Why? For your "friend" or for you. If you really want the details go to the source. Either write a letter to him or simply look for the court documents online or in person, and then consider the ensuing actions afterwards.
What's the plan? At least the parts we know. There will be mass arrests of people for treason, etc. and violent illegal aliens. Riker's Isle is being prepped.
It is not the same for everyone. Much depends on the area in which you live. If you live in or near an area with activity, then yes, you are right to plan on stocking up on foods, etc. for the next few months. If you need to leave your house every day for work, then find different ways to go to break any patterns. Take any available vacation time during days when it seems something is happening in your area or call in sick. If you own a business, it may be necessary to close up shop for some time. Keep children home from school if or when necessary. Be sure you have a few neighbors you can rely on for whatever. The idea is to stay off the streets. Can't say if the troubles will be small or large but believe it will be their last public uprising.
Gavin Newsom is a tribalist of the NWO. The NWO wants complete domination of the world. Those within the NWO have given up their ethnic tribalism to NWO tribalism. A world driven by competition is a world of the NWO. Think outside the NWO box.
This response of yours is confusing. It sounds like you are speaking of the findings of tribal societies being spread throughout the world, not of people giving up their tribal heritage.
"The notion that tribalism is "natural" begins to break down when you experience firsthand the richness that comes from interacting with people who have different perspectives, experiences, and skills."
Tribal heritage is different perspectives, experiences, and skills. Tribal heritage is not set in stone. It changes from day to day. It seems you consider tribal heritage as a closed society. It is not.
What is your definition of gentile? The upper echelons of Masons follow another who is not the Christian God.
But who are the "Jews" today? Are they the same peoples of yesteryears? From which of the twelve tribes, or none of the twelve tribes? I don't have the answer.
A particular demographic in Russia and China conducts wide-ranging espionage in the USA and throughout the world.
So he is trying to tame Trump and Vance? Tame to do what? Eat out of his hand? Have noticed he always brings up his father and uncle, never himself. Have wondered what companies he went after -- seems the companies may have been anti-globalists.
Seems they are prisoners of the deep state, which is why I question RFK Jr's true intent. For example, which pharmaceuticals and other industries did he go after -- deep state or other?
He hasn't allowed government entities access to create a backdoor.
Well, that is not the USA's government or any Western nations' government today, so what other country's government has the means?
This is the cabal's attempt to trap European women with illegal aliens from different lands.
Russia has one too. Don't remember where in Russia.
Was the weapon of mass destruction Bush sent our troops to find over a million Christian Iraqis, now dead?
This woman is not the only one saying the same: attack the issues, not the person. It is up to Trump how he wishes to proceed.
She has set herself as an unbiased reporter, but is she? Remember, she can only work with what info she has eyes or ears on.
Trump, along with others, have been forestalling the cabal's moves for nearly 60 years.
OP, the same can be said of all western white nations.
Stupid muslim fighters don't know they and their masters have already lost the war and the world.
The father married up.
Have to say she is upset with the background of the illegals coming into her neighborhood. African illegals are more than welcome.