Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe some marriage counseling may prevent another such episode. I am happy for you and you wife and I prey it works out. Forgiveness will be a cornerstone for sure. Be well!

Paulcpmd 14 points ago +14 / -0

Can’t comment on what they don’t understand

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like any long term government. They have had their good leadership years and their bad.

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was open season back then for those who wear excommunicated.

Paulcpmd 9 points ago +11 / -2

What an Honor! Some famous people have been ex-Communicated over the centuries. He's in good company.... Galileo, Martin Luther, Joan of Arc, Meister Eckhart...to name a few....

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is rumored as to why JFK was assassinated. He recognized Americans were being turned into death slaves.

Paulcpmd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Navy Has a Patent in Antigravity Vehicles. It can be easily Googled.


Note the diagramed design. Triangular shaped with a large cental Bubble like component. Runs on Microwave Tech. It fits a few UFO sightings where soldiers were burned by coming close to such an object. RF waves especially in the microwave range can generate heat at close enough range (like a microwave oven does)

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fascinating topic, and thanks for the replies

Most what I was told about SDI was global espionage. I imagine this was an infancy stage for what we have today.

There have been many benefits that have come out of SDI I know of in the medical field in which I work...3D Ultrasounds, MRI's, I have been told were some of these. I'm sure others on this site can think of far more,,,,

Paulcpmd 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wouldn't that be cool. There were airplanes used in battle long before there was an official Air Force. So who knows other than those involved in the Military how long they have been in space.....

I have heard stories since the 1970's and Reagan's SDI program. No specifics. Imagine how much technology has advanced since then to now...

Paulcpmd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heard that rumor over 40 years ago. Seems to resurface vey 10 years… No proof one way or another. When one takes me on a tour, I’ll worry about it then.

Paulcpmd 4 points ago +4 / -0

This goes into effect automatically if not stopped. We need to get out of WHO immediately! The next “crisis” as they define it will put them in control of everyone’s life. The next crisis they declare may not be a biological one. They could declare gun violence a crisis and call for a lockdown and confiscation and all countries including the US would have to comply per this treaty. The wording change leaves definitions wide open for interpretation by them!

Paulcpmd 4 points ago +4 / -0

So which god does he refer to? Baphomet is transgender. Followers have to make a public display of their faith.

The real and only God is beyond all gender.

Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Leave the WHO!! They have yet to review its response during the pandemic. You would think they would hold public hearings as to what worked and what did not work....so it could learn and do better next time. It is like they do not care about World health!

Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

May God's Love and Mercy cover us all!

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