Hear Ya
Yeah, but everybody knows that Math is racist...
I'm surprised the prank didn't fail due to "Username and contact already exist" Why does FB even allow such Groups!
Ah...... Oops.. Well Anyways...
Shame on Nike, the shoes are sick enough but the packaging artwork! Wonder if they'll allow a MAGA Shoe, with a lock of that flowing mane in the heal. Limited edition, only 45 pairs at $1,776
That may even out clown their "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests"
Completely agree. You can easy cut and pasta Fauci, or our UK Health 'Scientits' and I'm sure many many more...
In Scotland, our initial Health Minister (knowing the truth or plainly above the rest) broke the early Lock down rules - a trip to her holiday home, outside the 5 mile radius - and within 3 days was vilified out of her job. Yet Pelosi and Newsom remain...
Sell tickets! In fact... A Gladiator Arena where they face "Vet Champions" and 'He' has the ultimate Thumb Up (Publicly confess and pay) or Thumb Down (Pit of Hell) after consulting the Masses opinion ....
#6 - Madness. I can really see the US moving to "Sactuary Cities and States" Not split North and South as before, but Red vs Blue - or Law & Order vs Lawlessness - 1A&2A vs NWO... or Many other "vs" And I know which I would rather work and raise a family in! (If I lived over there)
For a sec... But nah picture just looks flipped. So 'somebody' corrected the Ship name text = Sus.
GREAT Question! Too obvious not to be deliberate and prompt that question. Not that I have any sauce to offer up...
In that case, I recall. My "research" is limited to picking up bits on here. Sounded convincing and for sure a lesson..
Wow! Just Wow!
I've seen pictures, but realise that proves nowt, and you certainly shouldn't take my word for it. But when it forms the basis of the Flynn family lawsuit, then that says enough for me.
Now, THAT is pure talent - Infographics are such a powerful medium and this is a perfect example. And should be rewarded, that must take some effort. I lost my job recently and await my 1st benefit cheque (ever after 54 years) , but would still like to donate whatever I can to support this.
It's like a Redpill version of the classic "A Christmas Carol"
Thanks OP, I trust you more than this, but according to the BBC, the 'Owners' are Japanese? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56522178
And they deserve every penny after what they were forced to go through. That aside, like shooting fish in a barrel, the 'Kennedy Bell' (whilst I believe is not insignificant in itself), is fantastic cover, for what we know he REALLY means!
As in.... "I don't know, what is it, what do YOU think it is.. ?" - cue cheekiest grin....
Sorry Fren, zoomed in, it's not the Netherlands, looks like a middle Eastern flag. Japanese owners, yes.
Very strict validation! Such as 'in the extreme' a Birth Certificate to prove its Mom or Dad. I mean only REAL relatives would have that.
Great info, superbly researched and summarised, Thanks! It sure feels like April (4) Could very well see the start of the unveiling of "The Guardians of The Pedophiles"
Hmm 2 of those 5 Operations 'Partner Nations' directly involved in the "incident" Japanese owner and destination in Netherlands.
Rounded up by Guilty Maxwell in her submarine? Why DOES she have/need a submarine licence? I see the Save the Ocean cover story, but....
This ^^ What IS in those containers. Does it match the manifest?
What about the '78'? If anything, in fact other than a cool puzzle...?