I am A fire protection contractor in California, if your water is purveyed to you via a water meter, you are not allowed to have a storage tank. I offer and can build exterior ember protection systems, we use swimming pools and that's all we can do if water is purveyed!
Our Father Who Art Thow in Heaven " Howard Be Thy Name"
you should be in jail!
Think Hemp Crete!
9 to 4 or 924 look at date stamp
plausible that it was staged: 1. shots heard. 2.trump yells ouch slaps and holds his ear. ( if in on it he may have help with the Blood!) 3. ss tackle Trump, to protect. 4. bystander killed by shot ( or so it appears) think Hollywood. 5. Photo by well known Photographer shows bullet flying. 6. plenty of sound effects. 6. All being shown on TV by major TV companies 1st time they be broadcasting. 7. Overwhelming Patriotic reaction and response. 8. kinda proof of patriots or not!!! Saged or not???? you tell me?
they drew first blood sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they better fix that shit!!!!! Just sayin!!
The eclipse on the 8th of April is Gods reminder of the ascension of Christ from dark to light on the actual crucification day! Just Like a Rainbow is Gods Promise to never flood the whole world again! Now non- believers should go and try and figure out what irreducible complexity means or try and explain it!
Simply, the Ophra! Syndrum!
Just say'n, ?????????? GOD IS LOVE!
what you talking bout willis?
wont last long, Biden side first broken finger nail "WE'RE DONE!!!"
Just bought some, no prescription needed, it says not for human consumption, just like Ivermectin in the paste form, " not for Human consumption", they both have been taken by Humans for many years and they are very effective, at least for me they are!
Looks like Biden in the wheel chair!
Judge Gilligan!
Blue eyes or brown eyes? who's who?
good ol brown eyes!
I swear this guy looks like Gilligan!
when the SHTF! I will then know why God made me tough, cuz right now Im just turn n my other cheek! Its hard for all like me to unite yet it will happen Organically not sure how or when?? yet deep inside me I believe "we as one" who are Believers will prevail!! Signed by A person who knows what tough means!!!!
Just FYI when the wind blows on an Island its always towards the water!
Spot on my fren, again I say, why let them know what your saying, the hardest things are things you don't divulge of course my fren! and how can it be known??????
reversed by ism!
looks Like John Johns face in the Q ?