist or someone smarter than me to explain why this is important and what the end goal is

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

This reads like vaccines are the wotlds savior anf i should be begging for them to be put into me. Its a fucking disgrace. It makes me think of how people thay dont know what i know, and makes me wonder how they react to bullshit lile this

PaNix 4 points ago +4 / -0

This guy is the current epstein for anyone that doesnt know. He is a very, very bad man.

PaNix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thats probably why hes an intel asset and was directed ti do this is my bet. Not just this but its great info

PaNix 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was wondering if its true that nobody knew trumps location how they got a shooter there. Hannity backed out of the golf outing with trump today.. hmmm Or it was staged and hannity is a double agent and this was used to prove the abc would send a hit. But probably not

PaNix 3 points ago +3 / -0

This guy without a shadow of a doubt works for the abc

PaNix 42 points ago +42 / -0

This is insane. We all knew this would happen again. Its still wild. Its not hyperbole. THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO PREVENT TRUMP FROM RETURNING TO POWER AND EXPOSING THEM. They are exposing themselves. They would rather burn this country down with everyone in it then lose power.

PaNix 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know thats not a bad idea. Use the word kill as much as possible. When i was writing this post and when i think about where we are at, its just wild to me that abortion is the hill these people are willing to stake this country on

PaNix 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is bonkers. The catholic pope shpuld never say something like this. There is one god and everything else is blashphemous and heresy. How did the enclave of cardinals select this man. There is no way they can play dumb. The only way is he was installed by rogue intel angencies that have massive amounts of dirt on most of the cardinals. Which is enyierly believable considering whats come out about priests and positions of power. Imagine whats still hidden.. I wonder if he even truly believes in god sometimes. Because as gods messenger on earth. The top of the catholic church... progressive or not. He should never ever be speaking the way he has since hes become the pope. It truly seems like there are only a few truly catholic cardinals out there.

PaNix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think the doj knows they are going up against mil int? Do you think they believe they still have a shot. Or they know they are fucked. Maybe they are just at the burn it all down stage. Do you think the uppers think abt theit future in jail? Or believe they will skirt it

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