Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden has just mobilized the Special Reserve. Would this have anything to do with it?

Paulcpmd 9 points ago +9 / -0

Q became known in 2017 but not widely til much later. The Movie Sound of Freedom was made 5 years ago and held from release by Disney. They would mean the movie was in production before Q was popularly known. This movie is not Q, Qanon, or MAGA .

However the movie represents one of the reasons that Q became active. Remember Trump after being elected made this an issue and took actions against it. I do not know the number of pedophiles caught during his tenure, but I remember hearing something like 1500 caught at one point

How many children saved? I do not know. I’m sure someone on this board may know. Several years back there’s an article about a ring taken down and a few hundred children saved. It involved several countries. Even North Korea was acknowledged in their help….now that is amazing!

by BQnita
Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

See what happens come the 4th

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Out of Man’s crisis comes God’s opportunity.

by wrmevlp
Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since the days of J. Edger Hoover, who kept secret files on all political oppenants, when was the top of the FBI not corrupt? I feel for the Agents who truly joined for good reasons and are doing their best to truly help justice is done.

Paulcpmd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad, understandable.

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ever heard of the IMF? Who controls that? Who are the proxy’s on the Board of Directors? Third world and developing countries have to go to the IMF for money. Does the IMF follow ESG guidelines ? Who set the guidelines and where did they arise from?

Paulcpmd 9 points ago +9 / -0

Congratulations!! One day at a time?

From a Friend of Bill's

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ones activities are a person's Karma. The soul enters the body about the end of the first trimester. Would think that prior Karma would have already chosen the most opportune situation for a soul/spirit to achieve further spiritual growth. From then on all decisions are based on the genetics/opportunities/educational/ economic/ and prior karmic experiences.

Karmically we earn the opportunity to be born Human and we choose "yes" So birth is a result of Karma and our decision to accept. We are born at our own consent...

Paulcpmd 5 points ago +5 / -0

Doubt it very highly. What if it leads to a more horrible death. Look at the Adenochrome users. It takes it’s toll.

Blood replacement therapy has been going on for decades in Mexico. Young would volunteer for money a unit here and there. Know of someone who would go once a year. She was elderly and rich…she’d look better(still looked her age) for awhile. She still finally passed away.

Regardless of one’s beliefs…we are here for a purpose for a specified period of time. That time is not determined by a clock or age. Some would say it’s Karmically determined or God Determined. Different spiritual practices, but essentially the same idea.

Beside who want to live forever….life…death…rebirth..etc. it’s all part of the journey! This transcends any amount of minuscule time spent on this one life alone. Why miss out the the rest?

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever Mr. Jones is, he is a showman. I never got the feeling he truly believed in the conspiracies show as he could somehow make money. He is a Charactuer. successful in his own right, but a cartoon character come to life. He says all sorts of things. Whatever sticks is where he then puts his focus. Like the National Inquirer sensationalism and conspiracy theories are his meter. How serious one takes him, is up to the listener.

by IAmOne
Paulcpmd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or leaving….hopefully they hire more open minded, more enlightened people. Wish him well.

Paulcpmd 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've heard this rumor. Now there is published evidence. Falon Gong, as I understand, is a relatively peaceful spiritual group that practice good healthy habits. They are prime because of their general good health. Their crime is practicing a non-sanctioned religion. These are political prisoners, not recidivous criminals and murders.....

How far is this from how the Jan 6 suspects have been treated. Slippery slopes are real. Just check the unvarnished history of on mankind...

Paulcpmd 4 points ago +4 / -0

i do not know if this is Q or not on TS. Kash Patel pointed to it with his first message on TS. So there is some relevance here.

Q mentioned in the past that the “Queen” had to be taken out before the king could be as in chess. We can speculate what Queen is being referred to. Hillary, Queen Elizabeth,…? Maybe reference to someone else who is close to whoever is in charge at a very high level.

The implication I get is to watch and wait, something is going to happen soon involving somebody close to the top….

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can forgive , because it is God who ultimately judges. God’s judgement is absolute. We can only pray for their souls and ours…..

Paulcpmd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for doing the right thing!!

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