So...are you guys saying that Gavin Nuesome is acctivating the national guard so that they can arrest him ?
A billionaire talking about a comet coming towards earth, says in a meeting to the president: “When these treasures from heaven are claimed, poverty as we know it, social injustice, loss of biodiversity—all these multitudes of problems are just gonna become relics of the past and humanity is gonna stride through the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin naked into the glory of a golden age,”
The average age of a freemason is like 70 and they have been losing members for decades... doubt they will have any relevance at the end of this decade.
luciferase has been in use for many decades for all sorts in the biotech and medical industry. It is an enzyme that gives off bioluminescence so that cells and proteins can be tracked during research. You would not be able to do research without having a way of differentiating cells... Come on guys this is really reaching....
He is so revered that Canada named its national dish after him
The naked mole rat lives long, cancer-free lives.
Technically he is a pre-med student (aka biology major). All he knows is that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
We won the meme war of 2016 (I guess you could call if a campaign, in the grand scheme of things), and went on the offensive
That government cheese is part of the stimulus package.
Ah, a fellow miscer
Poetic justice