Praise2G 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is kamala being cocooned in a deep underground military base?

Is sleepy joe in a chrysalis of the crypt?

Good people want to see kamala out for a debate. Who doesnt?

Dear Kamala, please prove to america you are indeed, still breathing, by standing on stage for a brief debate. We have the time. Please bring credentials. And no the fbi and cia already canceled eachother out. We'll have your attorney contact you to arrange. Cheers, All the young dudes.

Praise2G 1 point ago +4 / -3

Heavenly father Bless me for I have sinned I have listened to clif high produce nothing except magic clicks. The man produces 0 substance and happily fools young people seeking knowledge. Please forgive us all for not focusing on YOU and remind us all of our charge and that is to bring forth Heaven on Earth and not datasets ad infinitum. Please father save the young minds from this man and his abhorrent filth.

Praise2G 1 point ago +1 / -0

A true magician never reveals his datasets and their connection to the pseudo intelligent

Praise2G 5 points ago +5 / -0

Take the blood of Christ, it saves by what? I tell you what it doesnt do. It oxidizes and rusts. So it has to be consumed before it does that ? Hmmm what kind of inverted religion of despicable nature would create such nonsense? Perverted! I dont know any God fearing Americans who would ever eat the body of a man demonically inverted and cast into a substance and expect it to make them a blessing. Do you? Go forth among them and do good works instead ! And call no earthly man your father to prove it! Biblical!

Praise2G 11 points ago +11 / -0

Whoever thinks they are so divine that they become this entity deserves to spend a good long time in an icebath!

Satan begone from us, you have no place among Gods little ones.

God sends us a message and satan inverts it! Who would ever think of drinking the blood of a man or a child who is someday guaranteed going to heaven would save sinners? Ugh.

Praise2G 1 point ago +1 / -0

No dooming ought to include no hermetic winking. Dude this is how we got canoodled into this. I ask Lord that you lead us out of our hermetic curses and break all silly useless spells.

Im not posting hermetic wisdom now that i had to get saved from messing with it. No joke. 👎.

God help us if we get fooled again by fooling ourselves! As you did this by accident , consider the word no tres-passing. Its a no brainer. Would you want to draw blood of a democrat? Curse a democrat ? Only democrats and fools think hermetic wisdom is something we can get away with teaching ai about because eventual doom is impending doom to an existential ai. A lot of people dont fully understand hermetics and should not be given trustworthy positions in government like the democrats have been doing forever . I dont want to post videos about it here so go research it and leave it far away from this sight. For the love of mercy

Praise2G 4 points ago +4 / -0

She looks like someone from a popular meme from a galaxy not far away

Praise2G 4 points ago +4 / -0

God in Heaven I am so humbled by Your Grace and beneficience in my life and I ask that you please share the amazing news of Your Son Jesus Christ and the ability of us all to find our life in You through Him .

Please keep Your Protection on those who require it, who diligently put their lives on the line and step into the arena, please keep extra care over those who have fought and will continue to fight against evil by all unfortunate and messy means necessary.

And thank you Lord bestowing upon us the strength to deal with it all as we lift each other up to strengthen the amazing bond you have with all of humanity and its dominion! Amen

Praise2G 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first 4 min of the original is an occult ritual for the audience. So think mirror on that. These people... Yeah idk 🤷‍♀️ i dont have the stomach for it now, pass me the bottle mr jones

Praise2G 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a doc but i hear omega 3 6 9 fats are best. I like to mix salmon oil supplements with gingko biloba and echinacea root. It sure would be nice to have more access to omega 9 cannabis oils

Praise2G 2 points ago +2 / -0

Calendars! Those pesky things! Making us do others customary biddings since before it was cool

Praise2G 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wife literally just started learning options. Shes doing better than I expected but she thinks she singlehandedly crashed the market with her purchases last week. Can ya believe that! 🤣😅😂

Praise2G 3 points ago +3 / -0

Future intelligence will be entirely ai concocted and i pray to God we get this sorted out with the US Military Intel being the eventual arbiter of this technology with absolutely no individuals who know too much of the entire story can be given a head start without causing damage to a delicate situation. Without damaging Lord we ask for your judgement and mercy for all.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0