Pepplurks2 2 points ago +2 / -0

But see, the wage is $2.13 per hour for servers. Has been that low since I was in the industry, the 90’s. No base wage increase, so the server relies on the tips to make a living wage. Bartenders always made more per hour than I did, but the concept is the same. The taxes were based on the sales.

Pepplurks2 12 points ago +12 / -0

So if he truly does no taxes on tips, then there should be no income tax on anything.

In other words, if I make 200 a day in tips and you make 200 a day for a wage, why should you be taxed and I’m not? That is not fair in the least, and just my thoughts, as someone who has been a tipped worker.

So if he does that, I think all income taxes will go away.

Would be epic!

Pepplurks2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Commie-la is pathetic, can’t stand her! (Sorry, can’t find the password to my original account, pepplurks)