Commissars Cletus and Jamal don’t gaf about degenerate loonies, those will be first against the wall, lol
I have a couple of poms I love to death. I also have a Dane and a full size Lab. My house is a zoo.
I’m not going to remain super optimistic about white hats if the steal happens again. Even good guys can lose.
Well on a mock up stage designed to look like the White House, but yes he does wield the pen and signs a lot fraud.
Uniparty Banana Republicucks
Also don’t upvote if you have/had a penis.
I remember him looking very calm, suspiciously calm.
I missed that, what was the nickname?
Niggardly naggers
Antisemite means “n______”
Is she actually dead? Or just hasn’t been posting.
Her pickled brain and her fag criminal husband are liabilities
I don’t understand this at all
Elon the Hatchet Man!
Yes I did, I can confirm the link I used no longer exists
Apparently the tweet was deleted? I saw it earlier
He likes Xi, but keep in mind you can like and respect an opponent. I don’t know what to think of Xi. Asian culture and politics is so foreign to western thinking I don’t really grasp it.
Definitely homo
Socialists gonna socialize.
Netanyahu was one of the first foreign leaders to congratulate Biden on the steal.
Nah, he just wants it to be easy and painless.
I mean glad he’s optimistic. As always though, we shall see.