Johnson ain’t gonna do shit
The play will be for Speaker of the House. Our RIÑO losers will allow her to be “elected” and then the Kalamazoo/ Tampon disaster will be removed.
I checked Oprah, Christy Teigen, Beyonce, and megan fox too. seems like those too have been scrubbed.
Thank you!
Looks like Megan Fox just deleted hers. 2013 posts and nothing after.
i can’t access is that site down?
if people cared about people, this would have stopped decades ago. pets is an incredibly effective story. it has the democrats on the defensive for once. just like we had to for “very good people” and J6. etc x1,000,000
watch for the paytriots try to spin this one. It’s revealing some interesting “this has been deboonked” characters.
i was disappointed to see the Redacted guy trying to take the edge off of this topic.
globohomos moving the overtons window to normalize eating anything because of poor conditions and starvation. think about it…
“Eating ultra processed fake news prolongs your life by 29 years studies show. And why denying science makes you racist, bigot”
The Atlantic
The “Fight. Fight. Fight” detail in a drop I saw posted here after the assassin attempt was a big “whoa” moment for me. Just when i get a little discouraged, i see something like that and it brings me back.
ain’t no way a former president has a motorcade like that.
Joe had it in his power to call out the coup against him. what would they do? i know im day dreaming, but wouldn’t it be awesome if he did call them all out and burn the demon-cratic house to the ground?
or maybe dr jill has one last middle finger to give to them all. she’s been quiet and out of the press, which is very unusual. no way she’s ready to give up the spotlight.
what are the odd of a Jill/Michael ticket? they can recycle the obama/biden props from years past? that programming is deep in the NPCs
we shall all soon see.
What do you believe my impression is wrong and why? Please be detailed. I’m curious.
He’s never seen with Trump. I have held a very unpopular belief that flynn is not who he wants everyone to believe he is.
plainly speaking he’s a turn coat IMO. the more he speaks the more he reveals that he’s just a shill on the outside desperately trying to get back in. I view him as such.
where is this suppose to be from?
some FeMan is gonna take your sperm and turkey baste her genderfluid 400lb scissor partner and birth a poor child into that environment.
just don’t.
I wonder if it’s revealed (finally) that the joe body double farce has been going on for years.
this year is lit
Joe is gonna be mad when he finds out he quit.
that’s very odd.
they all had talking points to not say shot or assassination attempt. or other unapproved rhetoric. and yet, they show the body and bloody face on local tv.
absolutely bonkers
Did CNN live stream any other Trump rally before yesterday?
If no, then they were in on it.
Possible that they could not determine if that was one of their own, or a bad actor.
or they were told it was SS and didn’t shoot first for that reason.
lack of communication between security details is what leads to these moments. they said the same thing in the school shooting in Texas. (i forget the location now).
it’s a pattern of plausible deniability and finger pointing to obscure the conspiracy.
Dana White would be my VP pick
He knows how manage difficult people. Taken a sport from backyard novelty to a juggernaut world wide. business savvy. speaks his mind. would be awesome
If those numbers were real, the dimwits would not be looking to remove brandon. the numbers must be far, far worse. 🤣
Bingo! She’s Indian.
i hope so. because i’m sick to death of israel first policies. if people hate ilian, they should hate schumer/schiff and the rest of the tribe more. she at least does not pretend to hate americans.
americans are generous to a fault. we would collective help the world 1000x over if we were a strong, healthy, and unified nation.
we were once before the kenyan. and the bushes. it’s why MAGA is so powerful an idea. let’s do that. kicking out the dual nationals from government is a good place to start.
It’s worked for another country, which cannot be named because it’s “noticing” too much and illegal (not fully, yet). I’m surprised it’s taken this long for others to catch on. and get upset about it. under no circumstances should this be tolerated.
I’m on a business trip in the Bay Area of CA. Where i’m staying is ground zero for limp wrists academics. i scoped out a bar and saw the soy boys lining up to get fruity seltzer waters and watch the CNN pregame. place was filling up 1 hour before the debate. i heard someone say you needed another reservation to get in. 🤣
Same. but they keep coming back to FB to announce they are leaving.
One called zuckerberg and bezos right wing lunatics. LOL
they are just breaking themselves in half.