Blessed be! Never voting again if GEOTUS isn’t sworn in for a life time appointment. I know all my lady patriots believe the same. The RINO cucks want our votes, but they can’t have them with their soft hands and soy boy beta hearts. God bless our great leader Donald J Trump! MAGA Q PATRIOT women are the sweetest of digital warriors!
The government seized it after his arrest and somebody else bought it. Maybe we’ll get to hear it soon
Applebee’s is where Patriots eat, lefties not welcome! Food for alphas! Don’t ruin my riblet dinners.
Yeah unless it’s a “right to work” state.b You can be fired for things other than mandates. Don’t take the vaccine? Written off the schedule or they find another reason to fire you. Most jobs have no unions or representation. Lawyers cost money too. Not trying to be a doomer, but the cards are stacked against patriot angels of the lord!
Praised be my loves
There isn’t. Hubby is a MAGA doctor. It’s the closest to an actual vaccine. Poison from the tit of Bezzelbub though!!
Blessed be your heart sweet patriot!!
The republicans always cave. It never works out when they do this, thus the reason the Senate has the overall lowest approval rating of any government branch. This stupidity helps nobody but the elites, while hurting so many American workers on all sides.
Now this is science!!
You’re such a brave patriot! May the Devine light shine your way through the wastelands!
Praised be! You’re hilarious!!!
This is going to get bashed to all hell, but as a mother I personally know a guy whose nephew was murdered there. He was devastated and even harder for the parents. I couldn’t even fathom losing a child and for a group of Patriots who lead the way fighting child endangerment I find this horribly upsetting. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but kids were murdered that day. I hope their families have been able to find peace.
Blessed be our lord.
Not sure how many liberals you know but not the ones in my city. They’re still having rallies and driving around with their Biden flags, not wearing their precious masks and saying bad words! It’s insane.
You’re such a brave and courageous patriot! You certainly showed him that big ole brain there.
They’re at like 85% or something. Just checked out the numbers and they’re a small fraction of what they were in January, before folks got vaccinated. They’re doing much better than a lot of the world honestly. It’ll be interesting to see the numbers once this is all said and done. Data has always been quite fascinating to my wrinkled old ass.
I think that site gave my phone the AIDS. Between the clickbait ads and poorly written fan fiction, safe to say none of it is remotely true. Stuff like that is what makes people thing this is all fucking insanity.
This was straight for Trump. This is by no means a win. Brady is making fun of Trump hands down.
This is not a thing dude. Try again.
I have several girlfriends like this. We don’t bother with political stuff because it would ruin a good time. You’re not going to change their minds, so just go see a movie or grab a drink. People will find the truth when they want to see it, you can’t force it.
Praised be!