Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything is possible. But we can't just sit back and not think about it as it not being a possibility. We have to start preparing now. It's 2024 or bust.

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well we can't just not think about it. With the way the cheated last time it very well could happen. I'm just being realistic about it. I think we need to have some sort of plan in place if it does happen. We can't just sit back.amd let it happen again and do nothing. It's 2024 or bust for this whole movement we've been apart of. 2017-2024 is 7 years. That was the timeline. We need to start preparing now and not wait.

Pmb1903 3 points ago +3 / -0

Original video link here with subtitles in the video. Sorry for the TT link but it's for the sauce.


Pmb1903 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think it's trump. I think the arrest q was speaking of hasn't happened yet. I think it'll happen when Trump gets back in office. I think it'll be be Biden or Obama. That'll be the only ppl to shock the dems. That would finally let them know that they were truly lied to and make them feel betrayed. That would honestly be a mass pop awakening in itself

Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

But why does it list USA @ 150 but all states independently?

Pmb1903 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd be surprised if burrow wasn't vaxxed either. As a cincinnatian I surely hope he didn't and has a good career for years to come. Both Allen and burrow are great ppl.

Pmb1903 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep that's what I'm thinking.

Pmb1903 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep. I here in Cincy but not at the game. Seen the same thing. And in thinking that same thing as well

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

So basically the govt made this happen as a coverup to bailout Black rock with more tax money

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would of been hilarious if somebody replied to him saying "yea but I don't think he killed himself" 😂😂

Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did I think this was gonna be that gif from years ago...BEES! BEES for EVERYONE!! 😂😂

Pmb1903 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't know when, don't know where..maybe somebody can make something of it. Thoughts?

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't Kanye post about going to MAL to meet with trump and it was raining and there and in his tweet he said something jokingly about VP? I think they are just trying to cause division. Kanye knows he will lose just like he did last time. After that loss he has supported Trump this whole time.

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Biden admin includes Kamala. She won't be able to do shit.beven if she didn't have anything to do with it, which we all know she has, the DNC including herself has benefitted from the extortion and laundering they have done. She won't get away Scott free at all. They don't want just Joe and Hunter, they want them all. And anything that they uncover that exposes the DNC will ultimately implicate important ppl to them in the Senate and house. They will also have a fight with AG garland as well. But If this timeline plays out were looking at 3/4 of the swamp drained by time next election hits. The ppl will hear about the corruption and the rest will be taken care of in that next election. Swamp complete, and DJT back in office at the same time. Sounds almost to good to be true huh? I'm sure there will be a wrench thrown in somewhere though. At this point gotta expect the expected.

Pmb1903 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go ahead and get what you need done. Come January you ain't pulling that shit no more old bitch.

Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

The difference in being divisive narratives pushed through your systems for hundreds of years. Brazil is clearly more awaken then the US

Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

Must be nice mfs..this is what we'll have to sit here and watch. This is like the 3rd country now doing this that I've seen of recent. And we'll just all sit here complacent as fuck..smh

Pmb1903 2 points ago +2 / -0

We the ppl are coming for them. It's only US that can do something about it. We are the only ones standing in the way of making it happen. Boots on the ground. Think brazil

Pmb1903 3 points ago +5 / -2

See the difference is, is that that whole country is pretty much made up of Brazilians. It's not hard to them to be united being all one race. The US is still fighting the race war because certain ppl don't know how to move onto the present and educate themselves other that what the corrupt school systems and radical leaders are teaching. Until that happens, this country will always remain divided. But we will always be no matter what. Some ppl aren't meant to be saved and in the end the ppl who aren't meant to be saved are the difference in standing united as one.

Pmb1903 26 points ago +30 / -4

He literally was president and the whole time was bombarded with ligitigation and slander and your saying him being a candidate protects him? I think not lol

Pmb1903 1 point ago +1 / -0

The post overall was altered or a comment was altered? I haven't altered it since I posted it.

Pmb1903 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not gonna happen. That will be his last run unless he gets congress to abolish the term limits for pres. And in that case you better hope that another dem doesn't come through because they will cheat there asses off to keep Fetterman as POTUS for like 50 years until the plan is complete.

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