Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes by “force”, not by their nature.

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

But Weimar came before the SS, Antifa, Mengele and all that. It seems we are in the middle of a Weimar Republic and a Nazi admin all in one. Like the Covid camps at the same time as printing all the money.

Primetime 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suffer so much and often. I’ve cut out as much artificial foods as possible and avoid tap water. I’m not sure what the chemical is, but I’d like to know to find out if my city uses it.

So what you are saying is that certain chemicals are crossing into the brain and the body’s detox is what triggers the pain. If you avoid getting poisoned you avoid the pain.

My questions. Why only some people experience this? Bad gut lining?

Have migraines always existed or is this modern?

Any relation to childhood shots or pills?

Primetime 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hear he’s deep state and the fall guy for the first impeachment. He says the right things sometimes, but also gives himself away. Remember, he wants us to forget about Trump. If Trump was considering him, he would have spoke to him about it already 50 days away. Careful who you follow.

Primetime 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where did they get this real shot at the early stages when they were in early trials stages? The people running the experiment would be the only ones with access to give it, I think.

Primetime 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know, I know. But this operation was done on the elite’s terms, not ours.

Primetime 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people will only understand if there are side effects reported. Infertility effects of child vaccines won’t be noticed. Only sudden death or sudden paralyzation, and only if it’s reported as a direct side effect. Even then, people will think their vaccines are the good ones. The reality is, as we know, that injections could be a vehicle for anything including a weapon. Could be a slow-acting stealth weapon. Could be medicine. Just because it says you will get polio immunity doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll get.

So unless some bad side effect is reported in the mainstream, the population won’t understand.

Primetime 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know people got shingles after their injections, but m pox seemed to be on genitals and mouth, and I remember the story of dogs getting it. It seemed like a real STD, not a shot side effect.

I remember there was no isolated real-world covid. Just computer models. She may just assume the same for all hyped up viruses going forward.

Primetime 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hate how two commies made a plan based on a theory about white people, and now every elite organization and the masses are going along with it full force x 100.

No pivots. No alternative ideas. No compromise. No adjusting to current times and situations. No ethical concerns. There are so many theories in the world. How is this one still going generations later with every single mainstream force behind it? Seems unreal.

Primetime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of gold or silver?

Primetime 3 points ago +3 / -0

So who was coming here saying she always smiled like that the whole event? Trying to deflect. Check into their account history.

Primetime 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I guess suicide weekend will be bunch of killings reported as suicides.

Primetime 7 points ago +7 / -0

Was he a never Trumper in 2017?

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