Just moved out of Wisconsin. Damn. I'll make sure my Wisconsin pepes know about this.
That's exactly how I feel about it. People think it's cool, which is fine by me. I think it's cool, too.
Always love going to pow wows, haven't been in a few years though. I'll have to take my future wife (current gf) and her daughter to one one of these days.
Native here. Even if the kid were white, the vast majority of us would not care and would not be offended.
Stupid ass liberals always being closet racist.
Submission. All will do as told.
Looks like a fat crybaby lady-man.
Wouldn't know, never had small pox.
Enjoy your herpes varicella reactivation.
Life expectancy doubled as modern plumbing became more widespread.
Bet she's a jew. One of those fake ones.
Not naturally born? A test-tube baby?
Why are non-vaccinated children healthier than vaccinated children?
If vaccines were invented in the late 1800s, then why did we survive so long without them?
Disease wasn't lessened because of vaccines. Disease was lessened because we stopped living alongside our waste and we began better hygienic practices.
I'm talking about big pharma vaccines.
God gave us an immune system. Who are we to think we can do better?
Why would I want bovine dna injected into me?
Was never a liberal. Knew everything was corrupt as soon as I started paying attention in middle school. Considered myself separate from either party.
Then I learned I was a conservative, it's just that there were faggot globalists in control of my party.
I, for one, disagree. All vaccines can kiss my ass.
I really wanna see Richard Madcow (Rachel Maddow) facing a tribunal.
Makes perfect sense here in Clown World.
"Two plus two equals four, except when four identifies as five, in which case two plus two equals five."
-Faggot teachers
Directly? Do tell!
Bring back shaming gays.
The cabal somehow made being a faggot look "cool" to kids, so they're choosing to be fags in much higher numbers.
Sheeeeit, we're probably all on several lists!
My cousin was head-hunted to go to Harvard. He toured and tried it out, then noped the hell out of there.
Proud of him.
I hope to see traitors swaying in the winds of a certain storm.
Awesome breakdown.
Liberal faggots